_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    Open your header.php template and find the <div id="main"> near the end.

    Put any kind of html you want after there for navigation.

    Put it before the php profile part.



    It looks like you are using 1.0 with many of my plugins, which do not support 1.0

    Did the edit link disappear after you upgraded? Try disabling some plugins and see if it reappears.



    ashfame, if you want, you can try my update to support WP 2.8.1 with bbPress 0.9




    Can someone test this new version of Freshly Baked Cookies with bbPress 0.9 + WP 2.8.1 and let me know if it works and cookie sync is maintained?


    Don’t forget to copy over your settings at the top of the plugin and remember to set the AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION to 2 for WP 2.8

    I have a hard time believing it’s that simple to fix for WP 2.8 vs 2.7 but here’s hoping.



    As with all programming, the best way to learn is to do. Make some plugins.



    I sure hope you have really good backups because you are just begging to have your entire database corrupted by forcing my plugins to work with 1.0

    see this part:

    Beginning upgradeā€¦
    Tags copied to taxonomy tables: bb_upgrade_1080
    Display names populated: bb_upgrade_1090
    Index forum_stickies dropped: bb_upgrade_1100
    >>> Done

    That’s where bbPress is trashing all your current data by copying over the old data from your 0.9 tables, like the topicmeta and old tag tables, back into bb_meta.



    The user table is shared across the installs. It’s the same account.



    Yes if you install freshly baked cookies on 0.9



    The forums side of bbpress.org is running 1.0, upgraded last week.

    The extend side is still running 8.3/9.0.

    The two cookie systems are not compatible, hence the login de-sync.

    It only went out of sync last week.

    Eventually they will update the extend side.

    I suspect it has custom hacks which is why it can’t be done quickly.



    I’ve now made the identical Topic Voices functionality available for bbPress 0.9


    Any changes you make to your templates to use it will remain compatible when upgrading to 1.0, users will only have to deactivate the plugin after upgrading.

    (this is also a demonstration of how Voices should have been a plugin rather than in the core)





    You are missing a form on your login.php template.

    Take a look at the kakumei login.php template and copy the password recovery form to inove’s login.php

    In reply to: functions.php



    You can emulate the functions.php in theme directories quite easily in 0.9

    Put this into a regular plugin and I suggest naming it _functions.php with a leading underscore so you don’t even have to activate it. Install it and then when a functions.php is found inside the currently active theme, it will be loaded with the regular plugins. Since it’s so tiny, if you have a collection of mini-plugins you can just put it in there instead.

    Plugin Name: functions.php
    $template_functions_include = bb_get_active_theme_directory() . 'functions.php';
    if ( file_exists( $template_functions_include ) ) { require_once( $template_functions_include ); }

    In theory you might even be able to put that code into the header.php inside of the templates if you are making a theme you want to distribute for 0.9



    You can make a view to do that quite easily.

    In fact there is already such a view in “My Views” plugin.

    Ignore the completely proprietary query system (BB_Query) that the bbpress api uses, it’s incomplete, brain damaging and 100% non-portable to any other system. Just use real mysql queries instead (that goes for WP_Query as well, I have no idea what they were thinking).



    Just for “fun” I’ve tallied the bbPress release history so far:

    2009-07-08  03:59    1.0.1
    2009-07-03 03:54 1.0 Bechet
    2009-06-17 13:09 1.0-rc-3
    2009-06-10 14:41 1.0-rc-2
    2009-06-03 23:02
    2009-05-12 13:38 1.0-rc-1
    2009-01-07 20:00 1.0-alpha-6
    2009-01-02 05:06
    2009-01-02 05:05 1.0-alpha-5
    2008-12-14 10:21 1.0-alpha-4
    2008-12-10 02:20
    2008-10-08 20:04 1.0-alpha-2
    2008-08-09 13:11 1.0-alpha-1 (backpress)
    2008-04-25 11:41
    2008-04-03 10:54
    2008-04-02 22:45 0.9 Brubeck
    2008-01-02 20:03
    2007-09-26 19:59 0.8.3
    2007-06-19 16:04
    2007-06-18 19:06 0.8.2 (pretty permalinks, plugin management, sub-forums)
    2007-02-21 01:53 0.8.1 (timezone configuration, forum deletion)
    2007-02-08 15:47 0.8 Desmond
    2007-01-15 14:56 0.75
    2007-01-05 20:01 0.74
    2006-10-27 18:51 0.73 (installer, rewrite rules, multi-language support, new template)
    2006-10-13 20:38 0.72 Bix (first public release)
    2004-12-26 03:20 0.70 (live on WordPress.org 2004-12-28)




    There may be issues with 1.0

    In reply to: Vulvodynia



    Except that you’ve posted about this particular forum a few times under different user names. So it is becoming spam.

    I will probably delete this post and a couple of the others.

    Pick which username you want to stick with.



    ashfame I appreciate your enthusiasm but I personally will have to comb through all the changes in 1.0 and look for new problems it’s causing my techniques- some things will not be immediately noticeable as a plugin will appear to run but then not in all cases or not update database info, etc. I’ll organize a way for people to report specific problems as it gets closer towards December.

    As I have repeatedly mentioned it’s also a matter of waiting for 1.0 to settle.

    I see many little problems with it that will have to be fixed – there will likely be at least a couple more releases by December and probably many more little tweaks put in the trunk for 1.5 that might affect my plugins again.

    Your energy is better spent debugging bbPress 1.0, or writing/porting other plugins for bbPress as there’s always something else needed.



    I suspect the akismet plugin will eventually have a permanently delete feature like it does for WordPress.

    If you have that much spam on your forums you have a bigger problem in that so many spammers are able to register so easily.

    I can probably put a real delete button into Mass Edit



    Your caps seem to have a problem of being stuck half the time, please fix that.

    bbPress does not have any way currently to make a post sticky (I assume you mean inside a topic)

    As an alternative you can use the new Edit Post Attributes plugin to change the post date and position to something earlier than the first post and that might make it the first post.



    You can have both, relative time as the main text and then when you mouse over, the real date:


    In reply to: BuddyBar in bbPress



    As long as it’s not my server you are crashing by using too many resources, go for it ;-)

    (won’t go over so well for users on shared hosts however)



    Actually, you do not want bbPress development to stop. It must continue to survive.

    Even if it was feature frozen today I would not be addressing the problems for at least a month or two as bbPress does not pay the bills (there have only been 4 donations this year despite thousands of users of my plugins).

    Simply keep using 0.9 for a few months, it’s very stable and reliable.



    Make sure the names match the user_login allowed format and not display name.

    If you look at the user table directly in phpmyadmin, does it show “AdamBarron” in the user_login field? Or does it show “adambarron” ?



    You can make a view to filter just about any way you want. Just bypass the proprietary internal bbPress query system and make your own mysql query. Study the My Views plugin set to see how it’s done.

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