Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: New User Registrations

    Robin W


    Presume you are allowing automatic registration and posting?

    There are things out there that will sign up and post to your forums – mainly advertising or weirdos.

    They’ll just add spam to your site.

    Not a problem if its occasional, could be if it becomes regular

    Robin W


    I disable the toolbar for users – it always looks like an add-on and clashes with the theme style

    I use a sidebar, and put the login widget on it.

    I then customise the login widget as per item 3 of

    Layout and functionality – Examples you can use

    In reply to: My groups forums only

    Robin W


    Yes use buddypress and bbPress together.

    For how to do this see this excellent video

    Robin W


    crzyhrse – I am in the process of trying to improve the documentation – I started using wordpress & bbPress earlier this year and am still learning. This is community software, and community documentation, so I am trying to do my bit by helping the documentation side, and by spending time on the forum helping others where I can. The step by step guides I am writing are designed to fit the bill of “cohesive simple directions”, but if they are failing or you haven’t found them, then they are not working as planned. Let me know and I’ll try to improve layout and/or content, but I need good feedback to do this.

    The text change suggested by renai42 works (with a small change) if done to the bbpress.css.

    Can I ask you to look at

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    and the styling crib

    bbPress Styling Crib

    I’ve just tested and added Renai’s css so look there for what to use.

    If you can improve wording or content to help others – please let me know what could be better phrased.

    If it doesn’t work, come back with what you did, and I’ll see if I can help further

    Robin W


    bbPress can do all the above.



    for a step by step guide.

    Can bbpress be configured to require registration before posting?

    Yes, and you may want to set a manual registration if you want to vet who joins. The documentation explains.

    Are there additional plugins?

    Yes, lots of them that’ll let you add stuff to the forum and customise it for you

    Robin W


    Sorry I can’t see any forums on your site now.

    You can turn breadcumbs off using

    function bm_bbp_no_breadcrumb ($param) {
    return true;
    add_filter ('bbp_no_breadcrumb', 'bm_bbp_no_breadcrumb');

    add this to your functions file in your theme/childtheme

    Robin W


    Hey, Thanks for a great and detailed response, I’ll read it in detail later as off to earn a living, but I’ll be digging into it and the code tonight !

    Thanks again – really helpful !

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile

    Robin W


    Tested – I subscribed, but in profile it says


    You are not currently subscribed to any forums.”

    So no that doesn’t seem to work.

    Edgar – any ideas 2.5 working in twentyten !

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile

    Robin W


    Just upgraded my test site to 2.5, and with the twentyten theme I run, the profile link takes you to a page with

    topics started
    replies created

    Just as it did before !

    I use solution 1, so I have just added the oine to the new widgets file and uploaded it, and all works fine.

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile

    Robin W


    Ok thanks I’ll take a look, but sounds like 2.5 has changed the way profiles are displayed
    ie when you click an avatar it now goes to a smaller screen selection.

    Robin W



    I just followed the functions until I found these three filters: 🙂

    Ok, so given that loop-single-reply has

    bbp_reply_author_link( array( 'sep' => '<br />', 'show_role' => false ) );

    How did you get from there to “I just followed…”?

    I’ve never got into this area (have only been playing with wordpress since March this year, so am still a newbie), and would love to, but can’t find any tutorials that get you from a line on a display php to the backend function that creates it. I understand how a filter works (and that link is the best explanation I’ve seen so far!), but have you got a logical way to then backtrack to find out what you’re going to create a filter for? – I’ve looked through bbpress and there are lots of “function.php”s, the most obvious being bbpress/includes/common/functions.php, but a search for ‘bbp_get_user_profile_link’ comes up blank.

    If you could explain how you get from a to b, I be really grateful !

    Robin W


    You might need to play a bit, and come back if this either works or doesn’t, I’ve only had a quick look, and suspect there’s a much better way…but

    You main theme uses ‘Helvetica Neue’,sans-serif and the forum is using Arial

    I’m still on 2.4.1 so can’t tell you which lines you need in version 2.5

    So in the bbpress.css file you’ve correctly copied to theme’s folder, do a search for “font-size” and where you find it, add a line

    font: ‘Helvetica Neue’,sans-serif;

    That will take it in common with the main theme’s font.

    for instance

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-title h3 {
    	background: none;
    	border: none;
    	font-size: 16px;
     	line-height: 1em;
     	margin: 8px 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	text-transform: none;

    you’d alter it to say

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-title h3 {
    	background: none;
    	border: none;
    	font-size: 16px;
     	font: 'Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;
     	line-height: 1em;
     	margin: 8px 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	text-transform: none;

    Robin W


    It shouldn’t do – just tested with bbPress 2.4.1 and editing by admin in either the dashboard or in the options when viewing the post doesn’t change it’s “published” date, which is what the forum uses as it’s display order.

    Have you got any plugins or changes you’ve made that could affect this.

    And.. has this just started happening and what version of bbPress are you on?

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile

    Robin W



    Some great tips there.

    mm, the upgrade will have overwritten the change – as per first post

    Of course you’ll need to make a note of this change, as it is lost whenever you upgrade bbpress versions

    I haven’t upgraded yet, let me know if putting it back fixes it !

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile

    Robin W


    Which of the solutions above did you use?

    Robin W


    Did you create a separate .ccs file – if so, could you post it here (surround it with the code button) so that others can see what you did, and I’ll maybe use it in the official documentation as an example !

    Robin W


    Nice piece of integration !

    Robin W


    No I wasn’t able to check

    Robin W


    I think the plugin talked about membership form -, have you actually tried it?

    Personally I just use cformsII plugin – google it and a video on how to set it up as its flexible but not very friendly initially – just create a form and then create a “register” page and put the short code in, and hook your login widget to it.

    It does mean manual registration – ie you need to set each user up, but that lets me check who’s joining !

    Robin W


    This may look a bit messy but without spending a lot of time

    In loop-single-reply.php (wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress)

    change line 45 which uses bbp_reply_author_link

    and use

    bbp_get_reply_author_avatarto display the avatar and

    to get the id – you’ll then need to play with maybe

    putting the id in the brackets

    eg bbp_get_reply_author(bbp_get_reply_author_id )

    should give you the username rather than display name

    you’d then need to play with

    content-single-topic.php for the forum lists (wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress)

    Robin W


    Can you post a link to your site?

    Robin W


    Try this one, I haven’t used it, but seems to cover what you want

    In reply to: change forum sidebar

    Robin W



    I’d suggest you create a page called “forums” and put the code

    [bbp-forum-index] in it

    You can then style this page to have no sidebar

    Otherwise with widget logic, you would still have a sidebar, but could alter what is displayed in forums and your blog. As stated above, just add a widget to your sidebar, and use the codes above in the widget logic box

    Robin W


    first name & Last name are included in my bbpress profile, can you post a link to yours so we can see?

    Robin W


    Good, I might give it a go, was on my list of things to try when I get a moment !

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