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Re: Want to add a navigation header



@andywilliams244 Try this for a nifty nav bar that shows at the very top of your site (maybe use this at the very top of both your WordPress and bbPress site?):

1) Check this link out:

2) What you want to do is make a really simple PHP file, lets call it “andybar.php” (if you have trouble making one copy one of your .php bbpress files and rename it)

3) Copy the code from that page into the php file. (you probably want to open with Notepad or Wordpad)

4) Fill in the links how you want them to be, like:

<li><a href="">ANDY_WEBSITE</a></li>

5) Save the php file and upload it into the folder of your theme.

6) Put this in the header where you want the bar to display:

<?php bb_head(); ?>
<?php include('andybar.php');?>

7) The bar should appear at the very top of your bbPress site. You can easily change the colors with the CSS inside that one php file.

8) You might need to play with the bbPress CSS if there is a spacing issue above or below the bar. Hope this helps!

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