chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    Is it possible it has something to do with the DOCTYPE?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

    in the site, where the charset is correct, and

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">

    in the forum where it’s not correct. I think the DOCTYPE declaration affects the character set. See here:

    I’m not sure if you can change the DOCTYPE on the forum without creating other problems (it’s not the right solution since the forum validates as XHTML 1.1, not transitional), but maybe there’s something at the w3c site that makes sense to you.

    Good luck

    (p.s. this is just a wild guess.)

    In reply to: Newsletter by email



    If you integrate, your users will be in WordPress, and then you can search over at for mailing list or newsletter.

    In reply to: Newsletter by email



    OK. So you are not going to spam them. They will agree to opt in. You are going to create the content of the newsletter manually. You just need to use the emails from your registrations to send out the newsletter?

    I know this exists already for WordPress. Is your forum integrated with WordPress? If so, then you’re already done: just add the WordPress plugin. If not, then I think you’re requesting a plugin.

    In reply to: Newsletter by email



    I for one am not sure what you are looking for.

    Are you looking to use the email addresses from the bbPress installation to send out an email newsletter? So, the registration emails become your mailing list? What will the newsletter content be? Is the content from your forums? And if so, what content will be sent?

    Also, if people did not opt in to your newsletter (they just registered on your site), you could be spamming them with a newsletter they didn’t ask for. That’s illegal in the US (CAN-SPAM compliance) and might be illegal in other countries too.



    Could it be related to the extra closing </li> around line 181 in the rendered source of the front page? (I doubt it, but just taking another look.)



    It does fix the page where you “add new” though, right? So, what is different between the front page and the “add new” page? That’s where you’ll find your problem I think. Look at the modifications you made and find out what is different between the two pages (front page and add new page.)

    It definitely does not belong there and is not needed on the “add new” page and it fixes the layout issue there. I did not try removing it from the front page.

    Also, you can validate the xhtml which will point to some problems too. I use the Web Developer extension for Firefox, but you can manually validate your pages here too:

    In reply to: query/php problem



    I don’t know anything about your plugin, but why not put the OR in the PHP, similar to how WordPress checks for pages or posts:

    <?php if(is_home() || is_single() || is_page()) {


    } ?>

    Maybe you could put the logic in the PHP? I don’t understand what the plugin does, but the value in the database seems odd to me.

    so, for your application:

    <?php if ((bb_get_location == front-page) || (bb_get_location == topic-page)) {

    give the ID;

    } ?>



    Sorry, I can’t get the site to come up:

    all do not work (404 page not found error.)

    Do you have another example of what you are working on?



    You have an extra </div> before <div id="sidebar">. Remove that and I think it will be fine.

    In reply to: IE Display Problem



    Sam, no problem. Since CSS3 is still a draft, I just use the CSS2 validator here:

    (CSS 2.1 is selected by default on that page)

    I also just use the CSS validator that is built into the Firefox Web Developer extension by Chris Pederick. I highly recommend it.

    As for the comments being less standards based, they’re just ignored as comments by smart browsers. While they’re not based on any standard (like much of IE itself, it seems) they were created by Microsoft to address problems like this.

    I just do what works to make things work in IE and posted the info in case someone else was having a similar problem. YMMV

    In reply to: AWFULL DESIGN



    Where can I get some of these so called “gentlemen’s remedies”? The profile is STILL not updated!



    I do not see an issue with the layout. Can you post a screenshot that shows the problem you are describing? Maybe I am missing something obvious.



    In style.css, can you do something like this:

    .threadauthor {

    margin-top: -20px;

    margin-left: -110px;

    /* overflow: hidden;*/

    position: absolute;

    width: 95px;


    So, no more hidden overflow and move the threadauthor up 20px, which lets it bleed over to the right into the post area, but it doesn’t overwrite any text.

    For the few instances where the author is too long, this might be a good solution. In my forum, less than 5% of the users have used a long name.

    Another solution would be to make the font smaller or tighten up the font spacing, or even jigger the widths of the columns, but those are more major surgery for a simple display problem.



    I wish I were a mod so I could nuke the spammers!



    Usually those “cannot modify header” errors are due to whitespace before the <?php or at the end after the ?>

    Is that possible?



    I think this is the specific TRAC ticket to watch:

    In reply to: My Template







    Interesting, your problem sounds just like this other one which is also unsolved:

    In reply to: RSS links not working



    Do you have an example of the site where the RSS feeds are not working? Mine work fine, as do the ones on this forum, for me.

    I am using Firefox What browser is your trouble with?

    In reply to: for each question



    That is a very interesting short circuit. Thanks for that one ear1grey.



    Your forum is at not . It’s unstyled since the path is wrong. It seems to me that you changed the config.php to put the forum in a directory called forums but left the folder name as bbpress when you unzipped it.

    Can you check that and rename the bbpress folder to forums?



    This just happened again and I know why it happened now. This was with Firefox on XP and Linux (I was able to reproduce it.) Open two windows or two tabs, with your forum loaded. Log out in one tab. Go the the other tab, now try to log out again (since, without a refresh, it still says you’re logged in, but you’re really not.) That’s when this error occurs.

    You can also create it by entered this in your address bar when you are not logged into the forum.

    The first part, not being dumb, I can see, but with this “specially crafted URL” (ha ha) it should not error. The software should check if you’re logged in before attempting to log you out.

    In reply to: My Template



    Hi, I see a couple things.

    You’ve made the div #header 800px wide, but the div #main below it is only 760px wide – they need to be the same if you want the header image as wide as the div below it. Also, the left and right margins should be auto to match the div below (handles screen resolutions down to 800×600 that way, and is centered on anything bigger.)

    So, this in your div #header in the style.css:

    margin: 0px auto;

    width: 760px;

    That makes the header graphic spots.gif as wide as the ‘table’ below it. If you want it to be as wide as the page, that’s something different altogether.

    Since you removed the bbPress circle logo, you might also want to move the #header h1 over to the right a little bit:

    right: 10px; instead of the 59px there now.

    Hope that helps.



    Couple things I see:

    1. The file actually begins with <?php right?
    2. The line where your password is defined has two single closing quotes. Is that a typo from editing or is that how your actual file is?

      define('BBDB_PASSWORD', '******'');

      ……………………………………..two closing quotes ^

    3. is the name of your database host actually mysql, or should it be localhost or some other host name (if the MySQL database is on another server)?

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