Re: Hide Links
I think should do it, it’s based off code here:
Change the values of $forums to the forum IDs of those you wish to restrict (it’ll only work on direct parent forums, not grandparents or categories, I don’t want to include walker code unless people need it).
Tested on 1.0.2 trunk, so I’m not 100% sure it’ll run on 0.9, sorry.
Plugin Name: Remove Links (conditional)
Description: Removes links for non-registered users. Based on <a href="">bb tweaks</a>.
Plugin URI:
Version: 0.01
function bb_strip_links( $text ) {
global $topic;
$forums = array(
if ( !in_array( $topic->forum_id, $forums ) )
return $text;
if ( !bb_current_user_can( 'write_post' ) )
$text = preg_replace('|<a (.+?)>(.+?)</a>|i', 'Login or register to download', $text);
return $text;
add_filter('post_text', 'bb_strip_links');
@Hanratty: hiding links using CSS visibility will still leave the link URLs in the code, which isn’t too desirable for some