Rachel Biel (@rayela)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @rayela


    Thanks, help no longer needed.



    Thank you so much, @robin-w! I knew there had to be something out there, just not where. I created a posting so hope I get someone good! 🙂



    I’m bumping this up in the hopes that someone will take a look. Our members haven’t been able to use the forum for a week now and I’m stumped as to what to do…



    Thanks a bunch, @jswartzendruber. It turns out that I made a big mess of things and nobody can post now except me. So, I’ll have to go through it all again and see what is wrong. 🙁



    @3tonine, thank you so much! I finally took the time to look into this and I had a different Tinymce plugin installed, changed it to the Tinymce Advanced. I also had the BBpress Enable, but it needed to be updated. Between the two, now everything works and I am a happy camper!

    I appreciate you taking the time to help out!




    Deleting bbpress and then adding it as a new plugin seems to have fixed the problems…



    Same thing just happened to my site: http://www.tafaforum.com.

    I’ve been trying to figure out what happened to the menu and thought I would come over here and see if anyone else had a problem… Only the Home and buddypress pages are working. The rest are all getting an error page notice.

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    Well, when you have a forum that is image based, it is a pain to have to use image urls only. We are an art group and showing images is necessary for everything we do. It seems to me like the administrators of each forum should have the ability to decide whether to trust their users or not. I really wish that we could have the TinyMCE for all participants. I tried a couple of different plugins and some could see the editor and others couldn’t. Then, I tried RT-Media’s plugin and test each update of theirs, but it doesn’t work.

    A big problem with using image urls (if you can’t load them into wordpress as the admin) is that that image could disappear if the hosting post is deleted or if the site goes down. We are using the GD BBPress Attachments plugin for attachments, which is a nice thing to have, but it does not do well if you are explaining something and showing several images which would be best embedded inside of the text.

    I looked everywhere for an explanation of what the symbols mean in this bbpress editor and couldn’t find anything, so I did a demo for our members: http://www.tafaforum.com/user-groups/tafa-forum-help/forum/topic/text-editor-or-wysiwyg/

    It’s not intuitive and a couple of the buttons seem to be useless. Most of our members will have no clue as to what they mean and using symbols that are commonly around on text editors would have been helpful.

    Things are finally working pretty well, but it’s been quite the long road in getting this set up. I think there should be a warning in documentation on bbpress: “Non-coders beware! You will need coding experience to make this work!”

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    Is there somewhere I can point our members to where they can see what each of the buttons on this new editor does? I wish you had stayed with the universal symbols used in most wysiwyg editors as they are used to it. Even I am not completely sure how to use them. I’ve searched for a guide or examples and found nothing.



    @dani-girl, I got it to work! Whew!

    I did a lot of different things, including installing an older version of bbPress, but I don’t know if that matters. Actually, it probably does, because I was then able to see the forums on the backend again.

    What did seem to make a difference was downloading the Members Plugin and changing the roles for Administrator. A bunch of them were not checked, including the role of a Participant. I checked everything and was able to post again.


    I hope that it doesn’t do this again. A major pain!



    Same thing just happened to me! What’s going on? Everything was fine and I have been loading various discussions in the forums and now this happened….




    I think that you have to disable the buddypress side of it, but thought that was taken care of in the last update. This video really helped me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8mh3f6Vzbo

    I disabled the sitewide forums because I found it so confusing to have both. But, even just with the group forums things are confusing. The problem we are having is that the reply function doesn’t follow through on the posting in all of the places it shows up: Activity Streams, Group Home page and Group Forum page. If you reply on the activity streams, it will show up on the group home page, but not on the forum page. Here’s our site if you want to take a look:



    Here is one thing I found:

    1. In Settings>Forums, it says:
    Archive Slugs
    Custom root slugs to prefix your forums and topics with. These can be partnered with WordPress pages to allow more flexibility.

    Forums base
     Possible BuddyPress conflict: Member Forums page

    Topics base



    I disabled Forums in the BuddyPress area, following a tutorial I found here from you guys.  So, there should be no conflict, right?




    I’m having the same problem:  www.tafaforum.com.

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