Re: Install does not progress to step 3 after skipping wordpress
The physical directory structure is as follows:
Directory of InetpubNewwwwrootforums
20/07/2009 10:59 <DIR> .
20/07/2009 10:59 <DIR> ..
19/07/2009 15:14 <DIR> bb-admin
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-cache
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-plugins
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-includes
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-images
19/07/2009 12:32 <DIR> bb-templates
20/07/2009 13:17 1,691 bb-config.php
05/03/2008 04:32 816 bb-load.php
12/02/2009 00:21 1,037 bb-login.php
24/04/2008 19:06 1,673 bb-config-sample.php
23/04/2008 11:29 1,647 bb-post.php
30/12/2008 23:14 445 bb-reset-password.php
26/08/2008 20:15 13,433 bb-settings.php
12/02/2009 00:21 822 bb-edit.php
26/02/2007 22:48 651 edit.php
12/02/2009 00:21 1,076 favorites.php
22/01/2007 08:40 449 forum.php
22/01/2007 08:40 450 index.php
03/01/2008 00:57 17,986 license.txt
12/02/2009 00:21 308 profile-base.php
17/12/2008 07:57 4,782 profile-edit.php
15/03/2008 02:40 851 profile.php
03/01/2008 00:57 855 readme.txt
05/03/2008 04:32 1,623 register.php
25/04/2008 14:09 4,349 rss.php
29/01/2008 20:11 1,402 search.php
05/03/2008 04:32 238 statistics.php
12/02/2009 00:21 574 tag-add.php
12/03/2008 07:46 661 tag-remove.php
22/01/2007 08:40 433 tags.php
19/07/2009 15:46 3,293 testdb.php
03/01/2008 00:57 1,312 topic.php
03/01/2008 00:57 756 view.php
27 File(s) 63,613 bytes