Re: Why is integration so troublesome?
I guess I can create some code to fix the display name issue in existing databases. Give me a few minutes.
update: actually it’s as simple as this in phpMyAdmin:
UPDATE wp_users SET display_name=user_login WHERE display_name=''
or via a mini-plugin:
Plugin Name: Fix Anonymous Members
function fix_anonymous() {global $bbdb;
$bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->users SET display_name=user_login WHERE display_name='' ");
} add_action('bb_init','fix_anonymous');
save as _fix-anonymous.php
(with leading underscore)
you only need to upload and run bbpress once with it loaded (no activation required) and then delete the plugin or it will slow down bbPress.
I am now writing a WordPress plugin to fix this without having to duplicate all the names in the table which is a horrendous waste of space.