Where did you download the files you uploaded?
Also, on your local desktop… is there a folder /bb-admin/ with the file install.php in it?
I downloaded the bbpress1.0.2 files from this website–bbpress.org. And yes, the folder does have install.php in it, but for some reason is not being seen on the server….
On an apache web server, the file and folder names are case sensitive. I noticed you used Blog before (capital
and Install.php here (capital I) – are you certain the folder is actually bbpress (lowercase) in the root for your domain (on the same level as the Blog folder you already installed)?
If bb-admin were actually at http://latestartermusician.com/bbpress/bb-admin/, these would come up fine, but they do not:
So where did you really put the folder and what is the name? Capitalization matters too, so post here what it actually is.
Thank you Chris, but the only folder title that is capitalized is my Blog link. The rest is in lowercase letters.
The folder is in my server. My domain name is http://www.latestartermusician.com. The “Blog” part is wordpress which I would like to integrate with bbpress. I put the bbpress under the directory forum1. But it still brings up the page not found error http://www.latestartermusician.com/forum1/bb-admin/install.php
Wow, I really hope I can get it to work. Bbpress seems like the forum I’ve been looking for.
Thank you for all of your help so far.
You never mentioned where you installed it. Your host said it was here:
You say it’s here:
So, where is it? Can you print a directory listing of the folders on your website showing where bbPress is installed in relation to your Blog folder? Screenshot is OK. It’s almost impossible to help with something like this remotely. Someone needs to be there to look at the directory listing and be able to say “oh, it’s installed over there, you need to access it at THIS URL.”
If this is your web space:
Then Blog needs be be here:
And bbPress should be installed here according to what you said about ‘forum1’:
I took some screenshots. Where do I send them?
I changed it to forum1, thinking maybe reuploading some of the files and changing the name would fix the problem. So, yes it was originally /bbpress/ but now it’s /forum1/
As you will see in the screenshot, I believe all the folders are in public_html
You can post the images on a photo sharing site like photobucket.com or twitpic.com or imageshack.us, then post the URL here.
The screenshots are too small for me to be able to see the directory structure. When I resize them larger, I lose the details. Do you have larger versions you can post?
You can’t see this? I see it just fine on my end. I can’t find a way to make the pictures any bigger.

Hi there, jumping in on this discussion. According to your second photo in this last post, you’ve a bunch of files where they shouldn’t be. If you uploaded bbpress via ftp, (I highly recommend Filezilla, and it’s free), it should look something like this:
As you can see, there is no install.php in my forums folder, and there are the folders bb-admin, etc. It seems like you somehow may have uploaded the files w/o maintaining the file structure.
Thank you so much. I will give an update soon.
The new ones you posted are much larger, or maybe it’s just the computer I’m using today. Yesterday they were 320×240 or something tiny.
As summae says, you are missing some folders. There should be subfolders under forum1, but there aren’t any. You need to upload all the files and folders exactly as they are distributed by bbPress. You should at least have these 4 folders once you install, directly beneath the top level forum1 folder: