Re: Suggestions and misc
hmm seems working .. have wp cats and stuff to the right .. same theme
forum root is.. ehh.. root cant find where to change that to forums.php
Update: Found at the top in my-templates/topic.php and forum.php .. changed <?php bb_option(‘uri’); ?> to forums.php and it works fine i feel happy
Update2: changed in my-templates/footer.php. Removed almost all code
<?php do_action('bb_foot', ''); ?>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/myname/wp-content/themes/themename/footer.php');
So it runs with my WP theme footer
Need to slice up my WP header so i can do the same
Im just hacking and testing so if there is something i can do better say it
Looks a bit weird to have two admin/logins at my top right corner
Update3: Since i had forums.php i change in config.php
// What are you going to call me?
$bb->name = ‘Forum index’;
Looks better
Keep up the good work developers!