Forum Replies Created
OK 971 it is then. There was another post in the past few hours with a similar problem.
In reply to: Add a new page?To start a new topic or reply to a thread? I think it would be easy enough to have a form on a page that submits to bb-post.php, but how would it keep all the topic and reply stuff straight? (I guess that’s not your question, but I just can’t get past it.)
I don’t think you would call a template page directly though. Those template files are called by bbPress files in the root folder. So calling one directly is probably not intended.
Just thinking out loud. Not sure how to accomplish it but it’s interesting to think about.
In reply to: I get this error messageThis is a common problem with the latest release, especially on GoDaddy (and Dreamhost too, I think.) Anyway, the problem you’re describing has been fixed in the trunk releases but not in the public release. The best thing to do would be to download a later revision like r971 or r980. See these posts from sambauers:
Here is the page where you can download r971 (probably your best bet):
In reply to: I get page not found for install.php???Sorry you’re giving up. It’s not normally this difficult.
I looked at your site and see that there is no wordpress in the URL, the pages are just:
I do see in the source of the page that the path to the theme is in a directory called wordpress…
I think we’re in big trouble if someone with and IQ of 145 can’t figure it out.
404 errors cannot have anything to do with your database config settings. If you cannot access install.php, something else is wrong with your config or possibly the .htaccess rewrite rules for WordPress. I’d be willing to bet it’s from rewrite rules. If you’re interested in taking a fresh look at it, can you post the config.php?
In reply to: Key Master not be edited?That seems bad that an admin could change the keymaster password. I guess you would be trusting the people you make admin, so it’s mostly a trust issue. But I like your solution as well.
In reply to: Pretty Permalinks Not WorkingCan you post your .htaccess?
Using the currently available packaged release of bbPress has got to be frustrating a lot of people. Most people, I would guess, just want to download something and have it work, not deal with patches or trying to guess which revision is best suited (is it 980 or 971?) to their situation based on the WordPress version and whether or not they’re integrated.
At the very least, it should be a FAQ or sticky that explains how to do it, before the questions come…
Thanks for the correction Sam. Any thoughts on this post I made with regard to a new bbPress release to fix all these database issues people are having?
In reply to: Key Master not be edited?Why not create an admin or moderator account and see if you can destroy the keymaster account?
In reply to: Let’s collaborate on bbPulp.orgI think there should be a new release before 0.8.4 that fixes all the stuff that was messed up with db-mysqli.php and the usernames with spaces or special characters in them. Call it whatever you want, but I don’t think those fixes should wait until 0.8.4. Just look through this forum for the number of people who have had database problems. Having a release or at least posting a sticky on how to get revision 980 seems like the right thing to do. Right now 0.8.3 is broken for a lot of people. It makes bbPress look bad.
In reply to: User name not show on registration successful page.In reply to: DB access problem in the first installation step.revision 980 (scroll to the bottom and download the zip):
Discussed here:
and here:
It is fixed in the latest development version, I believe. There just hasn’t been a release that includes that functionality.
In reply to: Extended descriptions for forums?You could always do it in the template files to add something to the forum page based on what forum you’re viewing. That would be OK if you have a small number of forums where you could define the extra information in the template files and not have to go back and edit or add too often.
How many different forums are we talking?
In reply to: Installation woesIt doesn’t look like you upgraded the installation properly. But your issue so far has nothing to do with bbPress. All those errors are from WordPress.
That looks to be a pretty common error:*wp_terms+doesn%27t+exist
In reply to: Posts lost :(If they’re not in the database and you don’t have a good backup, the only possibility I can think of is the binlog for MySQL. That’s probably not possible on a shared host.
You might want to turn off Akismet in your config for now, to see if that’s what caused the problem.
In reply to: Email all users from bbpressYou could extract all the email addresses from the database with a tool like phpMyAdmin. I don’t know of a plugin that does this. If it’s a onetime thing, I would just grab the email addresses from the database with a query like:
FROM bb_users
ORDER BY user_email ASCWith all the email addresses, then just send out a mass email with your email client putting their email addresses in the BCC field.
Are you looking to do this regularly, and are you thinking this should be a plugin? I guess you’d need to know if the installation were integrated or not, then query the correct table, and also if it is an integrated installation, you’d need to separate out the bbPress registrations from the WordPress registrations.
If you are going to do something like bb_installation_ and bb_plugins_, it sounds like you want subforums. You would have one installation in a directory like /forums/ then you create subforums in your admin panel.
You would NOT create multiple
$bb_table_prefix =
lines – that wouldn’t work.If you want multiple forums, you need to do multiple installations, and each bbPress installation will be in a directory of its own, and the config.php in each individual directory should have a unique table prefix, as Sam suggested, like bb1_, bb2_.
In that case, each forum would be access with a different URL as well.
Maybe your site is at . A normal bbPress installation would be in something like or . To have multiple forums, you would access them like this:
and the associated directories on the server would be
If you just want multiple forums or subforums in your bbPress installation, you just need to install one time, then set up the forums/subforums within bbPress. You don’t need multiple forum installations.
In reply to: define database name ? – config.phpIt needs to be a database that already exists and you need to use that name, then bbPress will create the tables in that database. bbPress will not create the database.
When using a socket, you need something like this:
It’s OK to start a new topic as well. All these recent topics dredging up old problems that are sort of close make it hard to solve the latest problem, your problem. A lot of the earlier advice in this thread doesn’t apply to your specific problem.
In reply to: Posts lost :(You need direct access to the database with something like phpMyAdmin. If the posts are still in the database, you will be able to get them back. If they’re not there, you might have access to something like binary logs for MySQL, but that’s a long shot.
Any idea why the middle ones are gone? I mean, how did that happen?
Do you have any database backups that you can recreate from?
In reply to: Installation woesIt looks like you just installed WordPress based on the age of the blog posts. How did you end up with such an old version? Is that something the host installed for you?
In reply to: Installation woesYou really, really, really need to upgrade your WordPress:
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress" />
Until then, I think it would be silly to try and fix any errors in your install.
Current WordPress version is 2.3.1: was released 2.5 years ago and has security issues as well as limited functionality.
In reply to: DB access problem in the first installation step.I hope there’s a new release soon as well, but it doesn’t look like a date has been set yet?
raygene: you can always download the latest development release which generally has all the discussed patches applied:
There is always a link to the zip archive at the bottom of the trac browser.