kevinjohngallagher (@kevinjohngallagher)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: logout variable






    Thanks, thats really helpful.

    You could definately do this, though it’s not overly easy, it is relatively straightforward.

    You’ve 3 options:

    1) Edit the CSS to attempt to display things the way you want.

    In theory it’s good, in practice it’d be a pain (imo).

    2) Edit the theme file to put categories into their own DIV and then style them into two columns via CSS.

    Probably the easiest without hacking any real PHP.

    3) Write your own query on the database and output hte code exactly as you want it.

    Tricky, mostly as we’ve no documentation or examples, but it’s definately possible if you know your way around PHP (and any cusotm wordpress theming experience would be helpful)

    Basically though, you’ll have to code it and you’re somewhat on your own there, but we can try and help out if you hit a road block.



    Could you elaborate a little more please?

    In reply to: Trac Updates for 1.1




    This won’t be a short post, but I truly wish for you to know this comes from a place of respect and admiration for both your code and your commitment to bbPress and it’s community.

    Please, let us focus on what we need to get the next release finished.

    We simply cannot fix everything.

    We have to prioritise.

    Matt, who is the project lead, did the prioritising for us.

    • Critical Bug fixes
    • Email notifications
    • Anonymous posting.

    That’s it. Once those are ready, we release.

    Matt himself said that the focus should not be on bugs, but on the 2 new features and critical only bugs.

    It’s not for me to tell you, nor even ask, what you should be working on; but please allow me to help you. As a developer, and someone who loves this project, you are trying your best to solve as many problems as possible. It is so admirable, and we all appreciate your efforts. But in the long run, you are only going to slow us down. How?


    When a developer writes code, especially large pieces of code, there are bugs. It is the nature of the beast. We have very very few testers, very very few people who download the latest trunk version to test. The chances of us catching anything but the most obvious of bugs are slim.

    Take the new default Kakumei theme you’ve included. While I’m in total agreement that the default theme needs changing, this is not the way forward. You’ve changed about 400 lines of code, and there will be bugs. Given that a new Kakumei theme isn’t part of the feature list, those bugs are going to count against us, not be a positive.

    You’re giving theme developers slighty more tools to work with, but all you’re giving the average user and the new users is an untested theme that looks like the old one (which looks crap still).

    Regardless of how awesome your code is, and it looks brilliant, the best we can hope for with it is that it doesn’t go badly. If it works flawlessly, no-one will notice. There is no winning scenario here. No part of releasing a new theme in 1.1 will be beneficial, especially as it looks identical to the old one.

    Sadly the same can be said for your efforts to totally rewrite the entire tag system. I’ve absolutely no doubt, 100%, that your code and functionality would be amazing. But right now, it works. Same for your Mass Delete / User handling functionality. etc etc

    There comes a time when Less is More.

    Less code changes means less new bugs, means less “OMG it’s taken a year to come out and it’s still terrible” posts. Less code means less to test, it might mean more bugs are caught, it means less bugs released. Less code means we can release quicker. Less code means less testing time.

    Realistically, we have only 2 bugs in 1.0.3 ( #1228, #1276 ) and 2 bugs in 1.1 ( #1244, #1268 ) that are stopping us from releasing this thing to alpha for testing. Thats great work, even if #1244 looks like it will be a lot of work.

    The other bugs (#538, #1183, #1277, #1243 ) are all “nice to haves”, and yet somehow contain about 800-1000 lines of code with changes. There has to be some form of Risk Assesment here bro. 1000 lines of code changed with no functionality to forum users, but instead increases the chances of bugs?? Risky, very risky.

    Look, BackPress might never include the fix we need to get this thing working, so lets focus on the outstanding bugs that are blocking us, and lets worry about the others after. Because lets be honest, if we’re building a new theme for bbPress, it’s should look nothing like KAKumei (emphasis on KAK)



    I doubt it mate, to start with it means that the poster isn’t anonymous.

    What you’re after is all the advantages of being a member, while still being anonymous and thats not too likely.

    Basically, if you want email updates, register to the website :)



    The “subscribe to topic” link is on the left hand side, above Tags.

    It just doesn’t work. One of the joys of releasing a broken untested theme.



    You can call (some) WP functions via bbPress is you use “deep integration”.

    I can’t recommend not to strongly enough, but many do – though WP3.0 has some deep integration issues right now.

    Some of them are covered here:



    Tags no longer paginate.



    What would you like me to say?

    You haven’t told me what’s you’re expecting teh code to do, and what it does wrong instead?

    Please, I want to help, but “it takes me to localhost” gives me nothing to work with :(

    In reply to: Trac Updates for 1.1



    Gautam my friend,

    I may face your ire here a little, but looking at the 1.1 trac list, i’m going to bump some more things to 1.5.

    With the focus being on 1.0.3 for the last while, there’s been a few things that definately fall under the heading of “Scope Creep” in the 1.1 Milestone.

    Now that 1.0.3 isn’t being released as Matt emailed Chris saying to release 1.1 when it was ready, I believe we should focus on what needs to be done for 1.1, and not do additional coding.

    Yes there are things we’d all like to see, but given the HUGE amount of changes (over a year’s worth of code), lets just get it out without adding more functionality simply because we’re not under a strict time limit.

    Again, I’m deleting nothing (though whoever put in the YouTube video as high priority is having a laugh), and just moving somethings to 1.5. Lets knock out what we can in the 1.1 milestone, and if we’re still waiting on BackPress to roll out it’s fixes we can hunt some of those nice to have’s that I’ve moved to 1.5



    Agreed. Thats why I said “Yeah, just copy them from the WP-config file.”.

    There have been 4 versions of WordPress since the last version of bbPress Installer was written. Thigns change. Just copy them from the WP-config file.

    Also, so you know, bbPress isn’t beilliantly compatible with WPMU. thats why the BuddyPress version of bbPress was/is for. I have no idea how this changes for WP3.0

    In reply to: How can I do this?



    No question is dumb mate, though the idea of testing your users to get 9/10 questions right before allowing them to talk on a forum might be very close to it ;-)

    It’s just a SQL call.

    You can store the information you need in the “_meta” table.

    Basically don’t think about it as a bbPress plugin, just code the PHP as you would if it was a website you’d built yourself.

    In reply to: How can I do this?



    Seems valid mate, or you could not bother with the role chaning bit, and just test for a meta_key/meta_value pair in the database.



    If I wanted to make it so people had to register and login through the blog, I would just replace all the login stuff on the forums with a link that takes you to the blog?

    No, you could just point the action part of your login/registration form to the WordPress one. That way people could login/register from wherever they want, but your WordPress install does all of the difficult work behind the scenes.

    The salts are all in the wp-config file on my blog, but they aren’t showing up in the options.php page in the blog admin

    Yeah, just copy them from the WP-config file.

    Also, my blog and forums both have different $table_prefixs. Should they both have the same

    Nah, thts fine as long as you have changed the bb-config to let it know what the WP user table is called.

    Also, WP3.0MU is totally new to us (it’s been out less than 48 hours), so if there are any additional issues you might be the first to find them.



    Hi Taeo,

    You’re absolutely right.

    I doubt anyone here has a problem with Automattic making the best choice for them in the long run. Even if it’s not ideal for everyone; if the good outweighs the bad for a large percentage of people and it gives Automattic another feature to give their users then I can totally see why they’ve come to this decision.

    The issue I have personally, isn’t with the decision (or indeed any decision that Automattic have made), but rather the way that information is passed along (or, ususally, not passed along).

    To delete the bbpress0.9 milestone and decide to go back on your word to support it for 2010 without telling anyone – even weeks after you deleted it, is symptomatic of how Automattic treat the people involved with this project.

    Matt’s word carries alot of weight, especially with WordPress users, so to make dispariging / negative / insulting comments about us in his KeyNote speech is poor. I realise that he was answering a question, and not a prepared statement; and we’ve all answered questions badly before, but it was a slap in the face to those of us who’ve given up our time.

    Given that the 1.0.3 milestone has a year’s worth of bug fixes, and NOW isn’t going to be released until all the 1.1 bugs are finished AND a new backPress is released – though thats not been communicated to anyone yet; it makes it hard for those of us who have gotten behind bbPress to draw a line under it.

    It’s also why this talk of a Fork is premature. Because when 1.1 gets released, there will be a swell of “bbpress is not dead” euphoria – much in the same way there was when Matt came back in December and when the new theme got uploaded. For me, I just want to get my current forums patched up to work the way bbPress1.0 was meant to and be treated like an adult until that happens.

    BTW Taeo, I miss not being able to recommed your UI ;-)



    The simple solution is just to make people signin/register via the Blog.

    After I installed bbPress, I looked at my forums folder and my bb-config file was still bb-config-sample and none of the information was changed

    I’m not sure how that would work, are you sure there is no bb-config file?

    In reply to: How can I do this?



    Yes, it’s possible, but you’d have to entirely code it yourself.

    It’s not a plugin thing or something we could write for you.

    Also, unless its very particular and of interest to the people taking the quiz, it’s a horrible thing to do.



    Rootside ::

    Has anyone considered the possiblity that Matt is keeping his eyes peeled on the current efforts of some people trying to use nothing but WordPress’ core functions to build a simple forum?

    He might be mate, but probably not, as doing so isn’t that difficult at all. I creted a “theme” for WordPress that made it look/work like a forum in essence back in 2008. The same time I made and released the phpBB theme for bbPress. Both were availible on the bbProgress website (which closed last year but there should still be some links on t’internet).

    And Justin’s coding one based on the new Custom Post features, which will work alot better than mine did (he actually build one last year too, but had a hard drive crash and lost it).

    Basically though, a blog and a forum are different in their “n to n” nature. WordPress relies on a huge amount of caching to try and keep it’s memory intake down, and a customised caching mechanism is essential once you hit any form of modernday traffic. That sort of feature works well on “1 to many” software, but a forum is different. It has to call data differently, and handle multiple parent/child relationships.

    Rootside ::

    I’m guessing that any WP plugin which makes that kind of thing easy to set up and enhances its functionality would be really lightweight.

    No, no way mate :( The opposite.

    I understand the desire to make a WP plugin that is a forum, I can see Matt’s viewpoint on that, but in comparison to bbPress as it stands, it’ll be far from lightweight.

    Not only will it struggle with the caching that WP relies on, but you’ll have all the overhead of loading everything in WordPress before hitting any actual forum content (including the WordPress admin sections and plugins).

    It’s basically going to be very similar to the BuddyPress “bbPress” plugin, as thats a hacked/stripped version of bbpress1.0 (in general terms it removed BackPress and rewrote the function calls to call WP/buddyPress functions directly). But in order to get it to work, every page has to load WordPress then BuddyPress then bbPress forum module.

    Lightweight it ain’t!

    Even if the very clever people that work at Automattic and contribute to the community manage to pull a great number of rabits out of hats, there is no way that it will be anything but bloated.

    But you know, 90% of folks won’t care. Take Marius (poster above me), he runs a forum about Michael Jackson with aboot 100+ users and maybe 50 topics started a week. He’s not that uncommon to alot of the folks that pass through here (other than that he is allergic to manners). They won’t care in the slightest about the small hit as the chances of them noticing it are going to be slim, and they get access to all the good stuff that comes with WordPress, heck for the most part they’ll get the stuff they think they should from bbPress/Wordpress integration now. For a percentage of people, there will be no downside, even if it’s far from lightweight.

    I realise that software moves on, and I realise that as it grows there will be some bloat. Thats the reality of where we are, and WordPress does a really great job of being quick despire it’s bloat. But the sheer difference between a bbP0.9/WP2.5 deeply integrated forum (which has MORE features than we have now) and a bbP1/WP3 deeply integrated forum is unbelievable. Bloated, slower, more prone to errors and less features.

    I see why Matt thinks things have to change, i don’t agree with the direction and thats cool, i don’t have to agree, nor does anyone :)

    But really the history of this project has taught us one thing repeatedly: Heading in a direction without planning or a roadmap will definately lead us somewhere else, but we’ll be just as lost. Who knows though, 40 years later he may just lead us out of the desert ;-)

    Hopefully on Matt’s way up to Montreal he’ll see a burning bush ;-)



    I can answer that Chirs.

    If you type in , you get a [code] HTML output.
    If you type in a [backtick] you get a [code] wrapped in a [pre] tag (which is right so formatting is preserved as well).

    The [pre] tag is the one that has the cool style on it.

    #bborg-discussion #thread pre {
    border:1px solid #EAEAEA;

    Don’t you just LOVE this new untested theme with all these wonderful hacks?

    [code], you get a HTML output.
    If you type in a [backtick] you get a [code] wrapped in a [pre] tag (which is right so formatting is preserved as well).

    The [pre] tag is the one that has the cool style on it.

    #bborg-discussion #thread pre {
    border:1px solid #EAEAEA;

    Don’t you just LOVE this new untested theme with all these wonderful hacks?

    [code] HTML output.

    If you type in a [backtick] you get a wrapped in a [pre] tag (which is right so formatting is preserved as well).

    The [pre] tag is the one that has the cool style on it.

    #bborg-discussion #thread pre {
    border:1px solid #EAEAEA;

    Don’t you just LOVE this new untested theme with all these wonderful hacks?

    [code] wrapped in a [pre] tag (which is right so formatting is preserved as well).

    The [pre] tag is the one that has the cool style on it.

    #bborg-discussion #thread pre {
    border:1px solid #EAEAEA;

    Don’t you just LOVE this new untested theme with all these wonderful hacks?



    There have been a huge increase in the number of reported WSoD reports with WP3.0, and thankfully the WP team are taking notice.

    These plugins ( ) are definately causing issues. HeadSpace2 is the biggie there as it’s a very popular plugin. I’m quietly confident that it’ll hit alot of people

    WPtaven has an article on it, though right now there’s alot of people saying how it was flawless for them (how that helps those who it wasn’t flawless for i’ll never know). You can find that here:

    WordPress 3.0 Upgrade Woes Starting To Come In

    Zaerl has written a plugin found here ( ) that solves one of the problems with WP3/bbP tha was brought up in this thread ( ).

    Having seen the hit my servers are taking from WP2.9.2 -> WP3.0RC3 my first guess would be memory. Deep integration of WP3 and bbP1 appears to be a nightmare, especially when I look at my one site thats still running bbP0.9&WP2.5.

    Furthermore, I do believe we should start a “WordPress3.0 FAQ thread” that compiles what we know in the first post as a sticky. We’re going to face alot of questions in the next week or so, and maybe we could learn from some past mistakes :)



    Eliminating the freshness column is easily done by the method Chris highlights, but it probably won’t have the affect you desire.

    Content is king on the web, regardless of when it was written :)

    Anyway, i piped up because you’ve an error in your CSS. In style.css on line 62 you have the following code:

    #wrapper {

    background:url("images/page_header_tile.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;


    you’ll want to change that to

    #wrapper {

    background:url("images/page_header_tile.png") no-repeat scroll center top #FFFFFF;


    As currently the background image stays the same place while the forums are centered. Basically it looks broken on a bigger monitor, and it’s a quick fix :)

    Good luck with your forum!

    In reply to: Topic / Post count



    You know, sometimes I wish search actually worked, because that is a very awesome answer. Your coding knowledge of being able to bend bbpress has been sorely missed.



    No apologies needed for being new mate, we all were once.

    bbPress is a standalone piece of software and not a WordPress plugin.

    Ideally at some stage in the last 3 years someone would have put theat sentance somewhere obvious on this website, or in the readme or something because you’re not the first to make this mistake, and you won’t be the last.

    You basically want to upload bbPress into it’s own folder below wordpress. You can call this anything you want (forums, support, bbpress, chat etc).

    Edit your config file in that folder, and load that folder in a browser (same way you install wordpress basically) and an installer appears.

    Now, there is a guide on this website found here:

    Personally, i think it’s a clear and detailed as mud so I strongly recommend the following guide:

    It’s very procedural, but given that it takes 19 steps to explain to you what the official documentation explains in 1 step (“6.Follow the instructions in the installer”), i think thats a really good thing.

    Any questions, come back and drop us a line.




    I hope Matt just renames it to something else to prevent massive confusion.

    In the way he didn’t do with bbPress for BuddyPress?


    Why on earth it wasn’t called “BuddyPress forum plugin – based on bbPress” or an equivalent i’ll never know. All that does is make this community and this product look worse; as we fail to answer support questions over and over.



    When I overwrite something, especially in bbPress, I ususally clear that was there before hand.

    #front-page #hottags {

    background: none;

    border: none;

    background-color: red;

    border: 1px solid blue;


    That way you don’t need to worry about things that are not implemented in all browsers. The more I work with charities and the more I test on different combinations of OS/Browsers and even mobile platforms, the more I code my CSS like it’s 2000 again. Amazing how it all still works and looks the same.

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