Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    There is nothing at all in your header, hard to tell what the problem is.

    In reply to: CSS for forum



    Pretty much impossible to help you without links to the site having problems.




    With a site that large and complex, I would probably suggest contacting AWJunkies on his bbconverter site and simply pay to have him convert it personally for you. He has converted sites much lareger than yours without problems. Frankly he’s a wizard with databases, so might as well have an expert take care of it for you. We’re not talking a lot of money here anyhow, and it will save any frustration you are having.




    Did you run the /tools/recount after import?

    That is what sets the dates, user counts etc.



    Thanks for the info, will get right on it.




    Not really possible as it goes completely against the way that WordPress works. Not having an author assigned to a topic would leave it helplessly orphaned.

    Even if it were somehow possible, would take some serious magic from Adam, I am certain this would be a paid project. You can always fill out the contact form for a bid over on bbconverter, but as I said, it’s so edge case that I’m not certain it would happen.



    Got your twitter message but could not reply back. Need to send you private links. New vs. is much improved.

    I’ve done a site with 300k posts, and I know Adam has one with over a million so 100k should be just fine.




    Turns out I messed up and did not upload the latest vs. of the converter. Give me a minute and I’ll get everything straightened out.

    Sorry about that, my fault entirely



    bbPress works on virtually any theme out there. It may take a little tweaking of the css to get it to look right, but it should still work just fine.



    There is no built in functionality for this. It would require a custom plugin, or adapting a regular plugin that does this for posts to also do this for topics and replies.



    Just a couple off the top of my head:

    There are actually a ton of sites out there using bbPress.



    click on the forums link under the settings tab. On that screen, where you set the number of topics to display etc.. click save. That sets the permalinks for bbPress.

    Also make sure that your actual permalinks settings page uses something other than the default top option. Chose any other option and click save.

    That should get you going.



    You are correct.



    I’d suggest creating a trac ticket with a link to the site with the problems so that JJ can take a peek someday.

    I had the problem in prior vs. but with the newest vs. of bbPress and my new custom theme I do not have these problems anymore. I never was able to figure out what the cause was.



    I actually have no estimates right now for added features. Adam is absolutely slammed at work right now. I know he is working on a more streamlined vs. of the plugin, but do not know if it is going to include new importers or not.

    *If you are a programmer, the plugin is built to be easily extended for new systems. If not, I know that he offers a paid service for custom conversions.

    Beyond that I have no new news to report.



    I believe JJ fixed this issue a couple of days ago. If you check the latest plugin download from today it may solve your problem.



    Nothing specific to bbPress, however topics are nothing more than a custom post-type for WordPress.

    That means if you can find a twitter plugin for WordPress where the plugin author set it up to work with custom post-types, then you are set. Frankly it should not be that difficult to modify a number of the twitter posting plugins to work with bbPress as bbPress uses WordPress standards 100%.



    Do you have a way I can contact you outside these forums?


    If you check the bbPress trac you will see that JJ modified my topic/reply counter scripts for bbPress. While not yet in the default templates, the needed logic is now available to show how many topics and replies each user has. With that logic in place, it is not to hard to come up with a corresponding point system like you are talking about.

    JJ is going to finish up the ‘recount’ portion of the script in order to give the initial counts for existing users. Once that part is finished, I will probably build something incredibly similar to what you are talking about.




    WordPress 3.3 completely solves that problem with performance. It’s a huge under the hood addition that most people will never even notice, but none the less very important.

    You can now use %post_name% and have the exact same performance as any other structure. Not to mention his article is dealing with pages and not posts so it is in no way relevant to bbPress. (Yeah I was confused by that as well but JJ set me straight on that months ago)

    Also keep in mind, topics and replies are exactly the same thing as posts. There is absolutely nothing to gain by using a system like the other software does.

    *Is there something you are seeing in that plugin that you wish bbPress was doing? just curious….



    I purchased that plugin a very long time ago just to take a peek under the code hood. Frankly while an interesting concept, it has nowhere near the power and code quality that bbPress has.

    It is not like there is a huge company behind that plugin. Last I checked it was just another single coder and I got really tired of every one of my questions being answered back ‘out plugin can’t do that’.

    I’d rather have a plugin built and run by JJ, than just about anyone else.

    Don’t get the impression that bbPress is having issues solely by what you see in the forums here. Just take a look at the number of times bbPress has been downloaded and you will quickly see that there are a lot of users who never even come to these forums for help.

    Also, as someone who runs incredibly large forum based websites, I can say that the spam here, while bad, is not that much worse than even the best commercial systems.

    If you check the trac you will see that bbPress is already well along the way to the next level as JJ has been writing tons of code updates.

    Give it time, bbPress is gonna grow and will only gain news and traction with the other sites out there.



    Sorry that my answer was confusing.

    There is no theming manual per say for the new system. The new bbPress 2x plugin does not work like the old 1x in that there is no ‘theme plugins’ like you are talking about.

    At the moment the only theme available for the new bbPress is the default theme that is included in the plugin. I’m certain that new themes will be coming somewhat soon though.



    I mentioned in some of your other posts that the docs you are following are for the old 1x bbPress plugin. There is not a theme manager for the new bbPress.

    Right now there is just the one theme available which I see is running correctly on your site. I’m sure more themes are in the pipeline.

    In reply to: Facebook connect



    There is not a bbPress admin area with the new 2x version of bbPress. Those documents are for the old system.

    Best to watch this video to see how to get bbPress working on a new website.



    Unfortunately the docs tab where you got the directions are for the old 1x version of the plugin. These directions do not apply to the new 2x version.

    For now, check out the video in this thread which will show you step by step how to install the new bbPress plugin.



    yes, it is a bug with the software used here. Won’t be fixed as this is very old software, rather the forums will be updated to 2x vs. someday.

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