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Re: Really damn impressive!



Hey man.. thanks for your reply. And yes I’ve went extensively through all the hacks. (By the way you made some wicked ones… without your contributions bbpress wouldnt be so awesome)

Vbulletin might have been around for a very long time but its so generic it makes my head hurt. Every vbulletin site you come across looks the same and its pretty hard to customize. Sure you can edit the templates quite heavily but it still heavily depends on tables and executes one massive css file.. even though most of their style attributes is stuck on tables @_@ Sure bbpress uses tables but definitely in a more elegant way.. (frankly I wouldnt want any tables on my page to start with.. will make a theme later thats css only)

I like the idea of having a very small bare bone forum install that can be extended from there.. I’m sure in no time the plugins will be in the core where its just a matter of switching it on in the admin panel. Either way, the plugins are pretty easy to install anyway.

As for my problem.. I made a relatively elegant fix! :)

add this at the top of your header.php

<?php if ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) { ?>





<?php } ?>

Got my site almost sorted now.. just need to find a way to make a tickbox in “post-form.php” that sets the thread to go to favourites :)

As well as perhaps a tickbox next to the comment button ;)

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