Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Can’t Change Font Size in Topic Editing Page
ok, can I ask which setting in bbp style pack you are using – ie what tab and what setting number, that should let me suggest some fix
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagooops, sorry, just remembered that this is a known error.
Ignoring Brizy (any remaining issues with Brizy you’ll need to get a developer to help with)
either install
which has the fix for this built inor use this code
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'rew_supports_js' ); function rew_supports_js() { echo '<script>document.body.classList.remove("no-js");</script>'; }
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagok, so without Brizy it all works fine – yes?
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagso is the ‘toolbar’ you are talking about the one you see here in this support forum, or another ?
In reply to: Can’t Change Font Size in Topic Editing Pagelink to an example please
In reply to: Using Custom Forum Index Page on Topic SubmitGreat – and thanks for posting your solution 🙂
In reply to: Using Custom Forum Index Page on Topic SubmitThe simplest is to make the page and forum permalinks match
so either make the permalink of your custom forums landing page ‘forums’
go to the page and edit and look for the permalink
or change the forums tag to the permalink of the page
dashboard>settings>forums>forum rootIn reply to: Headers displaying incorrectlythat’s great – thanks for posting 🙂
In reply to: Details of Forum not visible on Forum PageI have filled in some details on my Forum page
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Forum Display>item 6
In reply to: Headers displaying incorrectlycan you post the final bbpress.php you created please
In reply to: Removing a sidebar from a topic page🙂
In reply to: Topic not showing: Conflict with The Events Calendarhey that’s great – looks like they might fix this – do report back if you get an update
In reply to: Restrict specific forum by role?\bbpress\includes\users\template.php
In reply to: Restrict specific forum by role?yes part of bbpress
In reply to: Restrict specific forum by role?you could filter this function and it’s reply equivalent
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagDoing anything involves finding out where and why this is happening.
If we find that, then we can look at possible causes and potential solutions.
I am yet to be convinced it is a bbpress issue at all. bbpress uses this element when a user inserts a link – that is true, but it is a generic piece of wordpress code. This is a bit like saying because Fred cuts his lawn, any lawn that is cut must have been cut by Fred.
I am not seeing this form on any pages in my test site.
The code is in some javascript in the footer, and could be loaded by anything, including a wordpress setting, theme or plugin.
so can you
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagthanks,
Is it just this page, and if so, is that elements the only place on that page it is happening?
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagthat’s a wordpress element
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagThe page is 1500 lines.
but still no idea what your image has to do with bbpress????
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagok, sorry only so much time I can give to this.
I can see one form on the sitelink and that is mailchimp.
I have no idea what an ‘insert/edit form’ form is.
It may well be that you have to be logged in to see it – I don’t know.
In reply to: Searching Problem🙂
ok, I cannot say why that is happening.
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: Removing a sidebar from a topic pagethe code would need to go in a theme page, as it is your theme that renders the sidebar.
Sorry beyond free help
In reply to: Searching Problemok, all I can say is that it works on my test site.
I am not a bbpress author, just a guy sat in his kitchen trying to help others
In reply to: Bbpress redundant H1 tagbypassed and went to the site – the link is just a webpage – no sign of bbpress on here.