Forum Replies Created
In reply to: remove Titel on forum main page
.forum .entry-title {display: none}
In reply to: How to display only firstnameHello @casiepa, can you please give detail direction admin/setting/….
In reply to: Can't Format the Lead Topic in CSSAlmost 2 years. This code still work good. Thanks
In reply to: How to remove the “|” separatorNice thank for your info. I read all plugin admin screenshort. But i can not understand where is setting to remove spareate “|”. can you clear please?
In reply to: How to add create new topic button and….Hello, Robkk @robkk
I would like to use this code. But changed
to subscrible and favorite topic. Can you help please to change correct ID subscrible and favorited? I usedid="subscription-toggle"
but given me only text, whitout functionfunction rk_new_topicaaa_button() { echo '<span id="subscription-toggle" > <span class="bbp-new-topic-subscription-toggle-button" > subscription-toggle</span> </span>'; } add_action('bbp_template_before_single_topic','rk_new_topicaaa_button');
In reply to: How to show favorite and subscribe buttonsThis code help appear button on Top of single Topic.
Please help with<a ID
to pull the subscrible and favorite button function// Subscrible button function move_subcrible_button() { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { ?> <a ID="subscription-toggle"> <span class="fa fa-pencil"></span> my custom subscribe topic </a> <?php } else {} } add_action( 'bbp_template_before_single_topic' , 'move_subcrible_button' ); // Favorite button function move_favorite_button() { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { ?> <a ID="favorite-toggle"> <span class="fa fa-pencil"></span> my custom favorite topic </a> <?php } else {} } add_action( 'bbp_template_before_single_topic' , 'move_favorite_button' );
In reply to: How to show favorite and subscribe buttonsI find out that this class is disappear on mobile screen
#bbpress-forums li.bbp-header .bbp-reply-content, #bbpress-forums li.bbp-footer .bbp-reply-content
i would like to display none for this class.
FIRST i need to move subscrible and favorite under breakcrumb (top of topic) for sure don’t disappear on mobile by these code:function move_subscrible_button() {
echo ‘Subscrible‘;
OR CODEadd_filter(‘bbp_template_before_single_topic’,’bbp_get_user_topic_subscriptions’);
Can anyone please what is CORRET change for subscrible and favorite at:
href=”#new-topic-0″ class=”bbp-new-topic-button button btn input[type=”button”]”
In reply to: redirect user edit profile to custom pageThank you so much.
In reply to: redirect user edit profile to custom pageI used both of theme.
I used this code work. I think you help correct this code will be perfect.Issue 1:
First load edit page complete, after that 2 second, reload direct to example.comadd_action( ‘bbp_user_edit_before’, ‘pb_custom_bbpress_edit_profile’ );
function pb_custom_bbpress_edit_profile(){
echo ‘<meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”0;url=” />’;
}In reply to: redirect user edit profile to custom pageI added to child-theme function.php. But no work
add_filter( ‘bbp_get_user_edit_profile_url’, ‘’);
In reply to: redirect user edit profile to custom pageI added code to function.php child-theme. But no work. When click on edit profile still linked correct edit page
In reply to: redirect user edit profile to custom pageCan you please try on with
ThanksIn reply to: redirect user edit profile to custom pageCan you give me complete code please? I’m not developer, i just collect code somewhere and posted and try on. ^^
In reply to: How to add Box shadown for bbpress input textara boxHi my website used bbpress like this box writting here. When i hover the icon appear mixed black+green, i tried to firebug here but i cannot find the correct code hover this website used for this icon.
Do you have any idea?
In reply to: How to add Box shadown for bbpress input textara boxThanks. I used border instead of shadow for now.
Can you help with button when hover?
I tried this code. But no work#wp-bbp_topic_content-editor-container .mce-container-body .mce-toolbar-grp .mce-container .mce-container-body .mce-container div .mce-widget button:hover
{color: red !important;}In reply to: How to add Box shadown for bbpress input textara boxHi Thank all of you.
Robin. Code work at middle load, then complete load, it dont work. I leaved it, I used border for simple.
As Barry said, there is deal with box-shadow in wp-includes/css/editor.css which is not good to direct core change.
I would like to change color icon when hover. Current when hover and none hover icon. fontownsome have black color, but i would like hover change blue color example. Can you please help?In reply to: Count voice issued . Please helpThanks Robin, Code worked
In reply to: Count voice issued . Please helpYes. I used this code as topic that i did not get any support, only there alone topic active. If count voice =1 , will display [No support] to user know that noone in help theme issued yet.
In reply to: Forum Slug IssueHello, anyone can help this? I also get issue error 404 when go to slug
Dashboard>settings>permalinks > custom catalog
Error still same
I’m not good at code. Can you please step by step what to do?
I added following code to function.php childe-theme, it leaved me a blank page.
<span class=”bbp-last-post-by-author”><?php printf( __( ‘Last Post: %1$s’, ‘bbpress’ ),bbp_get_topic_freshness_link( array() ) ); ?></span>
<?php _e(‘ by ‘, ‘bbp’); ?>
<span class=”bbp-topic-freshness-author”><?php bbp_author_link( array( ‘post_id’ => bbp_get_topic_last_active_id(), ‘size’ => 14 ) ); ?></span>In reply to: Edit topic reply, changes post orderExample:
– Post 1
– Post 2
– Post 3
– Post 4Simple added this code css:
/* Display sub-forums in separate lines */
#bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li {
display: list-item !important;}