kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    What I’m looking for is to have a simple forum integrated with my WP installation. It seems like bbPress is the perfect choice but now I’m not so sure

    If you want a “simple forum” then bbPress fits that need.

    If you want single sign on with your WordPress install, then bbPress is probably the best out there.

    as of yesterday I’ve heard of buddypress… and now I’m confused

    Yeah, we have to explain this every day to someone.

    Truly wish anyone with Documentation rights would maybe save this as a sticky or maybe in the documentation section or something…

    BuddyPress and bbPress are not connected.

    BuddyPress allows you to install a forked version of bbPress. It is not the same as this bbPress. We don’t know why they kept the name. We don’t know why they don’t publicise that they are different. If you use BuddyPress in any way, we can’t help you on this forum.

    It seems like the two products are made by the same people, are intended for similar purposes, but some people have both installed

    BuddyPress is ‘like’ a WordPress plugin, in the same vein of a fancy WooTheme or Thesis framework. Its like an additional layer onto which other plugins can be installed.

    About a year ago the BuddyPress team, under the great coding skills and direction of Andy Peatling ( forked and ported a version of bbPress to be run as a BuddyPress plugin.

    So bbPress and BuddyPress are two different products, with different aims and goals, and some people can have both installed – just not this version of bbPress.

    On top of that it seems like support for bbPress is waning


    But it will not go away or die. It runs the Automattic support forums, so its not going anywhere. It will be ported to a WrodPress plugin at some stage. Other than that sentance, we have no information on that.

    If what you need is a forum, use bbPress.

    If you need to build a social network (friends, groups, private messaging, activity) then use BuddyPress.

    Thats basically it :)

    In reply to: How/where to install?



    I was about to point you towards but I’ve just seen how unhelpful it is.

    The realism is that if you’re “less computer savvy” then bbPress is not for you; at least, not just now anyway. You need a minimum amount of Tech no-how to get it up and running.

    In order to install bbPress, you need to upload it to a server, and then navigate (type in) the corresponding URL to start the installation process.

    That process has nothing to do with WordPress at all, and I strongly suggest putting bbPress in a folder below where you keep wordPress, if you decide to go ahead with it.

    Can someone tell me how I would know what the “intended URL of the bbPress site” is? Is that the same as the URL of my website? Is it my WP-Admin login? I am confused.

    Yes, its the URL you intend on using for bbPress.

    No, it’s got nothing to do with WordPress Admin.

    I am confused.

    With all due respect, I don’t really believe that bbPress is for you at this point in time.

    In reply to: Page not found



    woah, did anyone else get a weird error there telling us to “blame matt” ??



    Comment it out form your theme.

    Sadly there is no backend function to turn it off



    Hi Gideons,

    Mate, with respect, these aren’t really bbPress issues, it’s an issue with an independant theme given away some 2-3 months ago.

    It sounds to me like a basic web design CSS issue, thats outwith teh scope of this board, but if you’re still struggling, please contact the theme author at:




    Hi Gideons,

    I suggest you talk to the author directly at




    Hi Matt,

    What version of bbPress are you using, what version of WordPress, are you definately 100% not using WPMU or BuddyPress, and are you using default themese ?




    You’ll need to code a custom loop for that I’m afraid.

    In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!



    any update on this?

    It’s a place to list what plugins you would want.

    I don’t think there’s much to update

    any releases yet?


    Cunningly hidden in the top menu, under “plugins” ;-]



    Hi Gideons,

    I’m not really sure what you’re after here.

    Are you wanting someone to give you a theme, or write the code for you to put in your own theme?




    Yeah that’ll be it.

    Please open a ticket in trac:

    In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?



    The latest Trunk has a few little glitches, but my singular site running the “trunk” version on and off for the last 6-8 weeks has been holding up very nicely indeed.

    Gautum (et. all) have been doing some stellar work, and the fact that we’re finding more bugs to fix is never a bad thing. I’ve no issue with us bouncing around from 0 to 5 bugs as we make everything more stable – and really, it’s close to stable now just slightly less table than say a month ago.

    We officially cleared the 1.0.3 trac que 2 weeks ago, and I’m sure we’ll do it again soon. Of course we’ll need someone to actually make the decision to package and release though…


    The big issue I have with 1.0.3 is that one of the outstanding bugs (#1228) is needing to be fixed in BackPress before we can release.

    Given that we’re Leaderless, i’m wondering how’s taking control of that and communicating it with the BackPress team, and if we’re actually going to wait on a new version of BackPress to be released before we consider releasing 1.0.3? When is that new version of BackPress likely to arrive?

    Who’s making these decisions?

    In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?



    I’ve a slightly better/different question:

    Who’s leading this project and thus making the decision on when 1.0.3 is?

    and any chance that (mythical??) person could answer:

    Can we decide if we’re working on bbpress 1.0.3 or bbpress 1.1?

    Because Matt always reffered to 1.1, and infact 1.0.3 only started being used to describe about the time that Matt left.

    Infact, it appears some developers are talking about 1.1-alpha, and yet in trac we’re dealing with 2 different streams (1.0.3 and 1.1) :S

    Oh how I’d give my right testical for a Project Manager or some actual communication



    I’m afraid thats not got anything to do with bbPress so there’s not a lot we can do to help. Given that the code is output, its probably jsut a styling issue, which really is something you can find out at any of the CSS websites on the interweb.

    Additioanlly, you have paid for theme, so you should probably ask there instead of here, given that your bbPress works :)

    Oh go on then, because I’m being nice…

    Right, if you open up the source of your webpage in a browser, you’ll see some hardcoded (awful idea) CSS into your WordPress page (line 70).

    Just copy that into your bbPress forums, and it too will look the same:

    And really bro, if you pay for a theme and then it doesn’t look like the way you want it, go ask at the forum of where you bought the theme :) WE’re the folks giving up our time for free!!

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    Found the post I was looking for mate – its a bit long and wordy:

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    Hi Gerikg,

    _CK_’s last forum poster works awesomely (though I hit a few issues with it with 1.0, they were ultra minor).

    The downside for that plugin though is that it makes additional SQL calls that really shouldn’t be needed. That isn’t the fault of the plugin or _CK_ but really, it’s aditional overhead that really isn’t needed when there’s a better way of doing things.

    Also, Code’s been royally F@**ed for about a week now, given how much of a priority fixing the homepage was (404 error for 3-4 days) I rekon we can expect a fix in roughly 2.4 amotic years ;-)




    General rule of thumb: If a post is more than 1 year old on this website, ignore it :)



    You can edit it in Footer.php in your theme folder.

    As for what it injects, you’ll have to do a wee search. They’ve been on the blacklist for about 9 months now sadly.



    It’s your website, and you can do what you want within the terms of the licence. Sadly the links from this website to teh licence haven’t worked in about a week – I’m not sure anyone is working on it, it took the good folks at Automattic about 4 days to fix the homepage so I doubt links will be workigtn any time soon.

    I would though suggest 2 things:

    1) Just style it to match your theme. That way it won’t stand out, and you’ll be supporting the free software you are using for FREE!

    2) Don’t download themes from “bbPress Themes” as they inject code into your website.

    In reply to: s2member integration



    “White pages” means you’ve got a 500 server error.

    If you open up your server error log it will say what’s going wrong.

    Your code to me looks fine, as much as anyone can tell with the way this bbPress forum is currently handling code output :(



    You cannot control bbPress from inside WordPress, so that one’s easy.

    you have to go to



    I guess most of these problems were from the plugin section previously using a semi-custom version of 0.9 and then they replaced it with 1.0 at stock settings

    Would it be wrong to suggest that 1) moving from 0.9 to 1.0 wasn’t done yesterday and 2) shouldn’t we test before rolling out this stuff?

    I mean, Homepage being down for 3 days. Plugin directory not showing a months worth of updates. etc etc

    In reply to: Send Mail to all user



    Generally speaking, this is not a great idea.

    Given that you have all the user emails in your database, it’s much better to use specific software for Email/Newsletters.

    Personally, I use phpList.



    Thanks _ck_.



    Comparing anything on the bbPress website to the WordPress website is only going to lead to heartache and pain my friend.

    As for the bbPress website not syncing after 22 hours, thats nothing new either.

    IMO, give it closer to 48, and if its still not happening we’ll try and drag Michael away from WP3.0 release to help us again :)

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