Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • Robin W


    You should have a forums tab above appearance, and forums in the settings tab.

    I’d un-install and re-install

    Robin W


    As far as I can see it all looks ok. Presume you have permalinks and that the forum slugs set as directed.

    If so try this – sometikes the bbpress sidebar doesn’t quite get there.

    Deactivate bbpress tweaks
    Dashboard>plugins>bbpress tweaks>deactivate

    Go into widgets

    And look at the bottom of the left hand side. You’ll see an “inactive sidebar”, with your entries on
    Below this is an “inactive widgets”
    Drag all the entries from the inactive sidebar to the inactive widgets area.
    This then allows wordpress to delete the sidebar
    I normally log out and in again at this stage – probably not needed, but I’ve never bothered to check
    Then basically reverse the above
    Re-enable bbpress tweaks
    You see the bbpress sidebar returns
    Drag the entries back from the inactive widgets area to the sidebar

    If this works, come back and let me know

    In reply to: Hide Sidebar

    Robin W


    you can use ‘widget logic’ plugin to control what is shown in sidebars. for bbpress the logic is

    is_bbpress() to display and
    !is_bbpress() to hide

    or if you want a forum specific sidebar use ‘bbpress WP’ tweaks plugin.

    Profile images use the gravatar image see for details

    In reply to: layout changes

    Robin W


    make the forum hidden, then only registered users can see it.

    In reply to: Forum Page

    Robin W


    Thanks for posting, I tried your website a couple of days ago, and it was hanging, so have only just been able to get on and see what you’re seeing.

    I’d suggest you disable all your plugins and try again. The site should work, but it might be a plugin conflict.

    if that works, add back the plugins one at a time to see which is causing the conflict.

    Otherwise come back and let us know

    Robin W


    horses for course – wish you well

    Robin W


    ok, I’ve cut justsayno1’s code into a plugin, which you can download from here

    This will then override any user choice, and enforce only username as the display

    bbpress username plugin

    Download this to your PC, and then using dashboard>plugins>add new and select upload files and upload the zipped file to your site

    Let me know what works and doesn’t

    Three things :

    1. As justsayno1 says – the avatar will display the “display name” as the “alt” choice.
    2. The profile page still appears to have the “display name”
    3. I haven’t yet worked out how to take out the user choice to edit what is displayed, even though of course that is now redundant ie doesn’t work

    – give it a go and let me know what works and what doesn’t – I basically just nicked Justsayno’s code.

    on No. 1 above, can you point me to where the get-avatar function is in main wordpress (the file name would be great) and I’ll amend and cut that code into the plugin as well

    on No.s 2 & 3 – have you fixed these, and if so can you point me to the solutions, and again I’ll add then to the plugin.

    Robin W


    Can you give us an example of where “written by” and which date you want removed ?

    Robin W



    If I get a moment in the next few days, I’ll fork all that code into a plugin for you/others.

    In reply to: Forum Page

    Robin W


    If you page’s URL is “xx/forums” and the forum slug is “forum” it won’t appear without the shortcode as they don’t match (one plural, one singular). Also if you add any text to the page (as you have done) then again you’ll need the shortcode. But it should work with the shortcode.

    Can you confirm that the site currently has

    at the bottom, including the square brackets.

    Robin W


    loop-single-reply is the template that displays posts and replies


    copy this to a bbpress directory in your theme (see codex for how to do this if needed), and then you should be able to put a “logged in” condition around whatever you want in this. For instance

    <?php bbp_reply_content(); ?>

    to make that bit conditional

    Robin W


    Great, and thanks for posting the solution, it’ll help other people picking up this issue in future !

    Robin W


    No problems, it was beginning to annoy me as well !

    In reply to: My groups forums only

    Robin W


    You should set the forums to hidden, then it should work – let me know. I don’t run a set up like this, so am only going by documentation.

    Robin W


    Ok, I’m still struggling because what you describe is not what I see as you have the “DONOTWANTTHISTOBEWHATTHELINKPOINTSTO” still set, so I am not seeing your exact problem.

    You should be able to

    1. set the forum root to “forums”
    2. set permalinks to postname in settings
    3. set the “forum” page permalink to
    4. Put the shortcode on that page

    and then you can change the actual “forum” page to whatever title you like and as long, and it should all work – mine is set up exactly that way and works.

    You could try disabling seo yoast to eliminate that as a problem.

    what other plugins are you running?

    Robin W


    when did that appear !?

    Robin W


    It is in the widgets.php file

    located at


    start at line 1064

    you should be able to find the time in there somewhere

    NOTE : this file will be overwritten by bbPress updates. You might do better to fork the code into your own plugin to prevent overwrites.

    I think (but am not sure) the styling comes from other wordpres & bbPress elements and has no direct bbpress.css elements

    Robin W



    1. Does it work apart from this?
    2. Exactly where are you seeing this forum list?
    3. presume you are only seeing this list as an admin seeing everything? Do users restricted to one forum see only their forums?

    Robin W


    Was with you al the way to

    I know that if I populate the Forum Root field with the same slug as my shortcode page the forum index and page contents show up, but what I lose is my Page Title Tag.

    I think I am being thick, but what does having the forum root field as forum lose you? – can you give a view of what you want to see and what it is doing.

    Robin W


    Yes, add this code to your style.css in your child theme

    .bbp-search-form {
     display:none !important;

    Robin W



    bbPress will work out of the box for most implementations. How much you then customise it is up to you.

    Typically you might want to change a little of the styling – that depends on how much styling your existing site has – There wasn’t a link to your existing site in your original post.

    Then you might wish to alter some layout – although the default is pretty standard

    The documentation


    will show you what you need to do to set up, and if you already have wordpress, then you could see how well bbPress would suit you in a couple of hours by following the set up guide and creating some test forums.

    Robin W


    You can also use hidden forums to allow only registered users to view

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    step 5


    In reply to: layout changes

    Robin W


    quite easy see


    where there are step by step guides, and layout examples

    In reply to: CSS bug?

    Robin W


    As Stephen says move the bbpress.css into your theme and you can mod it withoutn overwriting


    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2

    for details of how to do this

    Robin W




    for a bunch of examples

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