Re: Display a list of recent topics
Hey Ben L.,
Thanks, that’s what I wanted. Or actually i did describe what i wanted wrong
21.42 → Australische firma bouwt snaarloze gitaar met touchscreen
19.35 → Apoplectic sluit contract met Mexicaans promo bedrijf af
19.22 → Nieuwe video HIM online
16.54 → Dimmu Borgir frontman lanceert "The Wrath of Shag"
21 Jan → The Headbangers Ball - 21 januari 2010 (GEEN AFLEVERING)
21 Jan → DJ Dino in Fat S 29Jan2010
The items published less than 24 hours ago, IS showing as i wrote before, but i what i didn’t think, was that it would even show items published yesterday as that time format. i was hoping that only items published TODAY would list in that time format and items older than today, would have that other time format.
A bit my fault, i didn’t describe it properly, cos i didn’t know that this was a possibility.