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BBpress site wide forum and group forums conflict?

  • @craigheyworth


    Hi all,

    I’ve always been confused with this and it seems so does my coding.

    I’ve installed both buddypress group forums and bbpress’ sitewide forums. I would like to retain both.

    So first off I several questions on setup, but to save time for you all, is there any documentation explaining some of the following in detail?

    1. why when a user sets up a group does it ask them twice if they want the group to include a forum? Once under the ‘setting’ section saying: ‘group forum – should this group have a forum? – enable discussion forum?’, and then another the following tab ‘3.Forum’?

    2. I don’t understand the group forums showing in site wide forums etc etc.

    So any documentation on understanding this would be great.

    But my main question is why in the users profile we have a ‘forum’ tab, which allows the user to see their contributions to forums by ‘topics started’ ‘replies created’ ‘favourites’ ‘subscriptions’, however the latter 3 show both content from sitewide and group forums, yet the ‘topics started’ only shows topics started in group forums.

    hopefully I’ll get there in the end :-/

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  • @rayela


    I think that you have to disable the buddypress side of it, but thought that was taken care of in the last update. This video really helped me:

    I disabled the sitewide forums because I found it so confusing to have both. But, even just with the group forums things are confusing. The problem we are having is that the reply function doesn’t follow through on the posting in all of the places it shows up: Activity Streams, Group Home page and Group Forum page. If you reply on the activity streams, it will show up on the group home page, but not on the forum page. Here’s our site if you want to take a look:

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