chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    Do you have access to the error logs to see what the error might be?

    The config file should have 0644 permissions at most, so that’s not the problem.



    Here are the requirements:

    What does this mean?

    created/pasted the content of the config within bb-config.php

    Also, the relevant info from your phpinfo(); would be the PHP version and the MySQL version. Thanks.



    The screenshots are too small for me to be able to see the directory structure. When I resize them larger, I lose the details. Do you have larger versions you can post?

    In reply to: changing tag list view



    It looks like the default for that function is a list, but table would also be accepted. But the other choice, table, would just return (i.e., I don’t think they ever finished that, but were maybe planning on having other options.)

    function bb_list_tags( $args = null )
    $defaults = array(
    'tags' => false,
    'format' => 'list',
    'topic' => 0,
    'list_id' => 'tags-list'

    $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );

    if ( !$topic = get_topic( get_topic_id( $topic ) ) ) {
    return false;

    if ( !is_array( $tags ) ) {
    $tags = bb_get_topic_tags( $topic->topic_id );

    if ( !$tags ) {
    return false;

    $list_id = esc_attr( $list_id );

    $r = '';
    switch ( strtolower( $format ) ) {
    case 'table' :

    case 'list' :
    default :
    $args['format'] = 'list';
    $r .= '<ul id="' . $list_id . '" class="tags-list list:tag">' . "n";
    foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
    $r .= _bb_list_tag_item( $tag, $args );
    $r .= '</ul>';

    echo $r;

    I hope someone else can come along and show how to do this with a plugin.



    You can post the images on a photo sharing site like or or, then post the URL here.

    In reply to: CSS failed to load?



    It’s styled perfectly here with the default kakumei theme:

    And that stylesheet is right where you say it is:

    [~/]$ curl -I
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 18:40:14 GMT



    You never mentioned where you installed it. Your host said it was here:

    You say it’s here:

    So, where is it? Can you print a directory listing of the folders on your website showing where bbPress is installed in relation to your Blog folder? Screenshot is OK. It’s almost impossible to help with something like this remotely. Someone needs to be there to look at the directory listing and be able to say “oh, it’s installed over there, you need to access it at THIS URL.”

    If this is your web space:


    Then Blog needs be be here:


    And bbPress should be installed here according to what you said about ‘forum1’:




    On an apache web server, the file and folder names are case sensitive. I noticed you used Blog before (capital B) and Install.php here (capital I) – are you certain the folder is actually bbpress (lowercase) in the root for your domain (on the same level as the Blog folder you already installed)?

    If bb-admin were actually at, these would come up fine, but they do not:

    So where did you really put the folder and what is the name? Capitalization matters too, so post here what it actually is.



    Ohhh, for the first post, toddmccalla, you were installing bbPress as a WordPress plugin, that was the problem. bbPress is not a WordPress plugin.



    You have to add it in two places in front-page.php. If you look closely, you will see where. It’s just another row in the same table. You changed the header of the table already, and you changed the sticky portion of the table (and if you changed that before but didn’t have a sticky post, you would not have known you changed it because there was nothing to display there, so your change would not have been used for anything) you just have to change the next row, a little further down in front-page.php in your template. You’ll see it if you take a look.

    In reply to: Header Invalid



    bbPress is not a plugin for WordPress. It should not be in your wp-content/plugins folder. It will be installed right along side WordPress, not inside WordPress as a plugin.

    Right now you have WordPress installed in a folder called “Blog”. You need to put bbPress in a folder called “Forum” or whatever public URL you want your forum to be known as, and start the installation there. is you put it into a folder called “Forum” at the same level as Blog in the directory tree.

    It’s not a plugin for WordPress, that’s why you received that error.



    Can you post the URL to your forum please?



    You could just replace the contents of your template’s front-page.php with this code to redirect the visitor:

    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

    Just change to the URL where you want people to end up.



    For issue # 1, you might want to try hidden forums:

    For # 2, in the “started by” data column, just use this in your template’s front-page.php:

    <?php topic_author(); ?>

    You said “started by” right, since “last poster” is already there, right?

    In reply to: “deep” integration



    you should be including wp-load.php instead of wp-blog-header.php.



    Do you have access to the server logs? That 500 error should be logged.



    Agreed – file a ticket.

    It’s also pretty clear the problem does not always occur (some links are OK, some are broken) so the problem is dependent on some other factor, maybe something specific about the actual replies that are in the results.



    1. I see you’re using 1.0.1. I would recommend upgrading to the latest to see if that happens to fix it.

    2. I added a tag to a topic, and I do not have the [X] to remove my own tag. Why can’t I delete my own tag?

    There is also some additional functionality where it shows ‘tree’ by ‘chrishajer’ – that’s not there by default, so how is that being added?

    This error does not occur by default in bbPress, so there is something specific about your installation. If it’s not the template, maybe it’s a plugin or something else you added.



    I have a 1.0.2 installation and the forum_description call looks like this by default:

    <?php forum_description( array( 'before' => '<small> – ', 'after' => '</small>' ) ); ?>

    Did you try modifying that array to send before and after nothing?

    <?php forum_description( array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '' ) ); ?>

    Worked for me, on the front page. Or are you looking to modify something else? This modified the forums listed in #forumlist at the bottom of the front page.



    In style.css, you would just switch the width and position of the #hottags div and the #discussions div. Instead of what is in style.css now, you would have something like this:

    #front-page #hottags {
    margin-left: 610px;
    width: 150px;
    overflow: hidden;

    #front-page #discussions {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 590px;

    That’s untested, but that’s basically the procedure. You’re just moving the tags right and the discussions left. You could do it with floats as well but it’s not done like that now.



    My guess out of your list of plugins would be the mass delete users plugin. Maybe the post counts and pagination rely on the user being a valid user or something? I would disable that plugin and then do a recount and test.



    Have you tried a recount in the admin? Maybe there was something caught as spam or bozo, then rescued, and the count got messed up? Can you post the results of recounting here?



    If you change the page 6 to a page 7 in the address bar, your post comes up. It looks like an issue with pagination. The front page and the topic page showed only 6 pages, but there were actually 7 pages and yours (and another, and now two others) were on page 7.

    So what plugins do you have that would affect pagination? Anything that would hide posts for any reason? Looks like bbPress is counting up enough posts to show that there are 6 pages, but there are really 7. I suspect the post count is wrong on the front page too (it said 180, but there were probably more like 180, assuming 30 per page.)

    What version of bbPress? And what plugins?



    Hmm, backticks converts just the numeric entity, converts both numeric and named. Weird.

    [code] converts both numeric and named. Weird.



    & # 228 ; ä

    & auml l ä

    & # 246 ; ö

    & ouml ; ö

    those are wrapped in , just testing.

    [code], just testing.

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