Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @robin-w




    it’s coming from bbpress stylesheet.

    there may be a quicker way to remove this, but one that should work is as follows.

    I don’t think you have a childtheme, and now may be the time to consider having one, see for more details

    once done you need to navigate to


    copy this file into a folder called css within your theme, so you end up with

    where mychildtheme is the name of your childtheme

    Then edit every line that has

    background-color : xxxxxxx

    change to

    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

    NOTE it goes from background-color to background
    and it is only the background color that you’ll be changing, not lines which just have color: as that’ll be text!


    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-header {
    	background-color: #f4f4f4;


    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-header {
    	background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

    This will make the background transparent, but with a darker tint shading that you have in your sidebar (the amount of difference is on the 0.4 bit, 0.1 is the lightest, 1.0 the darkest).

    Come back if that doesn’t fix it, or for further help



    the answer is probably yes – a forum post is a post

    You might do better to install bbPress WP Tweaks Widget Logic plugin which gives you a forum specific sidebar

    alternately (or additionally) use widget logic where you can use code like is_bbpress()or the negative !is_bbpress()to control where widgets are shown




    There are lots of ways into bbpress and wordpress. Can you post a link to the screen you’re talking about so that we can clearly see what text you want to remove.



    great, glad you’re sorted !



    ok, that all looks fine.

    The error as far as I can work out says that it has an unexpected ‘/ ‘ on the evaluated code on line 4 – so for the code in the profile page line 4 is


    However this may not be a line 4 error, but something that is missing or not evaluating correctly on an earlier line.

    I’d try the following

    Recheck that the code is pasted exactly as it should be, with no missing characters eg ‘;’s from ends of lines etc. The lines posted in my previous post go passed the visible, so did you scroll to the right – just checking the obvious first !

    that your domain is spelled correctly etc.

    Then I’d try removing the / from the start of line 4 – the edit bit, and the from the end of the edit bit – I don’t think that’s the problem, but try it anyway.

    The just form my sanity copy the code from your page back into a post here, and I try it on my site to see if I get the error.

    Then we’ll see where we go from there !



    ok, great to hear, and suspect you’ll never know why it didn’t – that’s computers for you !



    Ok, thanks for clarifying.

    Suspect this could be because your path is slightly different.

    Can you go into a profile edit for me , that is into bbpress and then go into edit for a real username

    The in the url you should be something like

    Post on here what that path looks like. You can substitute for your site, and admin for whatever username you are using, it is the stuff around that I am after.



    Hey, great that you’re working !



    the best solution so far courtesy of Ronthai

    In Dashboard>plugins>add new
    Search for WP exec PHP, install and activate

    Create a new page called “profile” or whatever name you want

    In content of this page, add this code

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=<?php global $current_user;
         echo  $current_user->user_login . "";

    Where is your site name

    If using custom menus, add the page to the menu.

    And it works !

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile



    Ronthai – have just tried it for profile, and it works well

    Summary of what I did

    In Dashboard>plugins>add new
    Search for WP exec PHP, install and activate

    Create a new page called “profile” or whatever name you want

    In content of this page, add this code

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=<?php global $current_user;
         echo  $current_user->user_login . "";

    Where is your site name

    If using custom menus, add the page to the menu.

    And it works !




    Should work !

    Are you changing it in wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/loop-forums.php?

    or in your child theme?, and if the latter can you detail the path from wp-content/ onwards



    I’m sorry that you feel that something for which you paid nothing isn’t for you.

    But I don’t think that abusing the people on here who are trying to help you by saying it sucks is really the way forward.

    I hope you are able to find some free software that works precisely as you want.

    Whilst most people use sidebars and widgets to perform these functions, I shall continue to see if there is an easy way to get this into a menu and add it to the codex if I work it out.

    Best wishes




    Just had another thought. Since the error is occurring as part of the submit, it could be an issue with the database.

    I’d suggest you run the repair functions for the forums


    I’d run them all, BUT ONLY ONE AT A TIME! as they use a lot of resource



    Steady, wasn’t accusing you of doing anything wrong ! A programming error can occur in plugins, or as a result of a combination of plugins. “You have a programming error” is very different from “you created a programming error” ! That you have an error doesn’t mean you created it !

    I still find that when I submit I get a http500 error, but the post has posted. If I click refresh it then works fine.

    As you have tried this with all plugins except buddypress disabled, and you have tried it with just twenty-eleven, then I’d suggest you try without buddypress to eliminate that.

    If you still have the problem, the suggest you delete and reload both bbpress and buddypress plugins in case they glitched when loading.




    Hey thanks for your kind words, very much appreciated.

    I have added you submit button at the bottom of the styling guide, and happy to add any others people will think useful.

    I am trying to write a filters and actions guide – but keep getting diverted to other things, and a “creating a test site” guide as well, so hopefully will get these onto site in the next few weeks !



    your last question is easy, .org have customised, just as you are trying to do by adding it as a menu item – we all like it to look slightly differently to others.

    I have tried from my little knowledge to get it to work but can’t. The best I can get is

    // Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' );
    function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) { 	
    	if (!is_user_logged_in())
    		return $menu;
    		$user      = get_userdata( $user_id );
    		$name      = esc_attr( $user_name );
    		$user_link = '<li><a href="' . $user . '/edit">Amend profile</a></li>';
    		$menu = $menu . $user_link;
    		return $menu;

    But this just returns

    Sorry, I have given up.

    Can someone else get this working? – it is now annoying me !



    I am still playing with this, and it doesn’t currently work, but it’s something like adding the following to your functions file

    // Filter wp_nav_menu() to add profile link
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'my_nav_menu_profile_link' );
    function my_nav_menu_profile_link($menu) { 	
    	if (!is_user_logged_in())
    		return $menu;
    		$profilelink = '<li><a href="<?php bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ); edit" >Amend Profile</a></li>';
    		$menu = $menu . $profilelink;
    		return $menu;

    Syntax needs sorting

    I’m out most of today, but if you or someone else cracks this, then paste the solution here, and it’ll save me repeating the work.

    Solution is based on

    which does the business for buddypress.



    Think that’s pretty well how it was intended, and agree that some bits could be clearer.

    If a user clicks their avatar they will be taken to their profile and can amend it.

    I have downloaded the enhanced text widget

    and then I have a text entry of

    <p><a href="<?php bbp_user_profile_url( bbp_get_current_user_id() ); ?>edit" >Amend Profile/Change password</a></p>

    in my widget sidebar to make it obvious for users.




    Thanks for this – I have been playing with WordPress for less than a year now, so still consider myself to be a newbie at this, but one who is keen to share stuff I have learnt, and one who has spent many hours googling for solutions.

    I try to write for those with little knowledge, so if you think the wording can be better on any post/documentation entry, please come back. What is clear to an author is often not clear to everyone else, so please add to improving the codex and posts where people like me are not clear, and as you learn more, please visit the support forum and see if you can help one or two others with their problems.

    All the support people on here are volunteers, no-one is paid and we give back time as we got the code and support for free when we needed it. Join us in helping others !

    In reply to: Menu link to Profile



    Thanks lee990, that looks like a smarter way to do it – I give it a try when I get a moment !



    ok think I understand now. If you make a copy of your custom page template eg. page.php file and rename it to bbPress.php then all your bbPress pages should use this template.



    Well I got an error after submitting I got a HTTP 500 error page suggesting you have a programming error.

    But the replies seemed to post, viz



    If you have s2member pro, then you need to raise this with them, as it will almost certainly be an issue with their plugin, or that requires their expertise to resolve

    You paid for support with their plugin when you bought it.



    Apart from breadcrumbs, the rest seems to be working fine.

    Suspect breadcrumbs is related to the theme you are using. Try a default theme and see if they appear. If they do, then you will either need to send some time resolving, or just ignore that you don’t get them.

    Sorry, but I don’t quite understand your second questions “Also, is it possible to get all the topic pages, forum pages (basically all pages that are related to the forum) on a custom page?” as the link take you back to the same page as your first link, so I canlt see what you want differently. Come back with further info, and I’ll try to help you.

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