ganzua (@ganzua)

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  • @ganzua


    It is quite interesting :) . Perhaps “top topics by posts” and “top topics by views” will overlap.



    I’m trying the plugin right now, so far everything running ok



    “ganzua, “headers already sent” means you have left white space before or after the plugin you made (or edited)”

    ooops!, I’m going to check but I think I just copy/pasted



    this plugin gives me a “headers all ready sent” error

    In reply to: Limit long words



    Whenever I try to activate this plugin I get this error message;

    Plugin could not be activated; it produced a Fatal Error.

    In reply to: k2 for bbpress



    Hey linickx, great theme, I love it!

    In reply to:



    The site looks great in firefox!

    do you integrated avatars as well?



    “I doubt I will add lines/characters countdown meters anytime soon but will keep them in mind. ”

    -> just a suggestion, don’t worry

    “To see a signature somewhere else you’d have to call

    echo add_signature_to_post(”);”

    -> I mean for example in profile.php

    “I only worked on signatures for a day or two, it’s very very beta.”

    -> well, it does its job!



    There is a couple of things that could be useful but I have no idea how to implement; a warning text displaying how many characters and lines are still available in the signature field and the possibility of moving the signature field to any other places.

    If I wanted to include signature in any other place is there any function I can call?



    this style

    ‘.signature {clear:both;border-top:1px solid #222; font-size:85%; color:#777;padding:1em;}’

    that appears in the plugin control panel is not working for me neither unless I copy it in the stylesheet



    and I just checked, fieldset is stylized in the style sheet and I fixed a width in pixels there.

    I don’t know if this is a problem with my custom theme or if anybody else is having the same thing. What I’m going to do is to create a class “forumsignature” in my style sheet, I’m going to define a width in pixels there and next I’ll change <fieldset> for <fieldset class=”forumsignature”> in the plugin.



    It doesn’t work for me :) It is widening the whole table but I think the sproblem is tag <fieldset>. Removing this tag solved the problem.



    “I only used a table to match what is already being used on that page by default and there may be future structures that need a table.”

    Yep, I guessed so

    “The svn doesn’t seem to be updating the versions on the extend page here so here’s a direct version:

    I’m going to give it a try right now



    “ganzua, that’s not all that helpful.”

    Well, If undestood quite enough this quote;

    “What I’d like to have is that same bbPress login form show up in my WP page so that if users are logged in they get the welcome/view profile otherwise they can log in/register from anywhere on the site.”

    We solved this same thing here, ;



    we solved this issue in a previous thread, just make a search :)



    “Do you mean inside the edit profile page?”

    Yes, the edit profile page

    “You’d need to reduce the <table width=”100%”>

    but maybe also textarea style=”width:90%;” “

    -> it didn’t work. <table width=”30%”> only reduces the form area

    “Are you using a custom template?”

    -> yes a 800 x 600 two columns, narrow column right

    “I am now removing width=”100%” from the new/next version.”

    -> well, I’ll wait. Does it need a table? Perhaps a div plus some css would be better.



    I can’t reduce signature table width. Is it defined in line 83 <table width=”100%”> ? I can reduce the form but not the table where it is included.



    Hi ck!

    I’m going to try your plugin in my own computer but before I need to clean up all changes I made for the old one. If I notice any error I’ll report.

    Thanks for your work!



    “or there is a large demand.”

    well, I’m not large but I do demand :)

    “It’s very easy to apply filters to the signature just like the post text, smiles, auto-close tags and a whole bunch of other tweaks and security could be easily added.”

    and all these too



    I’d better remove signatures from the template till the plugin is updated



    It didn’t work :) It reports errors whenever the template calls the signature.

    Perhaps this kind of stuff should be included in the core.



    Hi fel64!

    (my computer died almost one month ago and now I am where I left then :) )

    “Just use the filter get_profile_info_keys instead.”

    -> what do you mean? adding that function to functions.php?

    In the previous bb press version and in order to make signature plugin to work, you needed to add this in functions.php;

    “find the get_profile_info_keys() function, which should be on or around line 1761. In the line that starts with array(‘user_email’…, add the following code before the last “)” in the line. Note the comma.

    , ‘sig’ => array(0, __(‘Signature’))

    This will add the signature field to the profile edit page, enabling users to input their own signatures.”

    Now there is no such function in functions.php

    In reply to:



    “The black, green and white really works.”

    -> I agree!

    I’m thinking that literally translating “tags” is not a a good idea because in spanish it doesn’t sound very meaningful. Same with wordpress “categories”, it sounds strange.

    I’d like to suggest anyother word but I still haven’t found a good one :)

    In reply to:



    “ps: it is in Spanish… “

    -> pues te ha quedado muy chulo.

    I saw people posted images. Did you set any kind of automatically image resizing?



    BTW, I’d like to suggest developers to put all translatable stuff in the template and no to follow the wp way.

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