Rich Pedley (@rich-pedley)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @rich-pedley


    I’ve been out of touch with testing, sorry.

    with regard to the bozo and akismet plugins, if these features are in then it would be useful:

    ability for admin to differentiate between bozo’ed users posts and posts marked as spam.

    ability to set thresholds to stop akismet checking users after x number of posts. this helps when some users get marked as spam all the time, alternatively ability to skip akismet for individual users. Having that in the core akismet would be extremely useful.



    There will be a lot of people in the same situation, so I’m pretty sure that will be possible, even if it’s not in the first release.



    There will be a lot of people in the same situation, so I’m pretty sure that will be possible, even if it’s not in the first release.



    possibly caused by downloading via Trac, I’d leave it and see what happens when it gets released as a plugin on



    Probably better to recode and take advantage of what is available in WordPress.

    I’m just waiting for the akismet one to be written ;)



    convertors will be one of the last things to be done, once formats and data strucrure are finalised etc.



    convertors will be one of the last things to be done, once formats and data strucrure are finalised etc.



    Well deserved, congrats.



    Well deserved, congrats.



    Mac… hmmm. can you open up the bbpress.php file and resave it. I know it shouldn’t affect things, but I can recall having a few issues with things on that side (and ok this is a really really long longshot…)

    If that doesn’t make any difference we’ll have to wait for JJJ or Gautaum to see this and reply – I’m out of ideas!



    then that’s strange, because I can see and use it fine.

    Are you using php4 or php5?

    Windows or Linux? (or rather IIS or apache?)

    (and I’m sorry to ask but.. you aren’t just looking at the activated list are you?)



    change the directory name from plugin to bbpress, see if that helps.



    ch8rt, you’ve put the plugin in the plugins directory – so please confirm what you named the directory for the plugin, and what you see when you open that directory.




    we are still having to create a forum page though?

    and any chance you could explain what the various page templates are/do – as they don’t appear to be necessary?




    erm, is there any other quirks we should know about?



    until it’s fixed, use the new bbPress login widget.



    bbPress as a plugin is still being developed. bbPress as a standalone still exists.



    bbPress as a plugin is still being developed. bbPress as a standalone still exists.



    if you unzipped it, you see that the actual plugin is within branches/plugin/ and that are the bits that need uploading, not the full directory structure (my bad should have mentioned that).

    The plugin needs theme files for it work.



    Download from:

    (the zip archive link at the bottom).

    Install like any other plugin that you have to upload.

    remember that you will need to create a child theme, or add to an existing one, unless you are happy with it being twentyten. You will need to copy over a lot of things from the included child theme (plugins/bbpress/bbp-themes/bbp-twentyten), but you will need to tweak a few things.

    then I belive we still currently have to create a page, and call it Forum and choose the correct page template – bbPress – Forums (Index), and I think that’s it.

    I can guarantee that the theme files will be changing before the plugin is released, so you will need to integrate changes later on.



    For a new live site I would only go with it IF I didn’t mind losing the posts. So if that is paramount, then don’t use it.



    The issue with using the plugin at this stage in a live environment is that at some point a reset might be needed. This would involve deleting all posts.

    The plan has always been to create some way to migrate from the standalone bbPress to the plugin – but it is likely to be one of the last things coded.



    I don’t need to know how akismet marks things as spam – but I noticed you didn’t answer my earlier question.



    I do not know but I would hazard a guess that it uses rules similar to Spam Assassin to start with. Then assesses against common features for other things that have marked as spam.



    @Ramiuz Akismet works fine for forums. I use it on several as admin, and as Moderator. using it combined with the bozo plugin makes things a PITA for me, as there is no indication as to which is spam, and which is bozo – but that is a whole other issue.

    I would like to see proof that it deletes posts without your intervention (either via setting, or a.n.other plugin). because if that is indeed the case, then the plugin needs looking at.

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