Shmoo (@macpresss)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @macpresss


    My Forum posts are returning 404 messages. How can I fix this?

    This could be an issue with your rewrite rules. To fix this try resetting your permalinks. In your WordPress Administration Screens navigate to Settings > Permalinks, select a different permalink structure and save. Then select your preferred permalink structure and save again.



    My Forum posts are returning 404 messages. How can I fix this?

    This could be an issue with your rewrite rules. To fix this try resetting your permalinks. In your WordPress Administration Screens navigate to Settings > Permalinks, select a different permalink structure and save. Then select your preferred permalink structure and save again.



    Cool 🙂



    Well the normal ‘WordPress’ workflow would be something like this..

    Register a new Sidebar inside your functions.php
    – Duplicate the default sidebar.php file inside your theme folder and call the duplicated file sidebar-bbpress.php
    – Open sidebar-bbpress.php and change the default mark-up.
    – Go inside that community.php page template what is showing your forums page and search for the tag <?php get_sidebar(); ?> and change it to <?php get_sidebar( ‘bbpress’ ); ?>

    Save it and that should do the job.

    If everything goes well it will load the sidebar-bbpress.php if not it falls back to the default sidebar.php



    Finally after 2 years I got a result to give each forum it’s own template!

    <?php if ( is_single( array( 52, 89 ) ) ) {
    	bbp_get_template_part( 'some-template' );
    else {
    	bbp_get_template_part( 'some-other-template' );

    Very simple..

    In reply to: Private Community



    Only the forum or the entire website ?

    Search for some of those keywords at Google.

    In reply to: WP – bbP SYNC



    Sorry the link didn’t work for some reason.

    Try this one.

    In reply to: WP – bbP SYNC



    I think this plugin does what you like but it only works if website + forum are one.

    And they should be, bbPress is a plugin for a reason.

    In reply to: Image upload



    Yeah but they don’t wish to be like other forum software I guess.

    bbPress wants to stay very clean, lean en mean I think. They hope somebody will ever make plugins for bbPress to accomplish all those tasks even history has proven Plugins aren’t the best way to go forward.

    The code-snippet should go in the template that handles the form-stuff.

    Find the next files.
    wp-content / pluings / bbpress / templates / default / bbpress / form-topic.php
    wp-content / plugins / bbpress / templates / default / bbpress / form-reply.php

    Copy & paste ( don’t drag & drop ) both files to your theme folder inside a new fodler called bbpress.
    wp-content / themes / your-theme-name / bbpress / ** paste them here **

    Open the files and search for a line that say:
    <?php bbp_the_content( …. ); ?>

    Line 66 and 92 I think it is.
    Change the code and Save it.

    Refresh the page and you should see a Media upload button above the toolbar.



    Well to now what file you have to get isn’t really that difficult, you just need a little understanding of what files will be loaded when view a specific page.

    This is a good sheet to show you the logic, but it can be difficult te read.

    This one explains in my opinion much better whats going.

    The anatomy of a WordPress theme

    But it’s not too difficult, lets say you’re on the homepage of your website.
    Often the index.php is need to start. If you open the index.php you see at the top something like this <?php get_header(); ?> the funny thing about PHP is that you can alsmost read-/understand what it is going to do. Like the code tag above says get_header so on that position it will grab the header.php file and open it. Keep following all those files and you will be okay.
    Think of it as LEGO – building blocks – it needs a few blocks to make a house and a webpage is the house.

    For the forum (bbPress) side I can tell you that the homepage of the forum is the page where it shows all forums & categories. This is called an archive page and not a regular page.php what most people would think when they first start.
    Normally if it’s an archive page WordPress would load the archive.php template but because we have a Post_Type created by bbPress called Forum we can add the Post_Type_Name behind the archive.php – like this: archive-forum.php

    When you copy that archive-forum.php file form your extra’s (plugins) folder to your Theme folder and open it you will again see the <?php get_header(); ?> stuff and all other typically WordPress stuff.

    To remove the sidebar of the main forum-page you just go into that archive-forum.php template and delete the code that called the sidebar: <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    Just like the header it’s telling you what it does -> GET Sidebar ( load the sidebar files )

    It’s really just trying and not being afraid. Them ore you do it the better you get at it.

    *** Never try to edit files on a working website – online ***

    Install WordPress + your website on your computer locally, get a code editor – edit the files and check if everything is working. When your finished editing and everything is Fonzy cool you can upload and overwrite the files at your online-server.

    You know how I got my start (years ago) while not knowing what files to edit – By just opening some files I thought could be the files I needed. Typing 55555555555 or something else inside the file – Save it – reload the page in the browser and if 55555555555 didn’t show-up on the webpage I knew it wasn’t that template I was looking for and kept searching for the right one.

    Don’t be afraid to make mistakes… You gonna make some trust me, but when you have a back-up file or you can simply undo your edit inside the Code-editor ( CMD + Z ) you’re all fine.



    Try to install some Debug plugins they will give you some answers about why things take so long to load.
    – at the bottom is a list of good plugins.

    In reply to: Image upload



    There is an option but it’s so WordPress. (half done)

    This will add a WP Media upload button above the form.

    <?php bbp_the_content( array( 'context' => 'topic', 'media_buttons' => true, ) ); ?>





    Check how much Plugins and stuff you have going on at your WP website.

    Lets say you have a Sidebar at the page that also has to query for, latest Blog Posts, Comments, Topics and Replies than it all takes a lot of performance.



    It’s been down for maintenance 2 days?
    I can’t visit this site.

    In reply to: Tamriel Foundry Forums



    Very nice – Huge Kudos!

    Are you still using BuddyPress Version 1.1 ?



    Just check at the backend if the forum or topic is Open to new replies, it’s probably Closed.

    bbPress Topic Closed - how to open it



    It’s probably hidden or you have none rights to visit the plugns mange page.

    To check just type this in the url-bar of your browser.

    It will tell you whats going on.

    In reply to: Signature





    You probably have a misunderstanding of the word Forum and Forums it happens a lot.

    A Forum is a common name for a support forum like we have at WordPress of bbPress or any other website online. They all call the page Forum or Support or Community.
    But a Forum can also be ONE single item like a category inside other Forums. Thats why the landing-page you’re looking for is: ( list all forums together )

    But you can make your own landing-page by going into WordPress backend and Add a New Page + paste one of those Shortcodes to make it more easy.



    View the source, walk through the elements and they should highlight. I can’t tell you what to do from this side of the internet. You have to have a little understanding of HTML + CSS.



    What do you mean ?

    You can do whatever you want with WordPress + bbPress it’s Open Source Software.



    Yes thats true, first of all you should only copy the files that you need to edit.

    Just copying everything works fine but isn’t needed because inside the bbPress core is a function whats called Theme_Support ( i believe thats what its called ) And this function does only one thing, before reading all template-files.

    Check if the needed template file is inside your theme folder. If it’s not.. –> use the template file inside the plugin folder.

    bbPress plugin template files are the default template files but when you copy them over to your theme the new copied files become default.
    It’s serious one of the most beautiful and easy constructions I’ve ever seen used at CMS’s. I’ve worked with manny other forum-software that had many more options and features as bbPress but they never had this easy way of safely -editing template files.

    bbpress.css works 100% the same copy the bbpress.css file to a folder called CSS inside your theme folder and it works the same way. The forum.css file at the picture isn’t bbPress, thats something I created manually and has nothing to do with bbPress.

    Those are two fast screenshots of what I made without having any PHP skills, I just understand HTML + CSS.

    View post on

    View post on



    Yes, but try using a Webkit browser on your PC or Mac ( Chrome or Safari are Webkit based )

    Scale your browser-window down to iPhone size and try to spot at what size things start going wrong -layout wise.

    Just before things start going wrong you Right-click at the page where things go wrong and pick the ‘Inspect Element’ option to see the code. It really helps a lot.



    When you try to Delete a user inside WordPress you will be redirected to another page where you have to pick an option about what to do with Posts, Pages and other stuff this users may have created in the past.

    delete user - move posts

    My advise would be create one User-ID by the name Retired or something and move all stuff to that account.

    Just try it, always make a back-up of your website-/database to be 100% safe.

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