ganzua (@ganzua)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ganzua


    I’m aware of that :) but sooner or later, template things should be placed in the templates folder, I don’t know, perhaps a new functions.php in all templates.

    BTW John, do you know where can I find some info in custom loops? I’d like to build a loop like this one that I described here;



    A week ago, before bbpress 1.04a I tried all forums for wordpress that I know and the only one that I could make it work was simple-forum plugin.

    I was on the point to start working on this forum but I don’t like it at all because it is too complex and because I wanted to accurately match the template of a new custom wp theme, forms, buttons…

    With simple-forum this task is a hard work as result of all its bells and wistles

    Fortunately, bbpress 1.04a came out and I can develop my projet quite easily, despite the fact that it still needs more development and perhaps more literature.



    Sorry, I answer to my own quistion; :)

    After deep integration bbpress uses wp language file, I just cheked it. I think this way is better because then you don’t need to load two language files.



    Ok, thanks :)

    and does bbpress use wp language file or do you need to have a separated .mo for bbpress? if so, inside what folder? bb-includes/languages?



    Hi Sam! thanks for your answer;

    A my-languages directory would probably be the way to go.

    Well, then bb-config.php needs to have last lines changed :-) ;

    // Change this to localize bbPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to 'de'
    // to enable German language support.
    define('BB_LANG', '');

    I tried a my-languages and a bb-languages folder but no way.

    Can you link to the language files you were trying to use?

    I had an old .mo file stored in my hard drive. I think it was for bbpress 0.7 or a previous version, not sure.




    I’m giving a try to a deep integration. I want to load bbpress in my wordpress theme so I have a modified bbpress kamukei where I load wp header, sidebar and footer.

    I installed bbpress 1.04a, I activated the new plugin, edited wp-config.php as plugin required, I founded that all this still didn’t load wp header and I modified bbpress bb-config.php with;

    define('WP_BB', true);
    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {
    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-config.php');

    Now, it seems everything works ok; bbpress loads wp-header, I have access to bbpress control panel, both, admin and users can post, I can log out… I’m going to keep my beta-testing and I’ll further report but I think Sam did it :) so CONGRATULATIONS.

    I’m not sure that I’ll want to load bbpress functions into wordpress so far because what I need is all the contrary; to load wordpress into bbpress so I can have a very simple and integrated forum. However, having the bbpress control panel integrated into the wordpress panel would be great.

    The idea of bbpress as a plugin is very nice but Sam is totally right when he stated that we have a stronger foundation as a stand alone. Perhaps that little plugin as a “bridge” is the way to go.



    Hey Sam

    What’s the file you changed? Is it possible to download from here?



    OK, this is fixed in trunk now. Just a stupid error on my part in a new function.

    I’ll see if it’s possible to re-release the 1.0-alpha-3 or maybe just bump up to 1.0-alpha-4.

    So, what did it happen? Is it the fix already included in the download right now? I’d like to give it a try :)



    Perhaps there is a way.

    This guy;

    integrated wp 2.6.3 with bbpress;

    meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.6.3"

    We are missing something.



    Thanks for your answer John :) Then there is no way to go further :(



    Well, since logins didn’t work I thought it was the missing secure salt, but it could be anything


    Where did you originally generate the keys, from the WordPress random url? I'll report that bug to them if that's where you got them from.

    Yes, keys are from the WordPress random url. I’m not sure if this is a bug, I think ¡t’s a problem with bbpress utf-8 encoding and foreign computers that are iso-whatever.

    Besides, I’ve found more problems in my bb 1.0alpha – wp 2.6.1 b2 integration attempt;

    1 I can’t find a secure key salt in the last wp version.

    2 Logins integration seems to work fine but as soon as you include


    all is messed; I lost the settings link on the dashboard, add new topic didn’t work, when no logged in I get this meesage instead of the last poster of a topic;

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in D:wampwwwwordpressbbpressbb-includesbackpressclass.bpdb.php on line 360

    I’ll report more errors if I find any



    Hi ck! (great integration guide, BTW)

    I managed to make a basic integration with bbpress 1.0 alpha and wp 2.6.1 beta2.

    However bbpress reported an error in line 19 of its config file.

    Checked and it was the cookie keys that are not well fetched. Perhaps it is a problem with foreign computers and character encoding, I don’t know.

    Where it says;

    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '1234´´´56789');

    it is appearing;

    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '1234');

    Maybe the ticks and php. I solved this issue by copy pasting the right keys from wp config file.

    In reply to: 支援中文字吗?



    ” 谢谢,我看到中文字了。”

    -> that’s what I’m always saying!



    I’m realizing that I have more undefined pages. I have a custom login page here -> , ultimate tag warrior pages, for example this one;

    Besides, some single pages are not tall enough to put two ads blocks in the sidebar.

    Where did you read how to build ” is_smthing () ” functions? I wonder if I coud build one for is_login, is_tag (I presume this one will be solved in wp 2.3), is_aparticularfolder.

    Is it possible to build a conditional tag for page height?. For example; ” if it is taller than x number of lines then put two ads blocks”.



    thanks a lot for the explanation fel64!



    Thanks for the explanation, do you have to put && insted of ||

    “By the way, the backtick ` that indicates code is on the top left button on most English and European characters. :)

    -> sorry for that because I have it quite difficult, I’m using a german keyboard and OS is in Spanish :s



    I uploaded to my web so anyone else interested can check.

    Thanks for your help fel64!



    oops! sorry, I didn’t define what happens whe is_bbpress(), I just exclude it.

    now it is working;

    <?php if (



    { ?>

    <!– one ad block –>

    <?php } elseif (


    && !is_bbpress()


    { ?>

    <!– two ad blocks –>

    <?php } elseif (is_bbpress()


    { ?>

    <!– half ad block –>

    <?php } else

    { ?>

    <!– no ads –>

    <?php } ?>



    Well, more or less this is working but now bbpress goes to the last “else” statement and I don’t know why;

    <?php if ( is_page() )

    { ?>

    <!– one ad block –>

    <?php } elseif ( is_single() && !is_bbpress() )

    { ?>

    <!– two ad blocks –>

    <?php } else

    { ?>

    <!– no ads –>

    <?php } ?>

    I haven’t try your third option yet because I didn’t understand quite enough.



    Thanks again fel64,

    I tried the second one because it seemed the easiest to me :) and I think it is working ok.

    This -> ‘ && !is_bbpress() ‘ means “exclude bbpress”, doesn’t it?

    The first one, ” elseif “, is quite interesting -> in my wp custom theme, I turned index.php into a cms which displays what’s new in the whole web, and I created a static page called “blog” to display the “blog” itself.

    Well, with this configuration, whenever you make a is_home statement , the function points to the static page I created and called “blog” and I can’t find the way to make the function to point to my custom index.php main page. Perhaps because the static page I called “blog” has the loop?



    “What’s the actual problem? How are you using it, what do you expect it to do, what exactly is it doing?”


    In my wp-bb integration, bbpress is integrated in wordpress and the forum uses the wordpress sidebar. I want to insert advertising blocks in the free space that I have in the bottom of the sidebar.

    I’m trying to use wp conditional tags to display different ad blocks because in some pages I have space enough for one block, and in other pages I have space for two or three blocks.

    In wp single pages I can display at least two 120×600 blocks so I’m using is_single() but I realized that these blocks are appearing in the bbpress forum too! and I just have no space enough for them so I want to change them for a 125×125 block when the forum is displayed or perhaps I could remove all ads when bbpress displayed.

    So “How are you using it” -> after copy/pasting your function in my theme functions file, I inserted this code in my sidebar;

    <?php if (is_bbpress()

    || is_archive()

    ) { ?>

    <!– 125×125 block –>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if (is_single()

    || is_page()

    ) { ?>

    <!– 160×600 block –>

    <?php } ?>

    “what do you expect it to do” -> showing different ads blocks in the sidebar when bbpress displayed

    “what exactly is it doing” -> is showing the blocks I set for is_single ()



    Hey fel64

    I tried and it seems to work until you make an is_single() statement because then, wordpress takes bbpress subpages; topics, profiles… as if they were wp single entries.

    Is it possible to catch the whole bbpress installation with your function?



    Hey fel64!

    Thanks for the answer. Do you know if is it possible to copy these functions in your wordpress theme functions file?

    In fact I only need to define one conditional tag; is_bbpress(), so I can display different advertising blocks in the wordpress sidebar when loading bbpress.



    “hi, I have the same problem. Has anyone found a way to integrate and change the language without errors?”

    I managed to translate a wp-bb integration but I don’t know if you are going to like my workaround;

    1. edit bbpress config.php and in define language section point to your wp language file with this code; ‘ define(‘BBLANGDIR’, ‘wp-includes/languages/’); ‘ (change for the name of your language .mo file)

    2. edit wp language .po file and insert there your bbpress .po file. In other words, copy/paste all bbpress entries at the end of wp .mo file

    3. Open with poedit and try to save this modifed file. You’re going to have +-100 duplicated entries in an error log. Delete all duplicated entries, one by one, so you can save.

    4. When you save with poedit you produce 2 files; .po file and a .mo file. This .mo file is the one you want. Now you have translated both; wp and bbpress with just one .mo file.

    I do know that this workaround implies a lot of future problems and I don’t like it at all but I didn’t find any other way.

    I hope someday bbpress will appear as a plugin for wordpress.

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