_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    Two huge strengths for stand-alone (simple) integration over deep integration are:

    1. your forums can be still running even if your blog is temporarily down (or visa versa)

    2. speed/performance – deep integration will crush a shared server if you get a surge in visitors



    You don’t want to change that number on every page load, or the CSS file will never ever cache at all and slow down page load / render.

    In theory the best number to append would be the timestamp of the CSS file itself, meaning if the CSS file was edited/saved, the number would change, hence force the cache to update. filemtime gives you the file date. The problem with using it is that on some systems it can be relatively slow and add overhead to the page load time.

    Alternately you could use today’s date, or even the current hour, ie ?".date('G');

    If you are seeing overly aggressive caching of certain files, it probably means the server has been setup that way and can be changed, at least on apache via htaccess



    bbPress doesn’t yet have the ease of use that WordPress has

    but it can be customized in pretty much the same way.

    The problem is bbPress is much younger than WordPress so there is virtually no documentation and it’s also evolving so any changes you make today may have to be updated somewhat in a few months.

    The best bet is to study existing plugins and themes however if you are not a coder that may be problematic.

    You got this far though, I dare say you probably have the required determination to get it done.



    People should not be registering domain names with any of the Automattic product names in them. While the programs are open source and free, the name is still trademarked by Matt. I doubt he would ever sue little websites but Matt has gently requested this before:


    Discussing/promoting the products on your site is one thing, registering domain names with the products entirely different. If you are worried about SEO or promotion you can just use the name as a subdirectory, ie.

    my-example-website.com/talkpress/ = okay

    my-talkpress-website.com/forums/ = not okay

    subdomains might also be a loophole: talkpress.my-example-website.com

    And it’s perfectly valid for them to have a commerical product called “TalkPress” that uses the open source bbPress engine. Just like BuddyPress uses WordPress MU and bbPress.



    Millions in funding does not a millionaire make. I think most of it is used to secure payroll at Automattic because full-time employees are expensive for a company.

    The answer is not for me to help less, the answer is for others to be more patient or set realistic priorities/goals (or start contributing to the community themselves).

    If someone wants a blog about bbPress, they should seriously make one themselves. You don’t have to be a coder to research bbPress’s history and request interviews with the dev team and Matt.



    Oh they will eventually monetize bbPress, it’s just that it hasn’t been and probably won’t be profitable for them even this year. Hence it wasn’t the priority some people want it to be.



    bbPress is certainly not abandoned. It’s not going away.

    It’s paid for by a company with over a million dollars in funding.

    It’s just not developing fast enough for some people and that minority is unfortunately the most vocal.

    I think the biggest problem is people start using WordPress when it’s version 2.5 or newer and somehow they figure it’s always had all those features so they see bbPress by the same people and figure it must be as developed and managed like that.

    WordPress was nearly exactly like this until version 2.0

    I’ve suggested before that bbPress will get more attention once Matt finds a way to monetize it like WordPress.com did for WordPress.

    There will likely be a few small releases of improvements to 1.0 and bug fixes for 0.9 this year (with one likely in April), but there will not be anything major in 2009 IMHO. If Sam or Michael asked me for my opinion I would suggest that 1.0 final should not be released in 2009, it’s just not ready and if you think people are complaining now, just wait.

    To put it another way, if bbPress doesn’t have the feature you want right now and you aren’t willing/able to write it yourself, don’t start thinking it’s going to magically appear in 2009.

    Of course I could be completely wrong and Matt will suddenly take a dozen of his WordPress developers and put them onto bbPress next month – but do you think that is realistic?



    My rant was not for richcon but for you kevin.



    Yes, you are asking too much, it’s free software, there’s not even a 1.0 final yet.

    Michael was working on bbPress before Sam joined Automattic, he has been working on other Automattic projects for the past few months and recently started working on bbPress again.

    Name the current developers of WordPress, I suspect most people can’t – the point is that it doesn’t matter to most people.

    Note that I don’t have some special insight on bbPress activity – Michael and Sam don’t tell me secrets and hide them from everyone else. I just go and read stuff, all the notes in the code, I watch trac updates, I read the history in bbDev.

    If you don’t know what I know about bbPress it just means you are lazier than me and don’t want to bother reading it all and just want it spoon-fed to you. In which case, you seriously need to find other software that has reach maturity, is well documented and the developers twitter every darn day what they do. There are DOZENS of forum programs. Many of them have been integrated with WordPress on some level. Find another solution.

    Again, if you are planning your website, project, etc. around the day-to-day, week-to-week or even month-to-month improvements in bbPress development you are using the wrong program. bbPress is pre-release, it is not final, it is not gold. If you need a timetable, you are using the wrong program.

    If you are using bbPress now you are an early-adopter. Early adopters have to be do-it-yourself-ers who figure things out for themselves and/or don’t have timetables.

    I cannot stress this enough, if you cannot deal with how bbPress is manged, and didn’t like it last month or the month before, you may have noticed nothing has changed to meet your desires. Please, please, please find other software and stop posting to the forums with this. Stop making YOUR need for timetables everyone else’s priority. Stop acting like you are entitled to special attention and time above the other thousands of bbPress users. Uninstall bbPress and switch to something else.



    Please check the plugin page for my fix on that (and please stop bumping this topic).



    To be clear I’m not a bbPress developer. I just volunteer here.

    I’m an independent plugin developer. I have no association with Automattic.

    Sam and Michael are the official developers and I for one would rather not see them distracted with having to do public relations, unless of course they actually want to.

    If you want to know instantly when there are changes to bbPress at the development level, either subscribe to the Trac RSS or to the bbDev mailing list.

    https://lists.bbpress.org/mailman/listinfo/bb-trac (announcements only from Trac)

    https://lists.bbpress.org/mailman/listinfo/bbdev (for humans but inactive lately)

    In it’s current state, bbPress is really for “do it yourself-ers”.

    If you don’t know PHP or CSS at all, right now it’s probably not for you.

    A blog isn’t going to stop questions, it’s only going to create more questions and more distractions for Sam and Michael and then you’ll get mad when they don’t answer the questions in a timely manner.



    I just posted a fix, update to 0.0.3 when you see it.





    Some people have make bbPress work with “tiny”mce




    Good news, Sam has backported the fix from 1.0 into 0.9 also.


    You can either download the 0.9 branch version or wait for

    In reply to: Edit Welcome Email?



    The “welcome email” (just really the password) message is sent via bb_send_pass which is sadly hard coded in registration-functions.php without any filters or actions to affect it.

    The non-emailed registration success message is in the register-success.php theme template which can be edited.

    However like all things bbPress, there is always a way around limitations, it’s just a bit more complex than it should be.

    The “send password” trigger is done inside of the pluggable bb_new_user function which can be completely replaced, or supplemented.

    To replace the function, you could copy it right out out pluggable.php and put it into a mini-plugin and edit away. The part that needs to be changed is near the end where it says bb_send_pass( $user_id ... ) You would basically copy how the bb_send_pass function works and replace the text inside.

    It would be ever so slightly easier but probably more messy for the new user to send an additional email beyond the password email via the do_action('bb_new_user', $user_id, $password); trigger.



    Also note that you edit the es_ES.po file which then makes the new es_ES.mo file when you save the changed in poedit.

    Their es_ES.po is here: http://ayudawordpress.com/descargas/bbpress/bbpress-es_ES.po.zip



    So don’t upgrade to 1.0 alpha? You should not be using the alpha on a live site.

    So there is a solid phpbb conversion routine now for phpbb users?

    That is good news.



    Poedit will automatically re-save the .mo file when you edit and save the .po file by default unless you’ve changed the default settings.

    the mo file is in here, it’s all you need


    in bbPress 0.9 put it into bb-includes/languages/

    in bbPress 1.0 put it into my-languages/

    and change in your bb-config.php


    In reply to: Spam Registrations



    Definitely make sure you are using the newest Human Test.

    If you are, and they are bypassing it, I need to know so I can break out the next level of protection.

    I have not tried this plugin but it might help somewhat:

    New Stop Forum Spam API Plugin; Block Fake User Registrations

    Last but not least, if you have wordpress integrated they might be sneaking though there even if you have the links to it’s registration page disabled, it still leaves the api open (you’d have to physically rename/remove wp-login.php)



    Did you try doing a recount under the admin section and include post counts?

    “[ Rebuild Post Count For All Users ]”

    Don’t forget to upgrade to (though I doubt that will do anything for this problem)



    That’s actually very interesting, and I suspect something was wrong on there side.

    Max PHP execution time is typically 30 seconds by default. There is no way it takes that long.

    Unless maybe they set it to some ridiculously low number like 1 second.

    The RSS for topics loads in just under one second for me however.

    I do see that you allow a HUGE number of topics per forum page.

    I suspect that is for google, yes?

    In reply to: Dutch translation



    bruinfelix, your bbpress install looks very good and matches your wordpress side – I don’t understand why you don’t like the theme, it works well.

    It would be nice if you released the .mo file – all the other bbPress installs that I can find in your country have “hard coded” their templates directly with the translations which is not good.

    You’d be helping many other people and giving back to the community. I noticed you are using several of my plugins so it’s good to give back. The more people use bbPress, the more people will convert other WordPress themes.



    Yes there is a caching bug in bb_location that is fixed in the newest 1.0 alphas but remains in the earlier versions. I caught the problem a month or two ago and Sam patched it.


    So it’s impossible to add locations in bbPress 0.8-0.9. You have to work around it manually.

    In reply to: Dutch translation



    I see that you completed this, did you want to share the nl-NL.mo file?

    There are about two dozen other Dutch bbPress sites but it looks like they hard-coded their template translations which is a shame.

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