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Re: Suggestions and misc



hmm seems working .. have wp cats and stuff to the right .. same theme :)

forum root is.. ehh.. root :( cant find where to change that to forums.php

Update: Found at the top in my-templates/topic.php and forum.php .. changed <?php bb_option(‘uri’); ?> to forums.php and it works fine :) i feel happy

Update2: changed in my-templates/footer.php. Removed almost all code

<?php do_action('bb_foot', ''); ?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/myname/wp-content/themes/themename/footer.php');

So it runs with my WP theme footer :)

Need to slice up my WP header so i can do the same

Im just hacking and testing so if there is something i can do better say it ;)

Looks a bit weird to have two admin/logins at my top right corner :D

Update3: Since i had forums.php i change in config.php

// What are you going to call me?

$bb->name = ‘Forum index’;

Looks better :)

Keep up the good work developers!

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