fel64 (@fel64)

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  • @fel64


    There is none. You make this setting in config.php.



    Avatars is easy to integrate – takes just a few lines of code if you’re using Louisedade’s Upload Avatar plugin in bb. There’s a good post count plugin in the plugin section I think, if what you want is to get the post count from WP also then you just have to rewrite the query for $wpdb. You can get quicktags for wordpress, it comes up after a google. Emoticons: I believe that bb grins (not in plugin section, search the forums themselves) is a port of the WP version. So it’s all possible, and if you have any problems just ask. :)



    That’s strange, I’ve personally found 7 to be pretty reasonable with CSS. Got a link so I can check it out?

    I’ve fortunately got pretty different results on my website – only about 1/5 of users are IE6ers. Significant but luckily it doesn’t include me. :D



    1. That’s true. I’m personally ditching IE6s, they deserve what they get.

    2. Sorry! Just add overflow: hidden; like bobby suggested and they will simply be cut off – also like this forum’s template when a username is too long next to their post.



    I don’t handle the first issue. What you could do is change the <td class="num"> to this:

    <td class="num authorlist">

    Then at the bottom of your theme’s style.css add:

    .authorlist {
    max-width: 75px;

    or similar. You can add a similar max-width rule to the style for .threadauthor to the same effect: in FF and IE7, they will not exceed the intended width.

    You don’t make stickes, you promote them: just above the “Move this topic” bit when you edit topics there are links to Stick topic (to the forum only) and (to front) (so it’s at the top of the front-page list too).

    In reply to: Theme not working



    Are you running it on Xampp or similar? The problem might also affect windows servers, can’t remember. Check any output page’s HTML, looking for a <link media="screen" type="text/css" src="example.com/style.css" />, and copy the src value here. It’s likely malformed, containing backwards slashes which FF doesn’t like.



    No attachments here, but you can use something like Rapidshare or similar. Not sure what you want me to email you? But you can email me the files: fel64 not at loinhead.net

    The not at part is sarcasm



    I think it is a problem with the databases. Looking at bb-includes/db.php, the error “Cannot select DB” occurs when mysql_select_db() fails (search the file for “cannot” to get to the right bit). Since there’s no error about not enough parameters, I assume that mysql_connect() was successful but I’m not sure about that. It’s one of the two IMO.




    You’re going to have to save the page HTML output, the images in it and the stylesheets, zip ’em up and put them up for downloading, otherwise I can’t help you.

    I do not recommend two mostly identical seperate stylesheets for the two browsers. If you need to use two different stylesheets, then you should have one main file that both browsers get and two much smaller files that account for the quirks and necessary hacks. Code duplication is never good.

    You can fix mysoberlife.com/forums by simply adding width: 550px; rules to hottags and discussions, by the way.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Alright, just put in lots of echo commands telling you what’s going on. Rename this file bbsync.php and replace the old copy with it.


    You do not have to make a new post in WP, just pick one that isn’t synchronised and click save – it will work just the same as though it were new. Copy and paste the output you’ll hopefully get.



    Sorry. I meant, replace line 43 (the one that says include(my-plugins/ranks/config.php)) with this:

    include_once BBPLUGINDIR . '/ranks/config.php';

    and see how it works.

    In reply to: bbSync



    If you look in FTP, there should be a file just called error_log, or at least there is for me. Not that familiar with it. Anyway, just open that with a plain text editor and read what it says. There’s probably one in most folders, not quite sure how the errors are distributed to log files so it’s worth looking in root, htdocs or public_html or similar or in your wp plugins directory. Perhaps someone else can say more specifically? My guess is it would be in your public html folder (or whatever it’s called).

    It’ll be organised by date, just look for the right time and any errors occuring in bbsync.php.



    There should be a constant, BBPLUGINDIR, that you can use to add an absolute path. Lemme check.

    [Edit] BBPLUGINDIR you can use. You’d do something like this:

    include_once BBPLUGINDIR . '/ranks/config.php';

    I think. No linebreak, bb is being odd here. One line. [Edit once more] Nope, it’s the CSS – it’s changed to overflow: hidden; so it wraps. Why, Trent?! Purrlease can we have overflow: auto; back?

    In reply to: bbSync



    No. I mean that the account you log into WP with is the one you log into bb with. That bb gets its users from wp_users and not bb_users. The plugin gets your user id, then sets that to be the active user in bb. I guess if the user id is present in both tables it doesn’t really matter, you might just be posting with the wrong account. Hmm, maybe that’s not even a requirement. Cool.

    Anyway! Why won’t you talk about finding out the error message? That’s the only way to fix this.

    If you like, I can make you a custom version that will echo everything it’s doing. It wouldn’t be as useful but it would do the job.

    In reply to: bbSync



    That’s right, to the best of my knowledge it just needs the user tables to be integrated. I suppose I could actually change it so you can set the account you want to post with, if anyone cares for that?

    Sneaky, the only other steps should be to configure the plugin. I need some info on what’s going wrong!

    By the way, I prefer lower-case fel64 or just call me Felix. :)



    Like medden said, presumably: gdr_config.php should be renamed config.php (and needs to start with <?php too).

    In reply to: like5.com



    Are the double linebreaks at the start of every post intentional? Each post seems pushed down to the bottom of the post area.

    It’s a nice site, what’s the idea behind it?

    In reply to: bbSync



    Yes, I’m fairly sure that’s where the problem is. Anything in your error logs?

    Luckily once this is fixed if you simply edit any non-synced posts and save them they will be synced :) Unfortunately the topic time will be whatever time it is when you first saved that post.

    Grab 2.2, not only might it make things work for you but it’s always safer to upgrade anyway. I don’t think that the 2.1 branch will be maintained, and there’s a very serious XML-RPC issue in 2.1.2 that leaves you very vulnerable (note 2.1.3 isn’t worth upgrading to as I don’t think it’ll get more fixes).



    Pravin seems to have a solution. The moderators would have to add a section to the profile and then conditionally change the code to Pravin’s if that’s what the user set. If Pravin has the solution, everything else is trivial (in complexity), but it will mean some coding and modification of core files for someone.

    In reply to: favorites in profile



    I think that’s a tricky one. The code block that makes the output of favourites is below, but since it checks if( $topics ) the actual getting of favourites I guess happens much earlier on in bbPress’ execution. Can’t think how you’d get around that easily.

    <?php if ( $topics ) : ?>

    <table id="favorites">
    <th><?php _e('Topic'); ?></th>
    <th><?php _e('Posts'); ?></th>
    <th><?php _e('Freshness'); ?></th>
    <th><?php _e('Remove'); ?></th>

    <?php foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : ?>
    <tr<?php topic_class(); ?>>
    <td><a href="<?php topic_link(); ?>"><?php topic_title(); ?></a></td>
    <td class="num"><?php topic_posts(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><small><?php topic_time(); ?></small></td>
    <td class="num">[<?php user_favorites_link('', array('mid'=>'x'), $user_id); ?>]</td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    In reply to: favorites in profile



    What do you mean? Favourite threads? I don’t think so, like you see in the “Favourites” section of your profile, right?



    Again I recommend looking at the sizes of each page served. Firebug can do that for you under the ‘Net’ tab.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Fix for the checkboxes – thanks Sneaky!

    Oh, and what versions of bb and WP are you using? I’m using 1.0-alpha and 2.2 respectively.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Did you back up your databases? Then you can restore them until it’s figured out :)

    Have you checked your error logs? I’d expect a fatal error if it goes blank. That could really help.

    No problem, did it for myself. Just sorry it’s not working for you yet!



    Depends on your theme/templates I think. The default template is very small; I think files go between 15 and 20 kB. Obviously avatars can add a lot to that and whatever else you want to add to your theme (if anything) can too. But it’s not really about the software behind it that determines the bandwidth usage.

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