fel64 (@fel64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @fel64


    Have you tried normal htaccess rules?

    In reply to: bbSync



    No, I think that means that your status is no longer keymaster. I also had this problem. Open phpMyAdmin, go to your wp_usermeta table, Browse it, click edit to modify the MySQL query (this is potentially fatal, be careful).

    This query will hopefully show the record you want:

    SELECT * FROM wp_usermeta where meta_key = 'bb_capabilities' AND user_id = 1

    If your user_id is not one you will need to change it. You should now be seeing a record like this:


    That would make you a keymaster. If the record is like this, however:


    then you got turned into a regular member. Click the pencil to edit this entry and replace the member thing with the keymaster value (make sure this is your account!). Save changes and check bb.

    Be careful, the databases are crucial. This worked for me, but it’s not guaranteed to work or make things better – I can’t see risks but there might be some!

    In reply to: bbSync



    Now activate it! Go to bb-Admin > Site Management and activate “Error Logs”. Then a tab appears in the Site Management sub-panel also saying Error Logs.





    These aren’t, like, options you can set. You have to edit the style.css file to change the way things look and sizes of things. To change the actual content and ordering of the content you have to open the corresponding .php file and edit the HTML. So you have to figure out HTML and CSS.

    Colours in the .css file are set using hex colour notation. It can be a funny system to get used to. This seems to be a site where you can pick your colour and be told the version you need (in the format #028453, where the numbers can be anything from 0 – 9 or a – f). Then replace all references to the light blue colour (#CCCCEE) with the colour code you want.

    To change header size, you have to add some width rules to the #header element. http://www.w3schools.com/css/ is a great guide.

    To eliminate the hot tags, open the file front-page.php with a plaintext editor (such as Notepad) and remove a section similar to this:

    <div id="hottags">
    <h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>
    <p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php tag_heat_map(); ?>


    Those are the things you asked about. For everything else I suggest you do it the hard way, by yourself, learning off the internet. Because if you have a problem and you can fix it, well, you no longer have a problem. But if you’ve got a problem and you don’t know how to fix it you might have that problem for a long time. Also Firebug is the most helpful thing you could possibly have; it lets you make changes (not permanent) to the CSS that you can instanly see and you can look at the HTML very nicely too.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Yup. If you have any backups, take data from that, else fill with some fake data.

    In reply to: bbSync



    This is the function that checks if you’re installed.

    function bb_is_installed() { // Maybe we should grab all forums and cache them.
    global $bbdb;
    $installed = $bbdb->get_var("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->forums LIMIT 1");
    return $installed;

    Your database version must be correct because it connects ok. Are you sure there’s something, anything, in bb_forums?



    There’s an array you can manipulate to _add_ to the profile info certainly, not sure if you can also subtract from it. Worth pointing out that spammers are dumb things that won’t know if the field is there if they’re automated, at least AFAIK. You’d still get the same spam registrations but wouldn’t be able to recognise them.

    In reply to: as was



    Yeah, in your theme’s template file register-success.php. It’s not bad grammar, it’s actually a bug; it should read

    Your registration as Username was successful.

    I’ll go submit a trac ticket.

    Make that “I’ll go have submit a trac ticket which are #669.”

    In reply to: bbSync



    Hey, got that to work surprisingly quickly, all that file stuff was new to me. This (bb) plugin should work on .8.2.


    Tell me if it finds any error logs. I hope all servers handle it the same! I think mine is Linux so if yours is Windows then maybe it won’t work, I dunno.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Sneaky, sitting on some code to look through error logs here but it’s working at what you might call a sub-optimal level in several respects. Gonna brood on it some more, sorry to still leave you waiting. Will upload it when it works.

    In reply to: Presentaton menu



    Keymaster is what you should be in bbPress. I believe that Keymasters can promote others to Keymaster, e.g. I have the option to set my own user role to Keymaster. Since you don’t I think you’re just an Admin. You need to be Keymaster to change the theme.

    In reply to: What’s integration?



    Yeah. Don’t make the bb prefix the same as the wp prefix! Might have to reinstall.

    In reply to: Presentaton menu



    Can you go to the database, find wp_usermeta / bb_usermeta and look for any entries regarding yourself? If you’re also running WP, there should be one for that too that sets you to Administrator and one that sets you to keymaster, if you’re not running WP there should only be one and that should set you to be keymaster.

    In reply to: Presentaton menu



    Check that you’re still keymaster. I once had the problem that I was randomly demoted during an upgrade.

    In reply to: Presentaton menu



    That’s pretty weird. Have you tried going to bb-admin/themes.php? That’s its default location.

    In reply to: What’s integration?



    Reinstall won’t help you!

    When you log into bb, you also log into WordPress, but not the other way around, right? Trouble logging in is usually a cookie problem.

    Add this to your config.php:

    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->cookiedomain = '.example.com';

    and this in your wp-config.php for wordpress:

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.example.com');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    I think that those are all the things you need to set. Give it a go.

    To get www.community.example.com you need to set up a subdomain. This is usually done in your control panel. Bear in mind that some hosts have restrictions on numbers etc.

    In reply to: New posts deleted



    Yes! Being a bozo is not a good thing. Only the bozo can see their own posts I think.

    In reply to: dodeca.org.uy



    Hey, I really like that! It looks great. The black, green and white really works.

    The link colour is a bit confusing though. Tag links are light blue when hovered but nothing else is? They’re text colour normally? The biggest change (backround to black) is when you hover over the table row, yet you’ve still gotta hover over the actual title. Then people’s names are always light blue yet only sometimes links, while the actual link under their name is text colour. It confuses me ;) I think you’d be better off just sticking to green and black, because that does work really well and it’s one damn cool design.

    In reply to: User Count



    Hmm, that’s a new bug (it didn’t to do that before). Pagination also uses that too large number of users. Made a ticket for it: #666.



    I think there’s quite a bit of stuff in template-functions.php too, although not sure if it’s just HTML markup or needs translating.

    In reply to: Integration with WPMU



    Thanks for posting the solution, then :)

    In reply to: bbSync



    Anton, no. 😮 But looking at your site I see you have a password-protected post, which reminds me I should deal with that.

    Sneaky, cool!



    But it’s cool that you got the fix out as soon as you found out.



    Go to Tools > Folder Options > View and select “Show hidden files and folders”. Then copy the contents into http://pastebin.ca/ and link to it.

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