Stephen Edgar (@netweb)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 25 replies - 451 through 475 (of 3,353 total)
  • @netweb


    A quick look at the <tt> issue:

    We’re doing this:

    // Replace '[tt]' with '<tt>'
    $SMF_markup = preg_replace( '/\[tt\]/',   '<tt>',  $SMF_markup );
    // Replace '[/tt]' with '</tt>'
    $SMF_markup = preg_replace( '/\[\/tt\]/', '</tt>', $SMF_markup );

    I’m wondering if your SMF forums used custom BBCode’s here? It looks like it was for URL’s where class="bbcode_url" was being added to links, maybe also a custom BBCode for [tt] was being used where no closing [/tt] BBCode was required?



    @abcdiamond A good DB search and replace plugin is

    The class="bbcode_url" could most likely be ignored as it’s only a CSS style

    Strange that you have <tt> and not </tt>, I’ll take a another look at these.

    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress



    What about collation?

    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress



    Which one is latin1? Having both these values would be helpful so I can test it please 🙂

    In reply to: link admin bar change



    bbPress has quite a few functions that will help you here:

    bbp_get_user_profile_url() would get you /forums/membre/user
    bbp_get_user_profile_edit_url() would get you /forums/membre/user/edit

    You can also use bbp_get_current_user_id() if you need the current user ID

    In reply to: Importing from WBB4



    @sammmmy Fixed, the posts were caught by Akismet for having more than 2 links, I’ve fixed one and removed the other duplicates.

    This is excellent, I’ll take a look later, a couple of things if you could clarify please:

    In the posts table, subject is the topic title?
    In the posts table, message is either the topic or the reply content?
    In the threads table, topic, what is this? Is this also the topic title? And if it is also the topic title does this match the subject field from the posts table exactly?

    In reply to: link admin bar change



    @cocolabombe0 I see you already have a ticket here 🙂

    Did the link to the code I sent you help?



    Thanks for this @@pegelf, bonus points for forking my gist, makes the changes you made easy to see, much appreciated 🙂

    It sounds like you are hitting this crazy freezing issue, it’s not easy to track down, but once you’ve found the offending database row you should be good to go.

    Following the instructions @robkk linked to above should help track it down, when I hit this issue if I’ve got 100,000 replies to import and it fails at 2,100, I’ll delete those first 2,199 reply rows from a working copy/backup of the database as a quick indicator of if/when the issue will crop again, helps to “scope” out whats going on.

    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress



    If you open up phpMyAdmin which I presume you’ve most likely got installed on your webhost and then open the SMF database and then open the smf_messages table then click ‘sql’, copy and paste this into the query box and click “Go” (The Go button is at the bottom right)

    show variables like 'character_set_database';
    show variables like 'collation_database';

    You should see something like this

    In my case the character set is utf8 and collation is utf8_general_ci

    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress



    @donchulio Adding a topic titled Ankündigungen with the topic content Ankündigungen and a reply with content Ankündigungen works as expected for me with bbPress 2.5.8

    Screen Shot

    Can you check what character set and collation both your source SMF database is and also the same for your WordPress database?

    In reply to: Importing from WBB4




    Can you extract some sample data for me from your database so I can get this working for you?

    Ideally if you made a copy of the forum, topic, reply, and user tables with just a few rows of data left in each table? (Of course without any sensitive data by editing or removing it of course)

    More specifically, the forum table would have one or two forums, the topics table would have a couple of topics that have a parentID of one of the forums you include, and then a couple of replies that have parentID’s of topic or topics you’ve included.

    In reply to: Importing from WBB4



    Yes that is an other problem, every languageID field is empty.
    how can i solve that?

    You shouldn’t need to do anything, if there is no value it will default to English

    In the wbb1_1_board from wbb3 is the parentID “0”
    but in wbb1_board from wbb4 is the parentID “NULL” (german for zero).
    There are a lot of these fields….

    Indeed Null is German for zero, also NULL is a special value in SQL databases.

    Typically I’d expect a reply to always have a parentID, that ID should be the topic ID.

    A topics parent ID will typically be the forum ID the topic belongs to.

    bbPress will treat replies without a parentID as an “orphaned” reply because there is no association between the topic and reply id’s.

    bbPress will treat topics without a parentID as a topic not associated with a specific forum, so unlike replies, bbPress does not require topics to have to have a forum id.

    Forums without a parentID are treated as “top level” forums, forums with a parentID of another forum are treated as “child” or “sub” forums of the parent forum.

    So some parentID values may be an integer 1, 13, 653 etc, sometimes it will be 0 meaning there is no parentID and other times it will be NULL, it is all dependant upon that forum softwares configuration and the context it’s being used in.



    I don’t mind these topics at all, it gives us something to think about and reflect on upon, I think topics like these are important, I might not agree with everything said but I do actually agree with quite a lot. 🙂

    Constructive feedback will always be welcome and appreciated 🙂



    Yes, “individual sub-forums moderators” is in the next release of bbPress, bbPress 2.6 🙂



    Just download it and activate it like a typical plugin 🙂 And of course make any changes your wanting to make copy and pasting those lines to add more should suffice 🙂



    This will do what your after, you can customize this to your hearts content, add 1 or 1,000 extra profile fields, the fields will dynamically register into bbPress user profiles and templates 🙂

    In reply to:



    Because us Australians are cool 🙂

    In reply to: Importing from WBB4



    What happens if you logout and log in again, also fully refreshing the import page would do the same thing, if you’ve left the import page open for too long without doing anything then the MySQL connection is dropped from the database and is most often the cause of only seeing Starting without any other error.

    In reply to: Importing from WBB4



    in wbb4 there is no salt…

    Yes, if that salt field is not in the user table then delete that block of code from your custom script.



    @susfse You are using define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); and because of this one of your plugin or themes is doing it wrong and bbPress is informing you of that, to fix the issue start deactivating each of your plugins until you no longer see the message, then you will have the name of plugin causing the issue, you can then contact the plugin author about fixing the issue. If it’s not a plugin, switch your theme to Twenty Fifteen to determine if it’s your theme.

    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress



    Any plans to support importing of private messages?

    Yes, I want to, I just haven’t worked out the best way to do this 🙁

    2.) I have noticed that my existing SMF database had a handful of deleted accounts…

    All of your questions in regard to this point ship in bbPress 2.6, with a few more not yet mentioned. 😉



    Thanks for the report, we’re looking into the issue.



    Closing this, if you reach this page whilst trying to edit your profile please see the following topic

    In reply to: Say hi to Robkk



    hi to Robkk
    There I said it 🙂

    Thanks for all you do around this place @robkk, it’s greatly appreciated 🙂



    Stagger Lee,

    The plugins you mention, Jetpack, that’s maintained by Automattic, Advanced TinyMCE is just a standard WordPress plugin that happens to be maintained by a core developer as his own project aside from core, Pods is a 3rd party plugin also not associated with WordPress, your last example, Shortcake is a featured plugin that is being proposed to be merged into core, this plugin has been bought to the core team to be considered for merging into core, the WordPress core team has not gone out and found plugins to maintain or merged.

    There’s details of WordPress’ featured plugins available:

    Feature Plugin Chat on July 14

    Feature Plugins Tracking

    We are happy to do the same with bbPress, if a plugin developer comes to us with a plugin that they would like to see merged in bbPress we are more than happy to look into doing just that, the same way WordPress does. 🙂

    Here is a list in my opinion should have under Author names at least one nam of bbPress core developers. Not of things on list has anything to do with me personally, just using other popular forum scripts as reference.

    Sorry, I disagree with this, if a plugin author or the community has a problem with a plugin we’ll happily help out where we can when asked. As to maintaining that list of plugins, speaking for myself, I have other projects that I am interested in and being asked to maintain a bunch of other plugins is not something I am interested in doing. 🙂

    As the bbPress slogan goes “Forums made the WordPress way”, we try and do everything the same way WordPress does, we maintain the core software and make it as open as possible for developers to extend with plugins and themes, but because we are not as big as WordPress, we don’t have the same amount of developers developing for bbPress.

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