Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Logout and login problems
Staffan, are you using pretty permalinks, mod_rewrite?
from config.php:
// Set to true if you want pretty permalinks.
$bb->mod_rewrite = false;
what is your setting there?
In reply to: Template: refresh modified for bbpressI like the theme. Looks like you have the “-1 freshness” problem with the posts though:
In reply to: Sometimes strange search results (no post_text?)–selfish bump–
I coded around this (hack!) to make it work with PHP5, but is anyone seeing the same type of results that I was with PHP5?
In reply to: tag.php access issueFYI – you should remove the phpinfo.php file, for security purposes.
In reply to: tag.php access issueGoogling a bit for htaccess and godaddy doesn’t give me much hope for that solution. Let’s hope there’s another one for the root of the problem.
In reply to: tag.php access issueI would be interested to hear if you can use .htaccess, even though it’s unsupported. It’s also possible that they allow some things in .htaccess and not others. Maybe their solution is to rename all .php files to .php5 (not a good solution IMHO.)
A separate issue is if the switch from PHP4 to PHP5 is actually required or if it appears to fix the problem coincidentally.
In reply to: tag.php access issueIs it possibly related to cookies and the domains they come from?
This problem can sometimes be caused by
disabling or refusing to accept cookies
My error was with Firefox on Linux. Maybe it’s just coincidental it went away when the scripts were parsed by PHP5.
In reply to: tag.php access issueMichael, I do not have an .htacess in my templates directory. I wonder why switching to PHP5 makes this problem go away?
In reply to: tag.php access issueThey will not offer to support .htaccess, but that’s OK as long as they let you use it.
Put that .htaccess (make sure it starts with a period) in your forum root, with the line:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
in it.
Then, make sure it’s working. Create a file called phpinfo.php in your forum root. Put this into it:
Then, access that URL
. The resultant page will have the PHP version at the top. You want to see PHP5.x.x there, not PHP4.x.x. Try it both with and without the .htaccess to see if it changes. If it’s already parsing php files as PHP5, then we have to dig into what’s not working. If php files are still being parsed as PHP4, the we need to figure out if the htaccess is working or not, or in the wrong location or something.In reply to: Request: “Thank You button”bb-ratings is not the same thing, but maybe useful?
Required 0.74 (according to the plugin page.)
In reply to: Error for tags.phpI know this is old. Yes it’s safe, this just forces the server to execute PHP scripts as PHP5 instead of PHP4 when the file extension is PHP.
If you have PHP5 installed on the server, this works fine and is safe.
In reply to: tag.php access issueAdding this to the .htaccess in the forum root did it for me:
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
Basically, you need PHP5 to prevent that redirect error. If your server has PHP5, then this will resolve the issue for you.
This problem was mentioned and resolved here before:
In reply to: Slashes being added in front of apostrophesI have bbpress and wp on the same database too, and I don’t have a problem with either one. Looking into the gpc_magic_quotes or where addslashes and stripslashes are used.
What type of quotes are added, single or double?
Also, do you have a URL where this can be experienced? Looking through the code, there are a lot of slash-things in there. I would like to narrow the problem down by first seeing it. Thanks.
In reply to: how many posts can bbpress handlepost_id on my install (.073) is defined as a BIGINT(20). BIGINT can take values up to 2**63 which is 9223372036854775807 assuming all positive integers, which the post_ids are.
In reply to: Slashes being added in front of apostrophesThat’s different from my install, my magic_quotes_gpc are “on” and “on”. Now to find out how to get around that for your server…
What version of PHP are you using? That phpinfo() will tell you, or from the command line, I think
php -v
Also, do you have the ability to use a .htaccess file?
In reply to: Slashes being added in front of apostropheslarmir, do you have an example URL where we can register and test this out? Also, does Dreamhost have a phpinfo() where we could see about magic_quotes_gpc and magic_quotes_runtime? If they do not have that file, can you create a file on your server called info.php or phpinfo.php (name does not matter so long as you know it) and then, in that file, put this:
That will give all sorts of useful information, including your magic_quotes settings.
In reply to: Request: Post Edit TimesI also agree that posts should be locked after a while to prevent editing. I hate rereading a post I thought I already read, and finding new information there because they edited it after I read it the first time. Maybe the post_time could be updated when it’s edited? Then it would keep bumping to the top?
I don’t know how to make a plugin yet, but here is what you would change in the core bb-includes/capabilities.php, comment out lines 348 and 349. That seems to do it for me.
if ( $curr_time - $post_time > bb_get_option( 'edit_lock' ) * 60 )
$caps[] = 'ignore_edit_lock';
In reply to: Registration email queryCheap hosts sometimes get blocked too, no matter what type of email is sent from them. So, Yahoo! might be blocking all mail from It has happened.
Good luck.
In reply to: Registration email queryI don’t know the ‘official’ answer, but I have had several users register a new name with an old email address (their username was spelled wrong or something) and they got their email and it works fine.
To test, I just re-registered myself with a new name and an old email address, and it was received. I am on a gmail account. I do know that MSN, AOL and Yahoo tend to be aggressive with their anti-spam, and there are a lot of false positives (I know this from other business mail I send.) user_email is not a UNIQUE field in the database either. (I am integrated with WP – not sure if it matters.)
I suspect it’s spam filtering catching the emails.
In reply to: Release notes for bbPress 0.74Very nice summary so1o. Thank you. Now I need to document the changes I made to .73 and make sure I carry them over into .74
In reply to: Problem?If you download bbPress again and unzip it locally, you can compare the directory structure. Above, I listed the top level directory only, but there are folders with more files in them. I suspect your folders and files did not make it up intact. I would list all the files from my install, but it’s a pretty long list and would be a mess to display. If you download bbPress again just to compare listings, I think you will see the problem.
Basically, it’s the files within the subfolders that are missing (I think).
In reply to: Problem?That’s good you figured out the missing files part. If you are getting the TXP error page, chances are more files are missing, and it’s creating a 404 (page not found) error that TXP handles. Do you need more help with that?
In reply to: Problem?Sorry, I just meant, where are the forum, WPMU and TXP all installed?
Is it like?
for bbPress/home/aless/public_html/txp/
for TXP/home/aless/public_html/wpmu/
for WPMUCan you verify that all the files made it up when you uploaded them? Like, when you FTP in, can you get a listing in the forum folder that looks like:
Maybe something is missing there? (you might not have my-templates or my-plugins – those were created later)
Does the bb-includes directory have permissions of 0755 or
?In reply to: Problem?Sounds like your path is wrong in config.php maybe. Can you describe your directory structure, and then what does this line in your config.php say?
$bb->path = '/forum/';
It should have the preceeding and following slash there.
In reply to: forumsWaiting for the gallery pics ….