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In reply to: WordPress/BBPress Single Sign On
You may have to add
$bb->cookiepath = '/';
to your config.php if it doesn’t work straight away.
In reply to: Installing phpMyAdmin on my web serverI believe that the forum name has to be edited in config.php.
Yes. In theory and hopefully in practise, all customization is done through plugins and templates.
The excerpt you found online is correct.
The favourites feature is already present. It is a core feature, not a plugin.
In reply to: Plugin: bbCode for bbPressDid it not say what the fatal error was?
In any case, at a hunch putting
if( !function_exists('force_balance_tags') ) {
in front of ck’s code, and
before the
bit, could fix it. I don’t run it myself so this is a long shot.In reply to: WordPress/BBPress Single Sign OnShould be. If they are on the same domain, it is certainly possible. In a small set of cases you will need to add two simple lines of code to your bbpress config.php. What URLs do you (want to) have bbpress and wp at? Tell us and we can tell you what code to add.
I don’t know. But they have 306 plugins
Looking through the documentation, it’s quite interesting but you’ll find writing plugins much more difficult. It really requires you to understand, or at least work with, OO (extending classes and the like), whereas in bb you can do well with just functions.
I’m not sure I understand. Is this a technical problem with bb or a conceptual problem with your idea?
If you make fake accounts so you can post threads with the right dude’s name, and the right dude turns up later, just give him your fake account. That’s not automatable by default, you would have to manually edit the profile to set their email and then let them set their own password. But it would work.
Do you have the right dude’s permission to post his jobs?
Changing the width of the theme is easy; all it takes is a single change in a CSS file. If they hard-coded the width into the HTML, they deserve the extra work.
I think that if you use they backticks on an inline basis the overflow is hidden, but if you use it for paragraphs (specifically: backtick is in line above your code, I think) the overflow remains.
For example, a really long path like
or whatever will be cut off. If there had been spaces, it should wrap.But a paragraph of code will have the scrollbar.
Plugin Name: o/
function withareallylongnamethatjustneverstopsandthefunctiondoesn'tevendoanythinguseful() {
return true;
}In reply to: Punbb -> BBPressck, unless you know how many people run bb and wp integrated, when you know only the number of problems any conclusions you draw from them are meaningless. There’s nothing nasty about the cookie issue apart from that some people have to add two more lines in their config.php. The username issue is annoying but doesn’t apply to everybody and all you need is a plugin.
It integrates pretty well in that it integrates users. Somewhat more difficult doing that with forums that use a different table structure to wp.
wp and bb together won’t create a land of milk and honey. But it has its good sides, and it doesn’t just have users because people didn’t know the alternatives.
The reason is that people think it would be bad for the community if this became a place to compete for money.
In reply to: User name not show on registration successful page.Can you please report this bug on trac? Thank you
In reply to: Missing Argument for Get_User_Profile_LinkAre you using .8.2.1?
get_user_profile_link() doesn’t actually have any required arguments in the newest version (, line 1070). I can’t understand why you’d have a problem like that.
I don’t think it needs to be used in the loop. It does if you’re not going to provide arguments, but this is an error generated by PHP not bb. Any variables passed to it that would have been set in the loop but aren’t set outside it would simply be passed along, without an error, albeit unset.
In reply to: Questions Regarding a Terrible InstallSince you thanked me for this already … not a clue. Cannot help you. If no-one else here can, I suggest you look up a forum that helps with either of those things.
[edit] … but you’ve already found help about this in another thread. Coolio.
In reply to: Questions Regarding a Terrible InstallThe RSS feed link doesn’t change anything. The link is merely there so you can find the RSS feed more easily, so that you can subscribe to it if you so wish – but it doesn’t publicise this or anything like that.
What’s the thought? That posts should be editable indefinitely? Bear in mind people won’t check back to check for edits; usually they’ll only check again if they see a new post.
In reply to: Questions Regarding a Terrible InstallThis isn’t about the files. This is about the databases.
You need to use phpMyAdmin or another tool to get rid of the old tables. If you do not know how to access your databases in this way, contact your host.
The “already installed” message occurs after bbPress checks your databases for an entry in, I can’t remember, bb_forums or bb_topics. While there is data in those tables, you cannot install again. That’s why you need to get rid of them. You also need to get rid of the other bb_ tables because it will try to create new ones with the same name.
In reply to: Questions Regarding a Terrible InstallDrop your tables. Open phpMyAdmin, look for the database you set and delete the tables starting with ‘bb_’ (or with whatever you set in config.php, if different).
In reply to: WordPress plugin integration tipsPrototype is being phased out in both wp and bb I think, in favour for jQuery (18 kB).
I really like Ajax. o/ Where in bb is it being used where it’s not needed? If you’ve got a better implementation, make it and submit on trac (or just propose on trac).
In reply to: SQL syntax error after installNot a clue. Maybe that host’s MySQL version doesn’t support SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS on *? Or something. Your best bet is to report this problem on trac as the bug it is.
In reply to: User-editable Custom TitlesYou need to write a plugin that will be called on a hook in the profile, where it adds to the associative array
an entry with key ‘bb_title’ – I think. To see how to do that, look at some other plugin that adds fields to the profile info thingy.In reply to: Usernames with spaces do not workI guess everybody’s a masochist.
In reply to: rebuilding topics DBIf you use
you should get the appropriate table name instead.In reply to: bbSyncI think that the
entry is wp’s capabilities entry. Does that refer to the member id you have when you publish a post?(Hmm, bum)
There are duplicate topics made? That’s interesting. Can you check bb_topicmeta to see if it’s added anything there? It should have done.
The error in line 275 arises directly because of the error in line 271, so it can be ignored for now
In reply to: bbSyncThat’s not a crash, warnings don’t make the server crash or even halt execution of the script. Have you looked in the usermeta table to see if it is actually being duplicated, and that another duplicate entry is added every time this runs? Does this happen when you publish a new post only, or also when you save an already synced one?
Try removing $bb_roles from the list of globals that you added to config.php. There seems to be a problem with that. I don’t understand what’s going on in line 271 – the second parameter should be a function, but it’s providing an array? – but that’s involved and that’s the only thing that comes to mind.
I think it’d be easier to add a page that redirects to the user’s profile page. Otherwise you’d have to change core files. You should submit a trac ticket because it seems like a good idea.
In reply to: infobox ie/firefox differenceI think that IE7 does not recognise the
<br clear="all">
as it should – kakumei was designed pre-IE7, I think? Try playing around with the HTML; can’t test it myself unfortunately since the problem is in IE. Maybe<br style="clear: both;"/>
will work?In reply to: WP Blix theme forum tab highlightI think you’d check for a bbpress global, like $bb. But how did you get it working in the end?