Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Last post first



    found this code, add this to your function.php in your child theme

    function custom_bbp_has_replies() {
      $args['order'] = 'DESC'; // 'ASC' (Ascending, Default), 'DESC' (Descending)
      return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_before_has_replies_parse_args', 'custom_bbp_has_replies' );
    In reply to: Last post first



    like change the order of how the replies display??

    latest post on top , first post on the last page??



    @robin-w the code doesnt work for me

    In reply to: Replies per page



    unfortunately that is not the answer I wanted to hear. =P

    its the right answer though.

    check out these other threads

    Regular support topics

    Pagination issue when threaded replies are enabled

    New feature Enable threaded (nested) replies in bbpress 2.4

    Trac topics

    Here are some quotes from developers of bbpress

    This is the way this feature is currently designed. Hierarchical pagination is quite challenging to tackle; WordPress provides some help with this, but it wasn’t built into our first pass, and no work has gone into improving it since.

    This is actually by design, when reply threading is activated pagination is disabled.

    its possible though , i see this site is running bbpress, has threaded replies and pagination.
    But it all might be custom development.

    The Damn Good Music List #2

    In reply to: Replies per page



    @joeyaberle you have threaded replies activated, threaded replies has no pagination so it shows all the replies on one page

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    @joejozwowski @robin-w i think stephen already cracked this

    i was browsing on how to make custom views and yeah stumbled upon this.

    there is a random topic view in his code.

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    what is the theme you are using??

    are you using wordpress seo or a cache plugin like w3 total cache??

    In reply to: Mobile display



    are you using a child theme ?? with bbpress.css in your child theme??

    cause what i might think is that you have put bbpress.css into your child theme a long time ago

    but the bbpress plugin updated their css with a repsonsive layout and you just dont have that code in your child themes bbpress.css

    if im right , you can just check out the bbpress plugin and copy styles to your child themes bbpress.css



    @tonydes child theme

    you put it either one i guess,

    i copy most of my code into my custom css editor in my theme because it works automatically for me

    but if i have to put the code into my bbpress.css in my child theme , i have to add !important alot



    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    heres is a straight link to where you need to be, but reading the whole page isnt bad too

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    Sweet… do I could just put the: “/?random=1″ in the URL field of a menu item and BLAM

    try it??

    if not try the other ways robin said.

    In reply to: Random Topic Link



    @robin-w, @joejozwowski

    i found the code to create a random post link that you can use as a reference , when creating a random topic link

    got it from

    function random_post() {
           global $wp;
           add_rewrite_rule('random/?$', 'index.php?random=1', 'top');
    function random_template() {
           if (get_query_var('random') == 1) {
                   $posts = get_posts('post_type=post&orderby=rand&numberposts=1');
                   foreach($posts as $post) {
                           $link = get_permalink($post);

    link to show

    <a href="/?random=1">Random Post</a>

    creating a menu link , idk how to bring that link up in the menu



    However, even after enabling threaded replies, I’m still unable to achieve the same result with the nested reply. When I click “reply” in the top corner of the 4th post down, for example, it just scrolls to the initial reply form beneath the first post, instead of opening up a new reply form beneath the 4th post.

    i dont really know then it might be edited threaded replies to bring up the reply form, i checked there code and on the reply link has

    <a href="/topic/to-go-to-college-or-to-move-to-la-and-act/?bbp_reply_to=335515&_wpnonce=62ed053836#new-post" class="bbp-reply-to-link" onclick="return addReply.moveForm('post-335515','335515','new-reply-335513','335513');">Reply</a>

    most of this code is normal except i think

    onclick="return addReply.moveForm('post-335515','335515','new-reply-335513','335513');

    the 335515 is most likey the post id

    other than that i have no idea how to do this , but i mean if i find out in the future i will update this topic.

    If you figure it out in the future before me i would like you to update this topic.



    @marximusmg no problem



    @marximusmg give me link to your site when you get this done, i just want to check it out



    idk havent tryed editing the submit button for certain forms yet

    but for profile its

    #bbpress-forums #bbp-your-profile fieldset.submit button {
    float: right;

    for reply form its

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-form fieldset.bbp-form button {
    float: right;
    margin-top: -120px;

    you can try that , other than that try doing what stephen said

    You should look up some CSS resources and use your browsers ‘inspector’ to look at how to make CSS changes to your theme, use your favourite search engine to find these.



    Do you know how I would go about hiding the “Create New Topic” form at the bottom of the page, now that I’ve made the link at the top to go to the “New Topic” standalone page?

    copy content-single-forum.php into your bbpress folder
    and delete any instance that say <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'topic' ); ?>

    that should do it



    @marximusmg yeah this is pretty easy

    copy content-single-topic into your bbpress folder in your child theme.

    then just move <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'reply' ); ?>

    just below <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-topic-lead' ); ?>

    In reply to: User functions.



    i guess you could wrap the subscribe link with a php if function using (if user can moderate)
    then output nothing if the user cant moderate , this would also show the subscribe links to keymasters too

    the subscribe checkbox , im not sure but it might be the same thing too.

    ill check back when i find out the function.



    Any luck finding out how this reply feature is accomplished?

    i havent really dug into it ive been busy

    but heres is the show lead topic function , throw that code into your child themes functions.php


    im sure all you got to do is add the call for the reply form code somewhere right at the bottom in the lead topic template.

    I also would love to know how to (also seen on High Existence) implement the “reply” option on the top right of each post within the topic, which when clicked accordions out the reply form directly beneath that post.

    they use threaded replies, so if you go to bbpress forum settings then click threaded replies you should get that.

    In reply to: My impressions so far



    BBPress however is not really a forum in my opinion yet

    you know i never get when people say that

    what is bbpress missing that really should be implemented to make it a guaranteed forum??

    if i would i suggest something , for looks i guess would be color coordination for forums and topics, if you switch to topic freshness instead of forum archive.

    so the layout would be

    title of topic
    started by: (user) in (color of forum) title of forum

    or just the title of the forum with the color of the forum as a background/

    imo thats the only suggestion i really want , but i mean there is also a plugin that already does this kind of thing.



    i know this is possible there is some function to display usermeta

    webpage: there is a website field in contact details in bbpress profile , that i think it gets that from wordpress profile information and just displays it frontend.

    about me: there is Biographical Info under About Yourself so its possible to call it using a display usermeta function i think.

    send me an email: you can make a link with php inside of it so it would end up with mailto:(user-email), i dont know for sure if thats a safe way to do it though.

    and you just put all that code and display on the frontend where the forum role and user stats are.



    What is feed in bbPress?

    RSS feed

    In reply to: User functions.



    use a certain plugin that sends notifications to certain user roles, like moderators



    @cybarmitzvah new problems = new topics

    create a new topic

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