I’m having the same issue with that plugin – forums stay unread.
Also other issues with it – can’t really figure out how exactly it works. Clicking on “mark all as read” sometimes does just the opposite.
me too about “Clicking on “mark all as read” sometimes does just the opposite. “
Did you guys already try contacting the author of the plugin or post comments on the plugin page?
Sorry about that, I will have to look at it this weekend.
What version of bbpress are you using.
1.0 alpha6 , thanks you !
0.9.4 integrated with WP 2.7.1
And also – clicking consecutively on “Mark all read” and “Update only read” makes all topics unread.
I just realized something about the “always unread” complaints.
There are two colors indicating two different things.
There is a lighter blue indicating truly unread posts.
However if a user is new or you “mark all read” there is a fallback function that highlights posts that are only a day or two old. That was actually a feature request by someone else awhile back.
You can disable that. Change this line near the top:
Also, are any of you using customized themes?
Its working much better, but sometimes unread post are not highlights…
yes my theme is custom .. http://renkei.fr/bbpress/
e: the topic aren’t highlights when i’m not the autor i think ..
Yes, custom theme. And I’ve set both colours to be the same since I don’t need that feature. But I hadn’t disabled it in the code… Just set it up – will see if it works better.
Hm, when I set
tracking of new posts stops and all topics appear as read. 
Does there have to be an actual logout of bbPress to see results?
Which is not a good option cause most users won’t log out (untill the cookie expires).
how i can do to mark topic as unread if i didn’t post in ?