zaerl (@zaerl)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: If Admin



    Ok. Keep in mind that building your own URL in that way isn’t a good idea. This:

    profile_tab_link(bb_get_current_user_info('id'), 'edit');

    hide all the weidness you see in the pastebin (which is actually the code of profile_tab_link with the domain name stripped away. That template function call bb_uri that takes in consideration all the settings specified in the admin panel.

    Is there a valid reason for building your own URL? I can’t find one.



    As far as I know there isn’t a plugin that add such functionality. But it can be easily achieved.



    Yes, yes and yes. Respectively. I love the clean style of your site. I will change the double-line border of the forum table in a single line.



    70,000 GET ah ah ah


    In reply to: If Admin



    I am not a native english speaker nor english is my second language of choice (italian, french, english in descending order of level of fluency reached.) I don’t know what you mean with “that spits out the anchor tag as well.”

    An anchor tag is #something at the end of an URL. That piece of code echo this:


    which actually is the URL. Did you mean the path?

    In reply to: If Admin



    profile_tab_link(bb_get_current_user_info(‘id’), ‘edit’);



    UUh… The DOwnload is dead.

    GeoCities is dead too. 30 months ago it was up and running. Damn.

    In reply to: If Admin


    In reply to: If Admin





    bb-load.php line 25. Change

    //error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );


    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED ^ E_NOTICE);



    If you don’t want to show your name and surname don’t specify them in your profile. Otherwise other members will see “Name Surname (login-name)” in the profile page.



    Beware. I’m a bit O.T. cause I will speak regarding my situation as a “plugin developer”. Keep in mind that usually I don’t write these kind of posts.

    I really don’t like what’s going on in this site. I mean: everybody are fighting each other regarding the near future of this software. It must be name 1.0.3, no it’s 1.1, no it will be a plugin et cetera. It’s just a number and nobody care about numbers. If Linux jumped from 0.12 to 0.95 then we can call the new version of bbPress 1.0.3, 1.1 or what we want.

    Now what is the real problem? The real problem is this site. After the releasing of the new template and the corresponding “Whoa!” thread everything stopped working. 404 pages, SVN broken, search broken, stupid HTML entities, trac substitution tag. Also the “Downloads This Week” statistics aren’t updated, “Highest Rated Plugins” too and I can continue on.

    I really love this piece of code but we must provide a good experience for users now for the 1.0.2. We can’t provide the new version if there isn’t a solid base first. Few hints? Documentation or API documentation? I was forced to look at the code of the core in order to understand how to write my extensions.

    I am demotivated. I have built a lot of plugins but I don’t want to hit the “submit” button cause why should I share my work if nobody can search for it in the plugin section or access it in several situations? As you can see I have stopped uploading big plugins after Editor and Visibility. Random Desc, Simple Registration, URL Preview and Post Permalink are like toys for me and I can share my toys with other people.

    Have a nice day and long live bbPress.



    I have written a plugin called “zaerl Visibility” that can help you hiding forums for guests. Then you can delete the content of the register.php template file, delete the register link on header.php and manually add users with (check the comments for a fix if you’re running 1.0.2)

    In reply to: Tapatalk Support



    Ah. It would have been funny (for me) to make that plugin but Tapatalk is a paid closed-source application. Ah. And I’m not a bbPress developer :)


    In reply to: Restrict Registration



    No no. My plugin just remove all fields in registration page except user name and email. Nothing more.



    Open phpmyadmin and delete the tables.



    bb_update_forum is a function, not a hook. Like I said there is no way to fire custom actions when a forum is added/modified/deleted.



    So you need to hook bb_new_forum, bb_update_forum and bb_delete_forum. There is no way to set hooks after the db stuff. Or at least this is what I think after 20 mins of studying the core.



    Yes I know. Unfortunately I had to fight with that piece of code also in my plugin zaerl Visibility. bbPress doesn’t allow zero forums.



    I’m basically wanting to know when someone changes the name/title of a topic. Which seems very simple to me (in theory).

    do_action( 'bb_update_topic', $topic_id ); actually is fired after all the db stuff and not before. Given the code of bb_insert_topic we have:

    db update



    in that order. If you intercept bb_update_topic the db must be already updated. At least if there isn’t something evil inside wp_cache_*

    If you want something that works before the database is updated. See this:

    add_filter('pre_topic_title', 'foo', 10, 2);

    function foo($topic_title, $topic_id)
    global $bb_post;

    if($bb_post) echo "You changed me. How dare you.";

    return $topic_title;

    but keep in mind that I’m not proud of this code nor I have run it. What actions do you want to take when a topic is renamed? You want to filter away the new title, changing the slug or what?



    I have a plugin that needs to be fired when someone edits a post.

    bb_update_post, bb_new_post respectively. Post ID is passed.

    Now beware of the magic (?) hack. Given case 'order-forums' : you can use the the action fired by bb_check_ajax_referer:

    do_action('bb_check_ajax_referer', $action, $result);

    if $action == 'order-forums' then you are in that particular case.

    Now you can read $_POST or accessing other actions. What do you want to do?

    p.s. at least in this way God doesn’t kill a kitten.



    if(bb_forums(array(‘where’ =] “where forum_parent = $forum_id”)))

    Substitute the square bracket ] with the angular bracket. For great justice.

    In reply to: Page not found



    You are running IIS and you don’t have a rewrite filter. Go the the admin panel:

    and choose “none”.



    Change the f***ing HTML entity of the above post to the corresponding angular bracket. This forum bug makes me mad.

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