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Re: Add nofollow to links

I know this post is rather old, but none of the above suggestions worked. The problem with using the post_author_link or even get_user_link filters is that those only filter the “href” attribute, not the entire “a” tag. That means you can’t add rel=”nofollow” using those filters.

I wasn’t able to figure out a way to get it done without editing the core. I suggest the post_author_link() function around line 1747 of bb-includes/ be edited to allow the option of only returning the link rather than echoing it. That way, you can output the author links in your template (post.php) using something like this:

<?php bb_rel_nofollow(post_author_link(false)); ?>

With the “false” parameter telling WordPress to return the link rather than echo it. I believe that would work for future releases.

As for now, I believe you’ll have to open bb-includes/ and edit the post_author_link and post_author_avatar_link functions to add rel=”nofollow” to the “a” tags. Those functions begin around line 1747 of bb-includes/

Hope that helps.

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