Re: Request: Posts since last visit
Problem: With forum restriction, I use the following code to filter topics with the default views:
function forum_restriction_list_of_allowed_forums($user) {
global $forum_restriction_allowed_in_forum,$bb_current_user;
foreach ($forum_restriction_allowed_in_forum as $forum_number => $forum_memberlist){
if (ereg(get_user_name($user),$forum_memberlist) || $forum_memberlist ==''){
$list_of_allowed_forums .= "'".$forum_number."',";
$list_of_allowed_forums = rtrim($list_of_allowed_forums,",");
return $list_of_allowed_forums;
function forum_restriction_get_latest_topics_where( $where ) {
if (bb_is_user_logged_in()) {
global $bb_current_user;
$list_of_allowed_forums = forum_restriction_list_of_allowed_forums($bb_current_user->ID);
$where .= " AND forum_id IN ($list_of_allowed_forums) ";
echo "where is set to: $where";
return $where;
} else {
return $where;
add_filter ( 'get_latest_topics_where', 'forum_restriction_get_latest_topics_where' );
The problem is this doesn’t work with bb_custom_views used by since-last-visit.php. It seems the plugin changes the $where AFTER forum-restriction has already tried to filter the $where.
How do I get forum_restriction_get_latest_topic_where to add ” AND forum_id IN ($list_of_allowed_forums) ” to $where AFTER since-last-post sets $where?