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Wysiwyg, Tiny MCE or Editor Box

  • Rachel Biel


    BBpress has reduced the text editor to a minimal one that is really sub-par, in my opinion. I would really like to use something like a TinyMCE version that works for all of the users. There is this one, set up for bbpress, but only authors and above see it:

    We are an arts org and we need to have good ways to share visual content. I loaded GD BBPress Attachments which is fine for uploading images and docs, but you can’t insert them into the text:

    I found this one:, but it’s not as nice as the TinyMCE ones that I’ve used and it shows the bbpress one (the minimal one) right above it, so that is confusing, too. Do you have any recommendations of what would work well for us?

    We’re using the latest updates of bbPress, etc.

    I’m pretty savvy (even though I don’t write code) and I don’t even know what “ol” means, much less the other artists who are using our forum…

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  • 3tonine


    I feel sorry that no one ever reply you, just drop in to share my little experience, hope it helps:

    My solution, so far, is to install one of the Tinymce enhanced plugins,

    ie. Ultimate Tinymce or Tinymce advanced;

    Then I insert the customized version of it into the forum post editor by installing this plugin:

    bbpress enable tinymce visual tab

    I’d say this is not a perfect solution, but at least my users are no more served with just a text/code editor.

    Goodday 😉

    Rachel Biel


    @3tonine, thank you so much! I finally took the time to look into this and I had a different Tinymce plugin installed, changed it to the Tinymce Advanced. I also had the BBpress Enable, but it needed to be updated. Between the two, now everything works and I am a happy camper!

    I appreciate you taking the time to help out!




    Hi 3tonine/Rachel – As a followup, make sure to have the latest version of the bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab plugin. I’m using WP 3.7.1, bbPress 2.5.1 with TinyMCE Advanced 3.5.9. I had to use bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab 1.0.1 in order for it work properly, and this doesn’t appear to be available yet from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

    More info:

    Regardless, thanks for the pointers to all the bits/bobs, once I got the correct versions it works great.

    Rachel Biel


    Thanks a bunch, @jswartzendruber. It turns out that I made a big mess of things and nobody can post now except me. So, I’ll have to go through it all again and see what is wrong. 🙁

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