Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 2,926 through 2,950 (of 13,966 total)
  • @robin-w


    hmmm…are you using any other bbpress related plugins?



    you will probably need to look at the posts in phpmyadmin, the ‘menu_order’ parameter determines what order replies are shown in, you might need to manually edit to correct



    so are you using an seo plugin ?



    contact me via

    Contact me



    I thought that replies matched the number of topics – is this not the case, or do you want a different no. of replies to a page than topics?

    In reply to: Portion not translated



    best I can suggest is :

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back



    @meganhughes – this is theme specific – and themes render in lots of different ways, no blanket solution unfortunately

    In reply to: Adding Icons



    link to a live example on your site please



    “Warning: Undefined variable $reply_author_id in /customers/c/d/0/xxxxx/httpd.www/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-notification/bbpress-notification.php

    The plugin causing this is bbpress-notification not bbpress, suggest you post on their support forum

    In reply to: Add Custom User Roles



    hmmm… that’s not happening on my test site – let me think

    In reply to: Add Custom User Roles



    sorry, cab you explain precisely where you mean that it is still showing participant ?



    ok, given that i think this is your second attack, and that the user was able to change his settings, I would suspect the user has gained access details.

    I would :

    1. install and change login
    2. install and consider 2fa for mods and admins, and ensure that you get emails if any admins log in
    3. change or get admins to change passwords for admins, moderators etc.
    4. change all FTP passwords
    5. change your database password

    In reply to: Add Custom User Roles



    ok, I think it was just loading in the wrong place, try

    add_filter( 'bbp_get_dynamic_roles', 'add_new_roles', 1 );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_caps_for_role', 'add_role_caps_filter', 10, 2 );
    function add_new_roles( $bbp_roles )
    /* Add a role called naturopath */
    $bbp_roles['bbp_naturopath'] = array(
    'name' =>'Naturopath',
    'capabilities' =>custom_capabilities( 'bbp_naturopath' )
    return $bbp_roles;
    function add_role_caps_filter( $caps, $role )
    /* Only filter for roles we are interested in! */
    if( $role == 'bbp_naturopath' )
    $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
    return $caps;
    function custom_capabilities( $role )
    switch ( $role )
    /* Capabilities for 'naturopath' role */
    case 'bbp_naturopath':
    return array(
    // Primary caps
    'spectate' => true,
    'participate' => true,
    'moderate' => false,
    'throttle' => false,
    'view_trash' =>false,
    // Forum caps
    'publish_forums' =>false,
    'edit_forums' => false,
    'edit_others_forums' => false,
    'delete_forums' => false,
    'delete_others_forums' => false,
    'read_private_forums' => true,
    'read_hidden_forums' => false,
    // Topic caps
    'publish_topics' => true,
    'edit_topics' => true,
    'edit_others_topics' => false,
    'delete_topics' => false,
    'delete_others_topics' => false,
    'read_private_topics' => true,
    // Reply caps
    'publish_replies' => true,
    'edit_replies' => true,
    'edit_others_replies' => false,
    'delete_replies' => false,
    'delete_others_replies' => false,
    'read_private_replies' => true,
    // Topic tag caps
    'manage_topic_tags' => false,
    'edit_topic_tags' => false,
    'delete_topic_tags' => false,
    'assign_topic_tags' => true,
    default :
    return $role;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

    In reply to: Add Custom User Roles


    //code to add tutor role 
    add_action ('wp_loaded' , 'load_new_roles') ;
    function load_new_roles () 
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_dynamic_roles', 'add_new_roles', 1 );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_caps_for_role', 'add_role_caps_filter', 10, 2 );
    function add_new_roles( $bbp_roles )
    /* Add a role called tutor */
    $bbp_roles['bbp_tutor'] = array(
    'name' =>'Tutor',
    'capabilities' =>custom_capabilities( 'bbp_tutor' )
    return $bbp_roles;
    function add_role_caps_filter( $caps, $role )
    /* Only filter for roles we are interested in! */
    if( $role == 'bbp_tutor' )
    $caps = custom_capabilities( $role );
    return $caps;
    function custom_capabilities( $role )
    switch ( $role )
    /* Capabilities for 'tutor' role */
    case 'bbp_tutor':
    return array(
    // Primary caps
    'spectate' => true,
    'participate' => true,
    'moderate' => false,
    'throttle' => false,
    'view_trash' =>false,
    // Forum caps
    'publish_forums' =>false,
    'edit_forums' => false,
    'edit_others_forums' => false,
    'delete_forums' => false,
    'delete_others_forums' => false,
    'read_private_forums' => true,
    'read_hidden_forums' => false,
    // Topic caps
    'publish_topics' => true,
    'edit_topics' => true,
    'edit_others_topics' => false,
    'delete_topics' => false,
    'delete_others_topics' => false,
    'read_private_topics' => true,
    // Reply caps
    'publish_replies' => true,
    'edit_replies' => true,
    'edit_others_replies' => false,
    'delete_replies' => false,
    'delete_others_replies' => false,
    'read_private_replies' => true,
    // Topic tag caps
    'manage_topic_tags' => false,
    'edit_topic_tags' => false,
    'delete_topic_tags' => false,
    'assign_topic_tags' => true,
    default :
    return $role;



    that is as designed, you are not allowed to change your own forum role, just as you can’t change your own wordpress role.

    In reply to: Forum Display



    🙂 great – glad you are fixed

    In reply to: Forum Display



    sorry, copied the wrong link

    it should be

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]

    all the shortcodes are here


    In reply to: Forum Display



    go to

    dashboard>forums>all forums> and then hover over the ‘edit’ button of the forum, and you will see a url appear in the bottom left hand corner of your browser – the number in that is the number of the forum






    contact me via

    Contact me

    In reply to: Forum Topics



    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back



    ok, if Milan says it is in core, then he should know.

    In reply to: Forum Topics



    hmmm… that’s not a bbpress phrase, do you have another bbpress related plugin that might be doing that ?

    In reply to: Forum Topics



    for all roles?



    I need to know what you are using ie

    can you just clarify what this is, a widget or shortcode, and which one

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