Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • Robin W


    if you give us a link to your site, I might be able to help

    Robin W


    thanks and glad it worked.

    my website is

    Robin W


    all I can suggest is that you list everything about your site

    php version
    wordpress version
    bbpress version
    all plugins

    and if someone else has then issue, then maybe we can see some commonality.

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links

    Robin W


    great – glad you’re fixed

    Robin W


    you should decativate and then uninstall the existing bbpress, you will not lose data.

    Then install the beta

    Robin W


    my style pack plugin lets you add messages before reply forms

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>topic/reply form

    Robin W


    when new users log on for the first time they are assigned the role that is set in

    Dashboard>settings>forums>auto role

    so if set to participants, then that will be set.

    Robin W


    untested, and may need you to debug it a bit but something like changing step 3 to read

     * Search only a specific forum
    function my_bbp_filter_search_results( $args ){
        //Get the submitted forum ID (from the hidden field added in step 2)
        $forum_id = sanitize_title_for_query( $_GET['bbp_search_forum_id'] );
    $sub_forums = bbp_forum_get_subforums( $forum_id );
     $args['post__in'] = $sub-forums ;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_before_has_search_results_parse_args' , 'my_bbp_filter_search_results' );

    you may need to add the main forum into the sub-forum list/

    Robin W



    Robin W


    untested but try


    Robin W


    No problem, glad you are fixed

    Robin W


    great – glad you’re fixed

    Robin W


    if it is different usernames, suspect it is IP related (her computer address).

    Try logging in from your computer with her username and see if that works.

    Robin W


    so with the child theme it displays wrongly, but if you go back to the main theme it is ok?

    Robin W


    great – glad you are almost working.

    Robin W


    as far as I can see the only functions in bbpress that mail have a check on that parameter.

    However if you are also using buddypress or @mentions, then they may well do stuff as well.

    Robin W


    without seeing the site, this is like me saying to you ‘my car won’t start – what is wrong, but no you can’t see it”!

    suggest you try as a test removing any functions in your child theme functions file to see if one is upsetting it, and if so put back one at a time.

    If that doesn’t work, do the same for style.css – ie take out all styling and re-introduce.

    If neither of those work, then suggest you look to your theme supplier or docs for anything you need to do in a child theme to make it compatible with the parent.

    Robin W


    dashboard>settings>forums and turn off subscriptions should do it.

    Robin W


    ok, try this css.

    .page-one-column .panel-content .wrap {
    max-width: 1500px;

    .wrap {
    max-width: 1500px;

    it should make your entire site ‘full width’ and the you can cahneg it to be as wide as you want by changing the 1500 number.

    Robin W


    can you give me the function you are currently using to produce this button.

    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links

    Robin W


    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links

    Robin W


    sorry, this was not meant to be a solution, but rather to point you to then code

    'before' => '<span class="bbp-admin-links">',
    			'after'  => '</span>',

    is what it currently does, so if you wanted to take out the span entirely you would do

    function theredeclipse_change ($args) {
    	$args['before'] = '' ;
    	$args['after']   = '' ;
    return $args ;
    In reply to: How make full width

    Robin W


    In reply to: bbp_reply_admin_links

    Robin W


    hmmm … if you want each link to be a button, I can point you to some code, but you’ll need to figure it out.


    so for replies, the function is in


    which I think you found.

    function bbp_get_reply_admin_links( $args = array() ) {
    		// Parse arguments against default values
    		$r = bbp_parse_args( $args, array(
    			'id'     => 0,
    			'before' => '<span class="bbp-admin-links">',
    			'after'  => '</span>',
    			'sep'    => ' | ',
    			'links'  => array()
    		), 'get_reply_admin_links' );
    		$r['id'] = bbp_get_reply_id( (int) $r['id'] );
    		// If post is a topic, return the topic admin links instead
    		if ( bbp_is_topic( $r['id'] ) ) {
    			return bbp_get_topic_admin_links( $args );
    		// If post is not a reply, return
    		if ( !bbp_is_reply( $r['id'] ) ) {
    		// If topic is trashed, do not show admin links
    		if ( bbp_is_topic_trash( bbp_get_reply_topic_id( $r['id'] ) ) ) {
    		// If no links were passed, default to the standard
    		if ( empty( $r['links'] ) ) {
    			$r['links'] = apply_filters( 'bbp_reply_admin_links', array(
    				'edit'  => bbp_get_reply_edit_link ( $r ),
    				'move'  => bbp_get_reply_move_link ( $r ),
    				'split' => bbp_get_topic_split_link( $r ),
    				'trash' => bbp_get_reply_trash_link( $r ),
    				'spam'  => bbp_get_reply_spam_link ( $r ),
    				'reply' => bbp_get_reply_to_link   ( $r )
    			), $r['id'] );
    		// See if links need to be unset
    		$reply_status = bbp_get_reply_status( $r['id'] );
    		if ( in_array( $reply_status, array( bbp_get_spam_status_id(), bbp_get_trash_status_id() ) ) ) {
    			// Spam link shouldn't be visible on trashed topics
    			if ( bbp_get_trash_status_id() === $reply_status ) {
    				unset( $r['links']['spam'] );
    			// Trash link shouldn't be visible on spam topics
    			} elseif ( bbp_get_spam_status_id() === $reply_status ) {
    				unset( $r['links']['trash'] );
    		// Process the admin links
    		$links  = implode( $r['sep'], array_filter( $r['links'] ) );
    		$retval = $r['before'] . $links . $r['after'];
    		return apply_filters( 'bbp_get_reply_admin_links', $retval, $r, $args );

    which you can filter at the end, but how would depend on your skills.

    the span part can be simply changed by putting a filter into your child theme’s function file


    add_filter ('bbp_before_get_reply_admin_links_parse_args', 'theredeclipse_change' ) ;
    function theredeclipse_change ($args) {
    	$args['before'] = '<span class="bbp-admin-links">' ;
    	$args['after']   = '</span>' ;
    return $args ;

    and just change whatever you want the span part to look like, or just remove it.

    if you want to style each link, then you’ll see that there is a call to each separate function

    'edit'  => bbp_get_reply_edit_link ( $r ),
    				'move'  => bbp_get_reply_move_link ( $r ),
    				'split' => bbp_get_topic_split_link( $r ),
    				'trash' => bbp_get_reply_trash_link( $r ),
    				'spam'  => bbp_get_reply_spam_link ( $r ),
    				'reply' => bbp_get_reply_to_link   ( $r )

    so to do it in functions, you’d need to go to each one.

    you’ll find these in the same file above

    since the class is hard coded, you could add a final filter with a preg_replace


    add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_move_link' , 'theredeclipse_move', 10 , 2 ) ;
    function theredeclipse_move ($retval, $r) {
    $retval =  preg_replace(whatever args you need, with, $retval);
    return $retval ;

    so $retval will hold the line of code including the class.

    so google preg-replace and see if you can get it working !!

    Robin W


    do you know how to put functions into your theme’s function file?

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