John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @johnjamesjacoby



    Logged in as KeyMaster, using the BBP1.0alpha4 (non trunk) and using the BBP Integration plugin for WP (trunk) I can confirm that all cookies, logins, logouts, and admin panels appear to be working from every direction.

    WordPress installed in “ROOT/” directory.

    bbPress installed in “ROOT/forums/” directory.

    Pat yourself on the back soldier, we have lift-off.

    Once I am comfortable with my findings and can test this more thoroughly I’ll write a detailed how-to integrate topic ASAP.

    Side note: It also all appears to still work even with deep integration in the bb-config.php file. Still testing so stay tuned with that.



    My guess is you’ve integrated your BBP install inside your WP using the config.php inclusion. That will cause that exact problem.



    Thanks for the response and it clarifies all of my questions.

    Regarding nonces, the catch twenty-two with them would be if logging in and logging out of either/or BBP or WP don’t both affect both, or if adequate traps aren’t placed to disallow one or the other.

    Example is visible at my live test site If you’d like to try this, register yourself and use the invite code “bbpress”. (Registering makes you a WP contributor, and I need to assign your membership role in the BBP admin manually as of right now.)

    When you’re in the forums, the logout link won’t work, because the login through WP generates a nonce that BBP doesn’t know and can’t find. Because the nonces are by design different, if I login through WP and try to logout through BBP, WP will pitch a fit without the correct nonce. Make sense or am I off track here?



    Alpha 2 works pretty well but 3 seems a no go until Mr. Bauers finds what’s broken.

    Curious Sam if you test this on a live environment yourself, or what the process is?



    Neither alpha3 nor the trunk versions of bbPress seem to create cookies for WordPress. Basically either way fails to generate the others’ cookies.

    I might be missing the mark on this one, but is the point of deep integration to have 1 single log in, or to allow use of WP functions inside BBP?

    I think the end result we’re mostly looking for, is a unified front from any direction. BBP functions in WP, and WP functions in BBP, with 1 login and registration. Which makes me think that BBP needs to be a WP plugin more than a stand along product to serve this purpose.

    I also noticed that the bbPress install doesn’t ask for the nonce key or salt from WordPress. Possible this could be an issue also?



    Well, my first impression of beta 3 without including is that login integration doesn’t work at all.

    Without the “deep” integration in the bb-config.php:

    1. Logging into WordPress leaves me logged out of bbPress.
    2. Logging into bbPress leaves me logged out of WordPress.
    3. Logging out of bbPress leaves me logged into WordPress.
    4. Logging out of WordPress leaves me logged into bbPress.

    With the “deep” integration in the bb-config.php:

    1. Logging into WordPress leaves me logged out of bbPress.
    2. Logging into bbPress leaves me logged out of WordPress.
    3. Logging out of bbPress leaves me logged into both bbPress AND WordPress.
    4. Logging out of WordPress leaves me logged into bbPress.

    So, login integration worked better in beta 2 unfortunately.

    I haven’t tested the themes or functions yet however.



    I will fully test this tomorrow. Thanks for pounding this out so quick.



    Hmm… This is a tough one, because it involves reverse engineering the query… To the best of what I can tell there isn’t anything in the core of bbPress that delivers this functionality…

    Because topics are sorted by date, it would involve a custom query which is then divided by the number of threads you choose to display per page…

    @the developers: Do bbPress themes accommodate for a functions.php file, similar to WordPress? This is the type of situation that a plug-in is a little bit much for, but would be perfect for an add on function.

    In reply to: when bbp 1.0 release?



    Dear Santa,

    For Christmas this year I would like bbPress 1.0 with working WordPress integration, and for daddy to find a job.


    Little Johnny

    : How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

    The world, will never know.



    The Key Manager is basically designed to always be able to do everything, without any loss of functionality. Where as Admin’s can be changed to be whatever you would like them to be.

    If you want the side by side comparison:

    $roles->add_role( 'keymaster', __('Key Master'), array(
    'use_keys' => true, // Verb forms of roles - keymaster
    'administrate' => true, // administrator
    'moderate' => true, // moderator
    'participate' => true, // member

    'keep_gate' => true, // Make new Key Masters //+
    'import_export' => true, // Import and export data //+
    'recount' => true, // bb-do-counts.php //+
    'manage_options' => true, // backend //+
    'manage_themes' => true, // Themes //+
    'manage_plugins' => true, // Plugins //+
    'manage_options' => true, // Options //+
    'edit_users' => true,
    'manage_tags' => true, // Rename, Merge, Destroy
    'edit_others_favorites' => true,
    'manage_forums' => true, // Add/Rename forum
    'delete_forums' => true, // Delete forum
    'delete_topics' => true,
    'close_topics' => true,
    'stick_topics' => true,
    'move_topics' => true,
    'view_by_ip' => true, // view-ip.php
    'edit_closed' => true, // Edit closed topics
    'edit_deleted' => true, // Edit deleted topics/posts
    'browse_deleted' => true, // Use 'deleted' view
    'edit_others_tags' => true,
    'edit_others_topics' => true,
    'delete_posts' => true,
    'throttle' => true, // Post back to back arbitrarily quickly
    'ignore_edit_lock' => true,
    'edit_others_posts' => true,
    'edit_favorites' => true,
    'edit_tags' => true,
    'edit_topics' => true, // Edit title, resolution status
    'edit_posts' => true,
    'edit_profile' => true,
    'write_topics' => true,
    'write_posts' => true,
    'change_password' => true,
    'read' => true
    ) );

    $roles->add_role( 'administrator', __('Administrator'), array(
    'administrate' => true,
    'moderate' => true,
    'participate' => true,

    'edit_users' => true, //+
    'edit_others_favorites' => true, //+
    'manage_forums' => true, //+
    'delete_forums' => true, //+
    'manage_tags' => true,
    'delete_topics' => true,
    'close_topics' => true,
    'stick_topics' => true,
    'move_topics' => true,
    'view_by_ip' => true,
    'edit_closed' => true,
    'edit_deleted' => true,
    'browse_deleted' => true,
    'edit_others_tags' => true,
    'edit_others_topics' => true,
    'delete_posts' => true,
    'throttle' => true,
    'ignore_edit_lock' => true,
    'edit_others_posts' => true,
    'edit_favorites' => true,
    'edit_tags' => true,
    'edit_topics' => true,
    'edit_posts' => true,
    'edit_profile' => true,
    'write_topics' => true,
    'write_posts' => true,
    'change_password' => true,
    'read' => true
    ) );



    Much has changed since that post which is almost 2 years old. They just aren’t playing nice right now, I promise.



    Not currently without removing the integration in your config file. WordPress is conflicting with the roles inside bbPress, so even though you’re logged in, WordPress’s login has given you no permissions in the forum.

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page



    Could not have said it any better… If Matt was paying my bills, I would be the first to step up and commit myself to making bbPress exactly what the audience of WordPress wants it to be and still make Matt happy…

    Matt, are you listening? :)



    If you want to check out, I am running wp2.7rc2 and bbpress1.0a2 right now. Logins are done through WordPress, and if I need to access the bbPress admin, I can login that way privately myself by typing the URL.

    Registrations are also forced through WordPress, as I need to use the register plus plugin or the facebook connect plugin to control registrations. All registered users have author access to WordPress, which conventionally is a horrible idea, but for our intentions it works alright. Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t automatically give the new user access to the forums because it isn’t aware of the roles for it. I have to manually run the map tool in bbPress when a new user registers. Again, it’s a small private group of about 90 users or so, and we all know each other.

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page



    I am curious if uses a “deep” integration? I’ve compared the sources and it really appears that they have similar <head>’s.

    Even if theme integration isn’t possible, I like where you’re going with getting the cookies and admin panels working cohesively. I would actually really like to make a plug-in for WordPress to integrate the bbPress admin panel into it. I feel like it wouldn’t be too difficult since most of the code already exists.

    I suppose “unusable” is a harsh description, but considering the audience and what they’re chanting for, if it won’t handle sessions and can’t integrate the theme and functions, then what looks like your girlfriend actually ends up being your sister. If it wasn’t for the integration, we could use fluxbb or any other minimalistic semantically focused forum software.

    Me wonders if it wouldn’t hurt to have two versions of bbPress. One stand-alone, and one WordPress plug-in. Hmms…

    In reply to: Generating secret keys



    Sweet deal… Looks like things are well on their way now with the integration of the nonce in there now.

    Does that mean both applications share the same nonce now? Before each would create their own even when integrated.

    After further review, it looks like WP and BBP create different nonces, even if the keys are the same in the config. I suppose this makes sense considering what a nonce is, but darn would I like to be able to logout of WordPress when viewing the forum.

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page



    I think you summed it up awesomely. I know that I’ve only recently discovered bbPress, and that right now my contributions are minimal and certainly don’t justify the attitude that came out of my fingers. I do sincerely apologize for venting my frustrations, but Chris is totally right as far as login and theme integration go.

    I graduated to WordPress from phpBB and the CHBB categories hierarchy spin-off of phpBB2.x. What I love about WP, I hate about phpBB, and what I love about phpBB, I hate about WordPress. What the phpBB team always did well, was catalog and document their code and coding guidelines, almost always and from the start. Even though different authors wrote different pages, the code always looked the same and worked the same, but WP and BBP aren’t like that. Finding and repairing WP/BBP issues is becoming increasingly difficult as there are functions hidden within functions that add one extra capability just to echo other functions.

    If I could have a dream job right now, it would be to get paid to be the code janitor to the automatic teams code for the wp3.0 and bbpress 2.0 milestones. To refresh the codebase for the major revisions. Also coming from phpBB, I’m surprised to see WP uses so many echo statements all over the place. I feel the template engine that the phpBB Categories Hierarchy uses was just so amazing and worked so well that moving to WordPress felt like a step sidways.

    Anyhow, I’ve taken this topic way off topic, and I don’t mean to vent my ill feelings in what should be a celebration topic. If you mods want to clean this up or split this apart I would totally understand.




    I’m actually testing this as we speak. The plug-in itself is written rather poorly and is ultimately just a WordPress widget. I will report back once I have more experience with it.




    …in theme/topics.php…

    <?php If (ceil($topic->topic_posts/bb_get_option('page_topics'))>1) { ?>
    <div class="topic-page">
    <?php topic_pages();?>
    <?php } ?>

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page



    Well, I’m not missing the point of final products, but WordPress is at version 2.7 and isn’t quite a final product either. The result of the community driven open source product is that pre 1.0 alpha/beta software isn’t really any more or less stable than the next “stable” version, because even if development stops for a moment to celebrate the next milestone, there is still more to do.

    I also get how bbPress was introduced and how the developers have chosen to support it. I just disagree with promoting a product before it’s even usable. I guess I take more pride in my product than that. I run the trunk version of both WP and BBP on a relatively small website. I update them nightly. It’s really the best way for me to stay involved and report back problems. I just feel this integration issue is way more important than the attention it gets. It just seems to me like it’s never really worked right ever. :/

    And I also choose personally to not believe that just because a product is graciously delivered to someone for free, that there aren’t certain expectations placed on the quality of that product. I could give someone a cookie, but if it’s stale or poisoned doesn’t really make me a good friend.

    Also, the last thing I want to do is bite the hand that feeds me. I really love bbPress and WordPress, promise. I just find the development cycle frustrating some days.

    (Off topic: We’ve called animal control, the police, and the condo association. The police say they can’t give her a ticket if she isn’t home, and when she’s home the dog doesn’t bark so they can’t ticket her then either. They’re useless. Animal control told me that if I do not have proof of cruelty in terms of the dog not having adequate food and water, they will not pursue the owner. The condo association is writing her their third letter asking her to correct the issue. Writing a letter is less effective than posting on a forum. ;) )



    If they are sharing a database, then the problem is inheriting the logins and cookies in my opinion. Getting the user info could be as easy as a query to the DB once you know what user_id to retrieve.



    That plugin uses the built in bbPress get_page_number_links API, which does not have a function to check for the availability of pages. It only echo’s the links if they are needed.

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page



    I ask that you excuse the general tone of this post as I’m dealing with a next-door-neighbors dog that has been barking for 3 months straight morning, noon, and night, but at the risk of sounding like a snot, I think I’ll become a fan of bbPress once integration works correctly.

    My opinion on this matter is that maybe your efforts could have been better focused elsewhere.

    I know that we all need a break from the grind, but if one of my clients had an integral operation issue with my product, even if it was free, there’s an obligation to resolve it. Just because it’s the best thing out there doesn’t exactly make the lack of response or attention to the broken integration acceptable.

    I’ve checked the trac and scoured the forums flailing my arms all the way, and so far no one seems to have figured it out or given a time-line to a resolution. I would settle for a quick and dirty fix or even someone that could point me in a more obvious direction on how to resolve it myself.

    That this is what the bbPress development team feels is the most important thing to do just seems like bad timing on someones part. In a time where world economies are suffering, I think it’s probably more important now than ever before to stay focused on the task at hand, because there’s always someone waiting to do a better job at your job for less pay.

    And lets face facts, everyone that is a fan of bbPress, is already here. I personally don’t think we don’t need another place to go quite yet. I don’t disagree that it’s a good idea, but maybe get a working 1.0 version out there first?

    In reply to: New forum layout



    I wonder if there is a theme make-over in the works to celebrate the new admin panel?

    In reply to: New forum layout



    If a guy wanted to try and go for the gold and make the new official theme, who would he talk to about such things? :)

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