Re: WordPress Integration
Use this link: It has 8 keys.
NOTE: do NOT use any “www.” anywhere when entering information.
1. Open wp-config line replace your new keys with the one from that link. (lines 55-61)
2. Copy the same keys to bb-config just add BB_ after define(‘ in each key so it will be define('BB_AUTH_KEY', '
(lines 41-44)
3. Install & activate BBpress Intergration plugin
4. Get the information from the plugin and put it in line 20 in wp-config and line 13 in bb-config. (if you’re using WPMU take out the HASH line when you put it in bb-config)
5. Log into your BBpress admin section and navigate to SETTINGS -> WORDPRESS INTEGRATION enter all the information it ask for, save.
6. Clear you cache and you should be ready to go.
If you upgraded from a previous WP version take out define( 'WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1 );
because it doesn’t work on 2.8.4