Robkk (@robkk)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robkk


    this plugin does this type of thing but you have to manually configure that part

    you would have to copy the bbPress Recent Topics widget edit it/rename it and change where it renders the topic title to gtf_topic_title()



    we´re finding bbpress so incredibly frustrating, no private messages, no way to tell users if x post has unread replies (I mean, really!? how is a user supposed to use it regularly!?)

    sorry about your experience so far, there is alot of unread posts plugins that do unread posts quite differently in each one.

    search google for these.

    bbPress – Pencil Unread
    bbPress Unread Posts
    bbPress New Topics
    bbPress Go To First Unread Post
    bbPress – Mark as Read
    bbPress – Thread Catch-Up

    and as for private messages their are a bunch of WordPress plugins that do that also. 1 for sure is BuddyPress which is made by the same developer as bbPress.

    check out this topic for other examples besides BuddyPress’ private messages feature.

    if you have any other issues with bbPress please make a new topic and the support will try to handle it as soon as possible.




    hover over in the toolbar there should be a dropdown that says create new topic

    or click the forum you want to create your topic in the forum list in the sidebar and scroll to the bottom of the page and create a new topic from there.



    do this instead since you want it for all of the bbPress login forms.

    .bbp-login-form {
    	max-width: 270px;

    and you could put the CSS in many places

    a custom css plugin
    jetpacks css module
    your child themes stylesheet
    the bbpress.css stylesheet that should be copied to your child theme in a bbpress folder



    you can see it comes back to normal on very small sizes close to 200 maybe settings a max width for the login form would do the job.

    try something close to this , edit if you want.

    .widget.bbp_widget_login .bbp-login-form {
    	max-width: 270px;



    ive found this its a good 16 bucks in US.

    it says it sends notifications to your phone if you have the pushover app (also paid $5 maybe??)

    if you want to create an app out of your WordPress/bbPress site i think this service would work

    there might be other ways too , maybe hooking into the official WordPress app but im not sure, this might need some custom development and you would need to hire a developer.



    if you have WordPress all set up and also downloaded and activated bbPress.

    then follow this article and see if it helps.

    if you want more explained articles on how to set up your forums

    there is a step by step 5 part guide on how to setup bbPress


    still have issues then please reply back



    sorry about you getting no responses

    im lately fiddling with importing other forum software to bbPress

    its a learning curve but yeah maybe in the future we wont have to always rely on Stephen for importing forums support tickets when he is busy.

    if you have any other information to post to help out future users who have could come across the same issue please do so.



    if you talking about the white-space on the left and right sides of the page.

    did you create a bbpress.php file??

    In reply to: Topics hidden



    i think this topic is resolved.

    if you still have an issue reply back.



    This site has been temporarily disabled, please try again later.

    i guess ill try again later



    if you dont want users to subscribe to forums/topics at all disable subscriptions in settings>forum

    if you dont want users to favorite topics disable subscriptions in settings>forum

    the subscription and favorites sections will disappear if disable both

    you can also copy the file content-single-user.php into a folder called bbpress in your child theme. then delete these lines of code below.

    <?php if ( bbp_is_favorites() ) bbp_get_template_part( 'user', 'favorites'       ); ?>
    <?php if ( bbp_is_subscriptions() ) bbp_get_template_part( 'user', 'subscriptions'   ); ?>
    <?php if ( bbp_is_single_user_topics() ) bbp_get_template_part( 'user', 'topics-created'  ); ?>
    <?php if ( bbp_is_single_user_replies() ) bbp_get_template_part( 'user', 'replies-created' ); ?>



    hmmm i see you hid the notice with some CSS for a quick solution.

    you can check and see if creating a bbpress.php file would solve the issue.

    In reply to: WordPress dashboard



    see if this works

    add it to your function.php in your child theme or functionality plugin.

     * Disable admin bar on the frontend of your website
     * for subscribers.
    function rkk_disable_admin_bar() { 
    	if( ! current_user_can('edit_posts') )
    		add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false');	
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'rkk_disable_admin_bar' );
     * Redirect back to homepage and not allow access to 
     * WP admin for Subscribers.
    function rkk_redirect_admin(){
    	if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_posts' ) ){
    		wp_redirect( site_url() );
    add_action( 'admin_init', 'rkk_redirect_admin' );



    It doesn’t show all the forum categories. It’s showing up like a blog post/page instead.

    this is common , all you have to do is create a bbpress.php file your bbpress installation.

    heres more instructions on how to create one.

    Why is it showing /forums/forum? I only want it to be for example /forums

    its suppose to be setup that way.

    you can disable the Prefix all forum content with the Forum Root slug in settings>forum, its recommended though.

    Now, if I try to go to to see the whole list of forums like it should be

    you should go to

    /forums/ for all forums

    /forums/forum for specific forum.



    your registration page is made from BuddyPress.

    unless there is another registration made from the bbPress register form shortcode that is causing the problem.

    you can try deactivating your plugins one at a time and try to find if there is a plugin causing the issue.

    other than that i guess go to




    if you used Robins CSS , remove that and it will show up in the widget area.

    do what Stephen said just disable search in settings>forums so it wont appear in the forum archive page




    post a link to your site

    a little CSS could fix up the input box awkwardness and also help put labels on top.



    contact the plugins author on their support forum and tell them that it has issues with hotmail.

    they would know more about how to fix the issue.




    did you also check your spam folder??



    i just tested twentyfifteen and the quick tag bar shows up fine as long as you have post formatting in enabled in settings>forums.

    i also tested the tinymce tab plugin and it seems to work well together.

    does clicking any of the tabs not show the toolbar , sometimes in the past it would show nothing until you click the tabs.

    and also make sure to double check just in case you cant see them.

    the buttons and button font color could be white based on the image you posted.

    In reply to: Template



    1. heres a pretty good tutorial in the docs to style your bbPress forums with some CSS

    bbPress Styling Crib

    2. if your talking about maybe downloading some already styled templates there is none, i think bbPress standalone had this but theme compatibility makes giving away already styled templates pretty tough.

    if you actually want to see what users could create with bbPress check out some of the sites listed here

    3. as long as you follow this link

    you can use the templates to customize bbPress forums to your liking.

    also checking the rest of the docs wouldnt be bad too.



    i found this plugin that does exactly what you say.

    as long as you have allow anyone to register to site activated then it looks like it should work fine.

    there are plenty more plugins that also do this type of thing but they do additional things lik custom login forms. What i used in the past was a plugin called Register Plus Redux.

    if you want something different and with more features go search the WordPress repository.



    hmmm thats weird

    hopefully while your trying to fix it , you didn’t do more harm than good.

    heres a list of things you can do

    contact your hosting providers support

    see if they can find any issues you might have if you installed an SSL certificate or any other issues that might cause it like a CDN setup or such in their environment but im only guessing.

    post a topic here

    im saying post a topic here because I don’t know much about this kind of issue , and im sure the people at their support team can help. I just know some stuff about bbPress and some stuff in WordPress to get by, like I said it’s highly unlikely that bbPress or BuddyPress could cause the issue im not ruling it out but its highly unlikely.

    if your site is a live site do a scan also at

    do a scan just in case something bad might of happened.

    you can also wait until someone else picks up the topic from here and give you any other additional information.



    I haven’t found a plugin with that kind of functionality

    you can create a sticky topic on your site, with guidelines , rules , and stuff to know about like whats the limit you held for editing a post.

    other than that this kind of functionality seems kind of fancy so maybe some custom development is needed. go to and post a job.

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