u_Oi (@arutam)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @arutam



    Those you call tags “with a green background” are NOT tags. They are forums. The forum about “Installations” topics, the forum about “troubleshooting” topics, etc.

    In bbPress you can enable/disable tags option on the setting page. The TAG option is only for topics, so when a new topic is create the author can add tags (on the field “Tags”) related to the content. If you disable tag option, the field “Tags” wont appear on the new topic form.

    Tags help find, sort, display content… it’s up to you.




    bbPress will “adapt” the profile style to your theme templates, so the installed theme must have a full-width template or you can use block layouts.



    A very useful plugin for huge forums… Great job @gdragon!




    Hi @pauldlb

    Try this… Paste the follow code into function.php (Appearance – Editor – Functions.php)

    /* Remove SideBar From bbPress Profiles and Topics*/
    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {
    if ( function_exists('is_bbpress') ) {
    if (is_bbpress()) {
    $sidebars_widgets = array(false);
    unregister_sidebar( 'bp_core_widgets' );
    return $sidebars_widgets;
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'disable_all_widgets', 1, 1);



    You can put a default IP for all registered activity:

    add_filter( 'bbp_current_author_ip', function() {
     return '';
    } ); is the default ip in this case.



    Code goes into the file functions.php that you can find on Appearance – Editor – Function.php. Open the file and paste it at the end. Just be careful because depending the theme code it can work fine or break your wordpress (if it breaks the wp just remove the code using cpanel or ftp).

    The code allow you to upload featured image for bbpress forums. Then you can give it css style for a better looking.

    To do this you need administrator access.



    With follow code you can upload a featured image for forums… But if you want a good looking image on social networks I recommend you install Yoast (for example) to upload a custom image for share options.

    /* Add Featured Image to bbPress Forums */
    add_post_type_support('forum', array('thumbnail'));
    function ks_forum_icons() {
    if ( 'forum' == get_post_type() ) {
    global $post;
    if ( has_post_thumbnail($post->ID) )
    echo get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID,'thumbnail',array('class' => 'alignleft forum-icon'));

    Source Link



    I wonder if I can suggest this for next versions of bbpress? (Something similar to “Popular” or “No-Reply” labels)

    Just in case anyone needed… here is a plugin:




    Thanks for the suggestions @robin-w. But I thought about if there is a function to add a “editor’s choice” option on the edit topic form? (where you have β€˜sticky’ options)…

    or is there a way to create a “sticky” option but dont make it mark topics in top of forum?



    Yep, it is fixed now but avatars are cool…

    I appreciate your help.

    I will wait to see author answer in theme forum support.



    Thank You. Well, I saw the issue since the first time I installed bbpress and there wasn’t any extra plugin.

    Notice Bar is fixed now, but Avatar and Username still floating…

    If it helps… I can deactivate all plugins right now!?



    When I change to any default wordpress theme the issue seems fixed. I thought It is something related with the theme

    Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode

    Inline Image Upload for BBPress

    WP User Avatar

    Yoast SEO



    Hi robin,

    I changed it to live-mode (because is under construction yet).




    I have a bbpress forum with Twenty Twelve and also with Buddypress and both works right. But sometimes you should need make some css-tricks to get a better front-end design.



    @louisgeorges your welcome! @robin-w thanks for the comment πŸ˜‰



    Good job! It seems you got inspiration 😈 lol

    I suggest redirect login page after login because you see an empty page with bbpress link on top.




    No, bbpress has not a sitemap.

    Seo by Yoast works right with bbPress.



    Hi @louisgeorges

    In fact you can do it 😎

    1.- Copy the follow code and paste it in functions.php file (If you dont know about functions please read about it before do this):

    //Restrict Topic and Replies Content For No-Registered Users
    function pj_hla_logged_in_topics($have_posts){
    if (!is_user_logged_in()){
    $have_posts = null;
    return $have_posts;
    add_filter('bbp_has_replies', 'pj_hla_logged_in_topics');

    With the above code your visitors (no registered users) will see only the topic title. The code locks topic content and all replies.

    2.- After pasted the code, try open a topic so you will see a bbpress notice about “you dont have access to… etc something like that”. You need to find the file where is that notice, to edit it with anything you want, for example a link to the sign up page (Sorry, I dont remember the file name).

    To show topics titles in your post or other pages you have 4 options:

    1.- Add each URL in your blog post with the same topic title and link it to the topic (hard work but good if you like linkbuilding)

    2.- Default bbpress shortcode: [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id] – Display a single topic. eg. [bbp-single-topic id=4096] ( https://codex.bbpress.org/features/shortcodes/#topics )

    3.- @robin-w plugin: http://www.rewweb.co.uk/bbpress-additional-shortcodes/

    4.- Hire a developer to create a shortcode to show last topics or whatever about topics.

    Hope this can help you!



    Check out this plugin

    bbP Toolkit




    Good job @gdragon!

    I saw your bbpress plugins and all of them looks useful for a bbPress Community…

    Good Luck!




    The best thing about SEO in bbPress is the permanent slugs that also you can modify for your needs… besides that, there are not to much options.

    I guess you can’t modify or add keywords or meta descriptions for topics with Yoast.





    Try this code in your function file, it shows only the titles (of topics) but no the content.

    //Restrict Topic and Replies Content For No-Registered Users
    function pj_hla_logged_in_topics($have_posts){
    if (!is_user_logged_in()){
    $have_posts = null;
    return $have_posts;
    add_filter('bbp_has_replies', 'pj_hla_logged_in_topics');


    In reply to: Members only forum



    Hi @dropshot

    You are looking for this code, paste it in functions.php

    //Restrict Topic Content and Replies for No-Registered Users
    function pj_hla_logged_in_topics($have_posts){
    if (!is_user_logged_in()){
    $have_posts = null;
    return $have_posts;
    add_filter('bbp_has_replies', 'pj_hla_logged_in_topics');




    Have you think about ask for premium support or paid customization (for author) to the best plugin you tried?




    It happens because you are creating two pages with the same url… I mean, bbpress has a root and also shortcodes, so you can create an index forum or main page forum using shortcodes but they always going to the root (/forums) and you also have a page called (/forums). You can see what I said if you try breadcrumbs from the topic to the root…

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