Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Problem with comments



    can you give us a link to show the problem?



    In 99% of cases this file will not have changed in the update, but all bbpress update plugins will overwrite this file, so you’ll lose your change.

    Therefore you can have two strategies.

    1. do the update – this will overwrite the code. Then go back in to this file and just put your two lines of code back. You might need to check that the file hasn’t altered around line 24, so might need to alter where you put it.

    2. Copy the file using FTP to your PC. Following an update, inspect the new content-single-topic to see if the file has been altered. Very high chance it hasn’t. If not, then just FTP back the file on your PC. If it has altered, you’ll need to copy the two ,lines fo code and put them back in the right place.

    In reply to: Forum Access Question




    Yes you will set each one up.

    Go into Dashboard>users>add new user

    In there you will see a box to uncheck that they don’t see the toolbox, a wordpress role – I set to none for this site.

    Once you have set them up and clicked save, then go back in to edit that user and you’ll see at the bottom options for their bbpress, which you’ll set to participant.

    In reply to: Forum Access Question



    This will take you several stages but should get you where you want to be

    1. For your forum page

    Create a page called forum or forums. In the body of the page type the following code


    And save

    If your menu auto-creates then this will appear, if not go into dashboard>appearance>menus

    2. Create a register form

    Download contact form 7

    set up a page called ‘register’, and put a registration for in there

    3. Download bbpress WP tweaks

    This will give you a bbpress sidebar that your forum page will use

    Go into dashboard>appearance>widgets and populate this with

    (bbpress) login widget

    The url for register will be the page you set up under 2 – so populate this with “/register”, and the lost password url will be “/lost-password”

    (bbpress) forums list

    (bbpress) recent topics

    (bbpress) recent replies

    And anything else you want to add

    4. When someone sends in a form (it’ll be emailed to you) then you can set them up, and ensure that they don’t get the toolbar. They will have “no role for this site” for wordpress, and “participant” form bbpress.

    That should be enough to get you going, but come back if you need more !

    In reply to: Forum Access Question



    Ok, few thoughts

    1. Is you intention to have a site with a forum page, or is the forum the whole site? This will determine the best way to get your users onto the forum, let me know and I’ll advise further
    2. I don’t like giving users the dashboard – it takes away from look and feel of the site and shows them the backend. I disable the toolbar in users profile.
    3. I don’t let my users auto register – unless you plan to have high levels of users it is better to let them manually resister. I have a simple form that they complete and gets auto emailed to me. I then set them up manually. If you forums are private, then you wouldn’t want anyone being able to auto access anyway would you?
    4. you need to assign your topics to forums, and make those forums private for the participant role to then be able to see them



    Your first “forum” is actually your home page – most people run forums as a sub to their main site -the site sort of thinks it is displaying

    home>forums>Digital terrestrial

    Interesting thread here

    How do I edit bbPress breadcrumbs?

    Which makes me think this plugin might be what you need to lose the “home” page bit in the breadcrumb.

    It that doesn’t work, come back and I’ll try to work out where in the plugin you put some code.



    Unfortunately can’t see your issue, as the page is coming up with just the shortcode



    I presume you are not the administrator of this site, so you’ll need to get the admin to give you privilege to access this area.



    can you post a link to the site/forum/page so that we can see what you are asking?



    Glad you’re sorted



    tried to sign up for an account so that I can see this, but the signup worked, but login didn’t. Maybe you need to authorise?



    Without spending too much time try


    is the likely file

    Probably before or after line 24 if you want it at the top

    Les us know if that works, as it’ll help people later one (and I might try it at some stage!)

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile



    You’re very welcome !

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile



    Strangely this is quite difficult to achieve, as the url for a user profile edit is

    where the username is the actual username of the person logged in.

    so you can’t add it as a menu item as far as I can work out.

    2 solutions to this :

    Solution 1 – the harder way !
    One solution and the one I use is adding this as a line in the login widget, so that it appears under the “account” in your sidebar

    I use the (bbpress) Login widget for the sidebar. This widget is set up in


    I added this line after line 145

    line 145 reads
    <?php bbp_logout_link(); ?>

    and I add a new line 146 saying

    <p><a href="<?php bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ); ?>edit" >Amend Profile/Change password</a></p>
    This then comes up when someone is logged in

    Of course you’ll need to make a note of this change, as it is lost whenever you upgrade bbpress versions

    the advantage (and why I use it ) is it then only gives this line when someone is logged in

    Solution 2 – the easier way

    If you’re not keen to change code, the download the enhanced text widget

    Then in your sidebar add the enhanced text widget, and put this code in content, check the “don’t display header” and click save

    <p><a href="<?php bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ); ?>edit" >Amend Profile/Change password</a></p>

    Much easier to do, but displays whether someone is logged on or not.



    Another plugin sounds possible – try disabling them one at a time and see if without one it works ok.

    Otherwise, you could try adding this to your functions file

    function pw_bbp_auto_checK_subscribe( $checked, $topic_subscribed  ) {
        if( $topic_subscribed == 0 )
            $topic_subscribed = true;
        return checked( $topic_subscribed, true, false );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_form_topic_subscribed', 'pw_bbp_auto_checK_subscribe', 10, 2 );

    That sets it to checked, so presumably if you changed line

    $topic_subscribed = true;to

    $topic_subscribed = false;

    it should uncheck it

    Give it a try

    In reply to: Remove Sidebar



    ok, try this – I have culled it from varous other posts, in particular

    Full-Width Forum

    Don’t swear it will work, but give it a go

    1. Create a page called “forums”,
    2. make this page a full width page – if your theme doesn’t support this, then you’ll need to create a child theme and add a full page template.
    3. Put this shortcode on the page [bbp-forum-index]
    4. edit the following file
    by removing the left float from div.bbp-breadcrumb(line 405)
    5. In your style.css add the following

    .bbPress #primary {
    display: none;
    .bbp-forums {
    width: 100%;

    let us know if that works


    In reply to: Remove Sidebar



    you can add this function to your functions.php

    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {       
        if ( function_exists('is_bbpress') ) {
            if (is_bbpress()) {
                $sidebars_widgets = array(false);
                unregister_sidebar( 'bp_core_widgets' );
        return $sidebars_widgets;
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'disable_all_widgets', 1, 1);

    or this to your style.css

    .bbPress #primary {
    display: none;
    In reply to: Persistant login form



    Suggest you add the plugin

    bbpress WP tweaks

    and then use the

    (bbpress) login widget

    added to your sidebar.



    by default it is unchecked – is your site the other way round?

    Yes, although I am not sure why.

    I presume you mean checked by default?



    Resetting permalinks is easy. Just go into the dashboard>settings>permalinks and then just click save, this doesn’t change anything, but does a reset.

    If that doesn’t work, come back with your url



    by default it is unchecked – is your site the other way round?

    In reply to: shadowy text issue



    In a word , yes.

    Can you post your url so I can take a look



    What theme are you using? and can we see how it looks – give us your website address



    Nowadays (unless someone knows different) it is integrated into the WP dashboard

    on the main dashboard you’ll see an area called “right now in forums” – if you look at the main dashboard you’ll see a panel called “right now” to then right of the menu’s. Follow this column of panels down and usually at the bottom there’s another panel that says “right now in forums” – you can rearrange these panels to bring this up or indeed to the top.

    Apart from this, you have menu items of foums, topics and replies which you can use for admin

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