_ck_ (@_ck_)

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  • @_ck_


    The entire server is not running, this isn’t something we can help with.



    Bump for ajax posting someday to return now that jquery is the standard.



    This thread is a few weeks old but just wanted to make sure you saw that I made a plugin to do mass deletions:


    In reply to: pig2twig



    It’s unlikely to be the bbPress software’s fault.

    If you are using a Hotmail or AOL account, they tend to block many independent servers because of configuration requirements.

    Try getting a gmail account instead if you use hotmail normally and you’ll find much more of your email showing up.



    There are also changes to the way theme names and paths are stored (ie. core#, user#) though I suspect this won’t affect many plugin developers. I’ve already patched my plugins to deal with that.



    Use this plugin instead – no editing needed:




    I should note that mdawaffe has pointed out to me that apparently bbPress would do this previously if the user has referer’s enabled in their browser. But since most “personal firewalls” block referers by default, you can’t count on that behavior and this change will make it always work instead.

    0.8.4 will supposedly have this new ability by default…



    By the way, since the registration and login/out process in wordpress is a bit more advanced than bbPress, many people just change all the bbpress links for such actions to use the WordPress links. WordPress can even redirect back to the point of logout/login.



    You have the right approach if you find that log-outs are out of sync.

    You need to watch the cookie names and paths.

    MAKE SURE you clear ALL cookies while you are experimenting with paths and names. If you leave left overs, you are going to get strange behaviors.

    If you leave the page open, even after clearing cookies you may have form post data or session data in there. Close page, clear cookies, THEN confirm behavior.

    If you find that path names and cookie names are absolutely identical, it’s possible that the logout process for WPMU is not robust enough in the way it resets cookies. ie. doesn’t set the date far enough in the past.

    Following the WPMU tag will probably help you bunches. ie. https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/cookie-hell-wpmu-bbpress-bloodshot-eye-balls



    If you did what you want to do,

    bbPress would have no way to tell if


    was a sub-forum or a topic.

    In WP you need some way to determine if something is an archive view vs a post. ie. example.com/archives/monthly vs. example.com/monthly (which would be a post) It’s the same logic with bbpress.

    However it might be possible someday to easily change /forum/ and /topic/ to something else. Removing them is impossible.

    If you move bbpress to your webroot, you will get rid of /forums/ but it cannot co-exist with bbpress in that way as you cannot have two index files (without super-integration which is ill advised).

    BackPress might solve this however someday.



    If you do a view source you’ll see the TR tag has an ALT class on every others. So there’s a base color and then an alternating color. Search the stylesheet for .alt

    You’re going to also want to change the .frontpageheatmap a color so the text is actually visible.



    It’s a formal plugin now:


    There’s probably only a handful of bbPress sites in existence that get more than a dozen registrations per day right now but they don’t want to put it in the core, so that’s fine. Simply deactivate it if getting too many emails. Then there’s gmail which can keep track of all of the registration threads as a single thread.

    (When the backpress integration is more complete I suspect this will then be in the core with the WordPress functions which has had it for years now, even on the biggest sites)

    In reply to: missing my css???



    If the links themselves when you mouse over them show one url and then when you click on them you end up elsewhere – that’s a .htaccess problem. You’ve either done something wrong there or there’s a conflict with a higher level directory.

    If you are trying to use slugs, temporarily disable them in your config.php and see if everything comes back to life.



    I think you want bb_get_option()

    ie. bb_get_option(‘name’)




    The password method change will require WP 2.5 for integration.

    (Unless someone makes a plugin)

    In reply to: missing my css???



    Try going into your admin menu and changing the theme.

    View the page source in your browser and see what stylesheet it’s trying to load and the full path.



    Wow I can’t believe bbPress doesn’t do that.

    I’ve whipped up a function to do it, should be in the plugin browser soon or try this:

    Plugin Name: New User Notification Email
    add_action('bb_new_user', 'new_user_notification');

    function new_user_notification($user_id=0) {
    if (!$user_id) {$user_id=bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' );}

    $message = sprintf(__('New user registration on %s:'), bb_get_option('name')) . "rnrn";
    $message .= sprintf(__('Username: %s'), stripslashes($user->user_login)) . "rnrn";
    $message .= sprintf(__('E-mail: %s'), stripslashes($user->user_email)) . "rnrn";

    $message .= sprintf(__('Agent: %s'), substr(stripslashes($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]),0,80)) . "rnrn";
    $message .= sprintf(__('IP: %s'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "rnrn";

    $message .= sprintf(__('Profile: %s'), get_user_profile_link($user_id)) . "rnrn";

    @bb_mail(bb_get_option('admin_email') , sprintf(__('[%s] New User Registration'), bb_get_option('name')), $message, '' );



    It unzips for me, what utility are you using?

    web.archive tends to add stray characters to the header or afterwards and that may be confusing your program. I use WinRar.

    I might make a local archive on my site for abandoned themes.



    This should fix it: https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/usernames-i18n-fix/

    I need to find out if this is fixed by default in 0.8.4



    This would be a good beginning project for a first bbPress plugin, I’d encourage you and just ask for help if you need it.

    Basically you’d want to store within and display within the topic meta adding the user id number to a list so people can’t thank twice – or so you can list the names of those that thanked. Use “implode” and “explode” to make the list and count the names.

    As a shortcut you could store the actual username and output the raw string with the commas to show all the names that thanked. Then by counting the commas (+1), or exploding into an array and counting the array, you’d get the number of people that thanked. You could give admin the option to show the list of names that thanked or just the count (or both).

    The trickiest part is you have to give a button to thank with, which gives you either a form or an href. Then you have to look for the get/post data and process it. I recommend using a href via a GET instead of POST so bbPress doesn’t have to redirect to clear the post data (it’s nasty to reload twice).

    I just realized you mentioned “posts” vs “topic” and the problem with that is that bbPress doesn’t have a per-post metadata table. This would make it a bit more complicated as you’d have to track which post number within a topic was thanked and store it in the topic’s meta anyway. But if somehow a post is moved to another topic, this becomes a problem as the meta would not move with it (rare but could happen with plugins like move-it).





    irc.freenode.net #bbpress




    If you don’t know how to use irc,

    it’s probably better to stick to the forums.

    In reply to: Line Break



    I’ve decided to try to tackle the non-ending bug and it might make the next release on March 10th.



    You’d probably want to try running stand-alone but integrated instead of running both of them at the same time. Loading both at the same time causes nothing but problems and slow downs from all the extra code.



    Thanks for sharing this… I am sure it will help others…

    I added an “internationalization” tag to try to help people find it.

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