Re: How to get user_nicename to display a link on post.php?
I’m having a similiar problem. I’m using bbpress integrated with our WordPress site. On the front-page.php page, in the “Latest Discussions” I’m using this bit of code:
<?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> <a href="<?php topic_link(); ?>"><?php topic_title(); ?></a><?php topic_page_links(); ?> by <a href="/wedding-chat/profile/<?php topic_author(); ?>" ><?php topic_author(); ?></a>
Which gives me the users name, and a link to their profile page. The problem is that the link is using their username, which if the user has spaces or dashes, poses problems. I need to get the user_nicename or display_name value from that users record. How do I do this in bbPress? I’ve dug around, but I don’t see any information on the topic.