_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbPress Polls



    bb-polls should be in it’s own sub-directory with the icon.png inside of it.

    You must have installed the plugin and not copied the icon over from the package.

    In reply to: Performance comparison



    I have only a couple hours of experience with Vanilla but bbPress 0.9 is probably faster than any other forum software out there with the same features (that changes with bbPress 1.0 however).

    bbPress 0.9 is so fast it doesn’t even have a page cache (yet) like wp-super-cache and doesn’t even need it. Just watch out with some old plugins that have performance issues and you’ll be fine.



    While I have not reviewed Nightgunner’s code, that version is a completely rewrite so I suspect it avoids the pitfalls of the original version and is probably safe to use.



    You likely have something funky in a higher level htaccess file affecting your entire setup

    Notice how this works:


    but this doesn’t




    Here is an untested variation of Mark’s WP plugin for bbPress, it’s a little more sophisticated in that it tries to return the person back to the topic they were in if it exists or if they were starting a topic, to the forum they were posting in.

    Plugin Name: Moderation Notification
    Author: _ck_

    add_action( 'bb_post.php', 'moderation_notification', 999);
    add_action( 'bb_head', 'moderation_notification_alert', 999);

    function moderation_notification($post_id) {
    if (empty($post_id)) {return;} // invalid post
    $post = bb_get_post($post_id);
    if ($post->post_status==0) {return;} // not moderated

    if ($post->post_position>1) {
    $link = get_topic_last_post_link($post->topic_id); // return them to the last known good post in the topic
    } else {
    $link = get_forum_link($post->forum_id); // return them to the forum that they posted in since there's no valid topic yet

    $link=add_query_arg('moderated','true',$link); // set the flag


    function moderation_notification_alert() {
    if (!isset($_GET['moderated'])) {return;}
    $out = <<<EOF
    <script type="text/javascript">
    alert ("You post was successfully processed, \n\n however it was placed on hold and will appear once a moderator verifies that it is not spam.\n\n Please be patient and do not resubmit your comment.");
    echo $out;


    You can see the notice by putting ?moderated=true on one of your urls

    I don’t recommend trying to purposely cause spam to test it because akismet might flag you globally as a spammer and you’ll end up being bozo’ed across multiple forums/blogs.



    Ipstenu, my skip-akismet plugin works on wordpress installs too, though there is some kind of subtle bug I can’t seem to find where it doesn’t catch everyone on the wp side, works great on the bbpress side however.

    If you meant what will notify users of comments being held, this will do it:


    What’s crazy is that was written back for WP 1.2, and yet it’s still needed, 5 years later.



    Another idea would be if that the user is X days old

    and has already made X number of posts to skip Akismet.




    You cannot downgrade once you upgrade, all you can do is restore a backup.

    With 0.9 upgrades, many plugins will likely stop working including several of mine.



    I have another idea for skip-akismet – an option that if there are no links in the post, don’t bother checking akismet. Not too many spammers are link-free, it would serve no point.

    Wouldn’t work on the WP side where they can put URLs as anonymous but I can use the logic that if they are a member and don’t put any links in their post, just let it through.



    Actually this topic is very old and the openid plugin has been out for some time now.


    In most of my plugins I use curl with a fallback to a solid fsockopen routine I wrote awhile back that works well. I can’t remember if I have it in openid.

    I avoid api as much as possible because of how they tend to change and break my plugins ;-)

    Plus you learn nothing when you just use someone else’s black box…



    I doubt they anticipated that. Years later, WordPress unbelievably still shows NOTHING when a comment is held in the moderation queue. You have to install a plugin to give the user some kind of clue what has happened. It’s dumbfounding.



    The newest 0.9 branch should have it fixed. Since 1.0 already has this fixed I assume you are using 0.9

    So try upgrading to this version of 0.9




    Yes they are done calling them alphas

    though I definitely disagree with skipping of the beta label.

    It won’t be a few weeks, more like a few days I think, unless I misunderstood.


    In reply to: Auto close topics



    It would be possible to do that via a plugin.

    this might work, untested:

    function close_long_topics() {
    global $topic;
    if (is_topic() && $topic->topic_open===1 && $topic->topic_posts>299) {



    bbPress 1.0 rc1 will be announced shortly,

    aka 1.0 alpha 7, Sam has decided to jump the beta test phase.

    I don’t want people to use 1.0 on live sites because you can never go back to 0.9 once you upgrade. There is always an upgrade path, there is no downgrade. It is very tedious for plugin developers to keep up with radical changes in the alpha development, bbPress 1.0 is a different creature internally than 0.9

    You can read more about my reasons here.



    It’s probably a bug when starting a topic that immediately gets flagged by akismet.

    Adding a post to an existing topic will probably just come back with a missing post.

    Since bbpress sets the status to “2”, it will be treated like a deleted post/topic to the end user. Moderators and Admin will see deleted post indicators.

    In reply to: Always ..Unread



    I just realized something about the “always unread” complaints.

    There are two colors indicating two different things.

    There is a lighter blue indicating truly unread posts.

    However if a user is new or you “mark all read” there is a fallback function that highlights posts that are only a day or two old. That was actually a feature request by someone else awhile back.

    You can disable that. Change this line near the top:


    Also, are any of you using customized themes?



    You need to look at the database settings in the file and make sure they are valid.

    If you don’t know how to do that, ask your web host.

    If they won’t help you you need to find another web designer.

    Anyone with WordPress experience will be able to help you as the functionality is virtually the same as WordPress.

    Remember NOT to show the password in that file to anyone you don’t trust as they will then have read/write access to your database.



    I assume you aren’t using any of my plugins?

    Because I won’t be supporting alpha 7+ this year.

    Now that there are options to use bbPress 0.9 with WP 2.7

    there’s no excuse to use the alphas.



    Is skip-akismet at least protecting your moderator+admin posts?

    Akismet can be very problematic.

    In reply to: Always ..Unread



    Sorry about that, I will have to look at it this weekend.

    What version of bbpress are you using.



    .9.0.4 works fine with php4, unless you are having that mcbs problem (which is fixed in the next upcoming version, or you could get the 0.9 branch from TRAC)

    In reply to: Stats – Coming Soon



    From what I vaguely remember being told – the stats are actually being collected, just not published. It will eventually have the same UI of the WP side (I think).





    As long as they all point to the same user table and usermeta table, you can share the login across as many domains as you’d like, the cookies simply won’t be sync’d (however I have a plugin coming out soon that will share cookies across domains, but it’s not meant for wpmu, just regular wp/bbpress).

    Database secret is covered near the start of this topic, it’s hidden in your bb/wp admin menus.

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