Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbPress Theme Showcase
I think he registered a permanent domain.
In reply to: new bbPress Theme: FutureKindI think she registered a permanent domain.
In reply to: blank bbpress themes!You should think about using ck’s bbpress showcase plugin so your visitors can see live demo’s of each of the themes. You can see it in action at there is a combo box at the bottom right of the page that allows you to change themes on the fly.
In reply to: Has anyone made blog and forum use same comments?check out bbsync. It does what you’re looking for.
In reply to: Profile links: nick and roleThanks wittmana. The fix did exactly what I wanted ;p
In reply to: bbpress info in wordpress?Kahil, your method works well if your users use their login name as their display name. However if a user who’s login is user23 changes his display name to John Doe then your code looks for this image. /forum/avatars/John Doe.jpg instead of the correct avatar image which would be /forum/avatars/user23.jpg. I couldn’t figure out a clean way to fix this (I’m using wpmu, not wordpress). But here’s a dirty hack.
$comment_author_dn = get_comment_author();
$comment_author = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT <code>user_login</code> FROM <code>wp_users</code> WHERE <code>display_name</code> = '$comment_author_dn'");
echo '<img id="comment-avatar" height="50" width="50" src="/forums/avatars/' . (empty($comment_author->user_login) ? "default" : $comment_author->user_login) . '" alt="avatar" />';
?>That code should find images for a user if they use a display name or not.
I haven’t fully tested it, but it seems to work ok.
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar UploadThumbnails working good so far. Maybe when you ‘officially’ add thumbnail support to the admin page you could add an option that would go through the /forums/avatars/ directory and create thumbnails for avatars that don’t have thumbnails (ie. avatars that were uploaded prior to the use of this thumbnail feature).
In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?If you’d like emoticons to show up in your private messages here’s how. Open up bb-emoticons.php . After line 242 which contains
bb_add_filter('post_text', array(&$bbemoticons, 'convert_smilies'));
Add the following.
bb_add_filter('pm_text', array(&$bbemoticons, 'convert_smilies'));
This will display the emoticons within your your private messages
In reply to: Unread Topicsok, I figured out that “Sticky” is not part of the topic title. But the poll and support forum plugins hook the topic_title function. To make the [Poll], [Resolved], [Unresolved] parts of the topic_title to show up as bold I modified one line in your plugin on line number 14 of bb_unread_topics.php . I changed
add_filter('topic_title', 'utplugin_show_unread');
add_filter('topic_title', 'utplugin_show_unread', 100);
By adding the 100 at the end of add_filter the utplugin_show_unread function will execute after the other functions that book topic_title. While there may be functions that use a number higher than 100, I doubt it, so you should be safe.
In reply to: Unread Topicshenrybb, thanks for the great plugin!
Is there a way that the the word “Sticky” could also be bolded when sticky topic has an unread post? Currently only the title of the topic is bolded. Other places that a similar thing happens is when you have the support forum plugin and _ck_’s polls plugin. Those two plugins prepend [poll] and [resolved] or [unresolved] to topic titles. I’d like the entire line to be made bold. If you or anyone else knows how to do this I’d appreciate the help.
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…I found this to trace functions. But I don’t have access to the php.ini file so there’s no way I can install it
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…I’m using wordpress mu so I’m sure that there is a big discrepancy
Is there a way that I can trace which functions are called when a post is made? That why I can follow the execution with and without the wordpress functions loaded and find out what the difference is?
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…ok. I’ve figured out whats causing the problem. It comes down to the Default Role Plugin. There is nothing wrong with the plugin itself other than the fact that it relies on wordpress functions. Thus you need to load wp along with bbpress. To do so I have the following added to the top of my config.php file.
define('WP_BB', true);With the two lines in the config.php file the allow images plugin does no work. I even tried disabling the Default Roles plugin and leaving the 2 lines in config.php to make sure the plugin wasn’t the culprit. If I remove the two lines the Allow Images plugin works as expected.
I don’t know much, but I could take a stab at whats happening. Is it possible that when a reply/topic is made, bbpress is calling wordpress functions instead of bbpress functions?
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…do you do anything to fix it or just do a fresh install?
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…Nah, disabling all the plugins except the Allow Images plugin doesn’t fix it. I’m heading out of town right now, but when I get home I’m going to try to figure out whats going on.
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…hummm… now all of a sudden posting images doesn’t work again…
I’ve installed the following plugins
Use Display Names
Defualt Role
WordPress Integration
Allow Images
I haven’t modified any of the core files. I’d like to avoid another fresh install, but that may be my only option. If thats the case I’ll reinstall the plugins one by one to find out if thats the culprit.
In reply to: Changing the displayed user role on post pages1.) The easiest way to prevent the user role from displaying is by adding the following to your style.css file
.threadauthor small a {
display: none;
}2) No idea…
In reply to: bbSyncgreat thanks!
In reply to: theme: hybrid templateWhen are you going to make kakumei too available _ck_ ? I’ve been drooling over it for a week or two now
In reply to: bbPress Theme ShowcaseLooks great _ck_ ! When are you going to re-enable registration on your forums?
looks like I’m about 1 month late to this discussion… did the plugin ever get released?
In reply to: bbSyncfel,
Just a quick question about the plugin before I install it. From the readme it sounds like the bbpress topic is the only place where wp comments and bbpress replies will be shown in the correct order (ie. by post times). The wp post will show all the wp comments first and then the bbpress replies secondly via the felbbreplies() function. Is this correct?
In reply to: Images, a pain in my side…Got it working. I ended up doing a fresh install of bbpress. I must have botched some file without knowing it.
In reply to: Slashes being added in front of apostrophesthanks baptiste!
The fix worked wonders
I’m learning slowly Figured it out.