Chuckie (@ajtruckle)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: User Statistics



    I have just checked the database and wp-approve-user is always 1 with the exception of one record where it is empty. I assume this is the person that registered on my site this morning whom I have not approved.

    so we just need the latest user who has been approved

    Correct, but, if this will be part of the plugin you sponsor on your site it will need to factor if for the old way I guess too. Unless this becomes a custom code change just for me.

    In reply to: User Statistics



    So it calls:

            private function section_latestuser() {
                // Grab the latest registered user on the site
                return $this->tag_replace( $this->parent->option["title_text_latestuser"] );

    Which in turn calls:

            function get_latestuser( $html ) {
                $latest_user = get_users(
                        'number' => 1,
                        'fields' => array("user_login", "ID", "display_name"),
                        'orderby' => "registered",
                        'order' => "DESC"
                $latest_user = reset( $latest_user );
                // Default display is the full name
                $name = $latest_user->display_name;
                if( $this->parent->option['user_display_format'] == "display_as_username" ) {
                    $name = $latest_user->user_login;
                if( $html == true ) {
                    return "<a href=\"" . bbp_get_user_profile_url( $latest_user->ID ) . "\">" . $name . "</a>";
                } else {
                    return $name;

    I think, if “WP Approve User” is installed then we need to somehow modify the array returned to only include those where the are approved (as per my previous email).

    In reply to: User Statistics



    Not sure what you mean. When the user signs up I am sent an email. The meta data for wp-approve-user-email-sent is set to true (1). And wp-approve-user is set to false (0).

    Once I approve them the meta data changes for wp-approve-user to true. I simply need the system to to user get_user_meta with user id and “wp-approve-user” (if the var exists). And if it exists, don’t show the user if the value is false.

    Make sense?

    In reply to: User Statistics



    Further to last message, I don’t know if the code I showed you can be improved?

    As mentioned, I have “WP Approve User” installed. I have checked the meta data for a given user in the database and if “wp-approve-user” is not set to “1” then they should not be listed in the “newest users” bit of the statistics.

    That “build_html” code needs to be modified somehow.

    In reply to: User Statistics



    That plugin also has another problem.

    I have a User Approve plugin.

    Even new users who I have not yet approved show at the bottom as new users. They shouldn’t,t be listed.

    In reply to: User Statistics



    You’re welcome. I dunno, maybe you can shoehorn it into bsp as a feature. Thanks for putting it on your site though.

    In reply to: User Statistics



    I think this was why:

    I have only just noticed this. I use the “bbPress Advanced Statistics” plugin as I like the way it presents the data at the bottom on the forum page.

    However, if I “log out”, it still lists all the names of the users from the last 24 hours. That is not right. It should only list last 24 forum activity if a user is logged in. Technically it is exposing users names for a non logged in user when I don’t want it to.

    In reply to: User Statistics



    Yes, I have the code. And originally it was available and after I made my first concern about it exposing usernames when it shouldn’t somebody decided (somehow) to lock it online in the plugin repository.

    This is my current plugin (with my corrected code discussed above):

    In reply to: User Statistics


    In reply to: User Statistics



    I think he is on about the statistics one where you showed me the needed code changes and said someone clone the plugin.



    I do one of two things ….

    1. I upload images to IMGUR and simply paste the URL into the topic. It magically turns into a preview when you hit Submit.

    2. I use the TinyMCE toolbar. I use a couple of well known and established plugins to include the Insert Image button. What you do is upload the image to your webspace (it must be on your forum domain). Then when you insert image you paste the URL. You know if it will be OK because it tells you the dimensions. When you click OK you will see in in the TinyMCE visual editor.

    I am more than happy with both experiences. My only concern is that the TinyMCE authors are only supporting version 5 of their toolbar from January 2021 and WordPress uses version 4.x. There is no agreed migration plan to get WordPress working with version 5 of the toolbar. I don’t know long term ramifications of that.



    Interesting observation. Thanks!



    I think this is not the same thing. This is listing posts with no tags.

    The summary is reporting tags with no posts. So we must have two orphaned tags.



    Interesting. When I try that it yields the following output:




    Please look here and you will see a widget:

    Theocratic Software

    It is the “bbPress Forum Statistics” widget.



    Appreciate any guidance on this.



    Thanks for the update.



    @pathfinderforme I don’t really understand your question.





    Got it.



    Sorry but can’t see that. Screenshot?



    View post on

    That’s just it. There is no Create New Topic link at the top.



    Actually, I now find login and logout when I click my name. But I can’t create a new topic.



    Don’t get me wrong. My own site is fine 100%. BBPress in itself must be ok. But this literal website has issues.



    Cool. Good to know it is on top of. No worries!

    But it was not a personal comment at anyone. It is a pity it all falls on you and not some other shoulders. We are grateful …

    Well done! And thanks.

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