Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    I think those are the directions for the 1x system, not the 2x plugin.

    Follow these instructions:

    You don’t create subdirectories in the plugin folder etc.. It is now a totally compliant wordpress way of doing things now. Basically, you don’t ‘have to’ copy any files to your theme, but you can if you want to make changes to bbpress.



    maybe you need to set type as avatar?

    Not sure why it does not work for you. I just tested in my child theme, and all is good… very strange.



    Not a waste of time at all. I try to help where I have time.

    Glad it worked out.

    In reply to: Remove Headers?



    Those functions are spread throughout a lot of the bbpress files. There is no single place that you remove them.

    to help out a little, the breadcrumbs are output on the theme via the function.

    <?php bbp_breadcrumb(); ?>

    If you remove that function from all the template files then the breadcrumbs are gone. You can do that for admin notices as well as forum notices.

    In reply to: Full Width forum



    I took a bit deeper look into your theme, as best I can without having the source, and there is a lot of interesting rules the author has setup.

    From what I see, it looks like there are a lot of conflicts going on. Well not really conflicts, but ‘odd’ css rules. I actually had a hard time trying to figure out what the author was trying to accomplish in the theme.

    If it were me, I would ask the author of the theme to install bbpress, and to release a modified stylesheet for your theme that will work.

    Without knowing all the internals of what the theme is trying to accomplish makes it really hard to determine how much work is going to be needed to get it to work right.

    BBPress is a big enough plugin, that I can’t imagine he will just refuse to support it. If he does, let us know, and we can add him to a list of non-conforming themes for use with bbpress.

    *I am NOT saying he built the theme bad, but rather just saying that some of his css rules are way to general when dealing with open systems that use plugins.

    In reply to: Seperate Forums



    I’m confused. Is that not the default way bbpress displays forums on the homepage?

    My forum homepage displays all of my forums, top-level, sub-category, sub-sub-category, etc..



    Enjoy the trip. I’ll do my best to check in from time to time here each day to help where I can.



    I don’t understand the question



    Are you using the new plugin 2x vs. or the old vs?



    Well I gave it a shot using the following code, but for some reason the only user that shows up is my admin account. I’m guessing this has nothing to do with bbpress, but more wp. I think I am missing something somewhere, and will try to find a solution sometime.

    *code I was using to add author box to topics

    add_action( 'init', 'my_add_author_to_topics' );
    function my_add_author_to_topics() {
    add_post_type_support( 'topic', 'author' );



    I believe you can add the ‘author’ capability to the custom post-type ‘topics’ and ‘replies’, hence giving you the needed input box to change the author on the admin side.



    Just taking a shot at this:

    I am guessing that you are talking about the single-topic page which displays the first topic followed by all the replies.

    If this is the case:

    Add the following line to your functions.php file

    add_filter( 'bbp_show_lead_topic', '__return_true' );

    What this is going to do is separate out the lead topic from all the replies. It creates a great separation where you can then style the first topic completely different than the replies. Pretty cool actually.

    *Make sure to use the default theme to see this in action. You don’t have any of the needed logic in your code above, so your code wont output the separation. You can find the needed logic in the template files.

    This is a lot more elegant than counters and it’s built in.

    Hope it helps. (there are tons of cool hidden ‘secrets’ like this within the code, thnx JJ!)



    I would probably start by finding a good heat map plugin which creates a widget for output. I would then modify the plugin to use topic_tags instead of post_tags. Then it would be a matter of placing the widget into a sidebar and your good to go.

    *I am not currently aware of a heat map for bbpress, but modifying one for blog post topics should be just a matter of changing a few lines of code.



    At the moment searching the forums is turned off while it is being reworked. It is easy to turn it back on via the theme functions file, but the output results will look odd as mixing forum topics/replies together on a search results page doesn’t work to well with default templates.



    Line 642 of your theme stylesheet says:

    .reply {
    float: right;
    margin: 10px 0 0;

    The float right is causing the problem. If you remove that rule, then the forums work just fine, however I am guessing it will have other side effects on the theme which I can’t determine myself.



    Did you run the update counters script? (just a guess)




    Category forums are great for ‘grouping’ a bunch of forums together. Also a category forum cannot contain it’s own posts, hence no ‘add topic’ box to the category forum page.




    The syntax you are using is correct and I am able to make size changes doing it exactly the same way. Is it possible you are modifying the wrong template and simply not seeing the changes?




    Transferring group forums from the old setup to the new plugin vs. is in the works.




    for main forum, edit single-forum.php file to remove

    <?php do_action( 'bbp_template_notices' ); ?>

    do the same thing for single-topic.php

    ***I am assuming you are using your own theme and are not editing the original bbpress files, but rather the files you add to your own theme.


    sorry, I have not yet dug through the core enough to answer this one. I’m guessing you can pass an argument to the topic output, but can’t say for sure.


    You will need to modify a ton of templates to do this one.

    basically you are looking for:

    <?php bbp_breadcrumb(); ?>

    and replacing it with:

    <?php bbp_breadcrumb( array('include_home' => false, 'include_root' => false) ); ?>

    That basically says: do not print the ‘home’ link, and do not print the ‘forums’ link before the single forum link.

    include_home = ‘home’

    include_root = ‘forums’

    Hope that helps.



    The old themes do not work with the new 2x plugin at all. Totally different systems.



    Users are not actually logging in through the dashboard, but rather the default wordpress login/logout page.

    In order to change that, you would probably need to use a custom plugin.

    There are plugins available that will allow you to style that page differently.

    In reply to: Full Width forum



    No, I would use the plugin vs. for sure.

    You simply need to change a bunch of css rules in your theme to make it work properly. That would be much easier than trying to use the standalone and building a custom matching theme for it. Not to mention the plugin is much better anyhow.



    ‘techy’ fix: (requires php experience)

    the bbp_has_topics() function appears to function almost exactly like the wordpress loop.

    In the bbpress plugin folder /bbp-includes/bbp-topic-template.php line 68 is the bbp_has_topics function.

    It takes the parameter post_parent which you can assign as the id of the forum you are trying to pull posts from. There are also a number of other parameters you can set as well.

    ‘non-techy’ fix: someday I am guessing there will be a widget available which will let you make the filters with a gui.

    In reply to: Changing Post Author



    Have not tried it myself, but I am guessing you could add the ‘author’ ability to the ‘topic’ post-type? That should bring up the author select box like you see in regular posts.

    *Off the top of my head, I don’t remember if doing this gives all users the ability to change the author, or just the admin. You may want to check and make sure before doing this live.

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